Arthur Luysterman

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Arthur Luysterman (born March 18, 1932 in Meerbeke ) is Bishop Emeritus of Ghent .


Luysterman received the sacrament of ordination for the diocese of Ghent on August 26, 1956 . After he was responsible for the seminary students in the army for several years, he became almsman for the Belgian army and the Reich Guard in 1973 .

On 13 July 1990 appointed him Pope John Paul II. To Coadjutor Bishop of Ghent. He was ordained episcopate on October 21 of the same year by the Bishop of Ghent, Léonce Albert Van Peteghem . Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Mechelnb-Brussels , Godfried Cardinal Danneels , the Bishop of Namur , Robert-Joseph Mathen , the Bishop of Tournai , Jean Huard , and the Bishop of Antwerp , Paul Van den Berghe .

With the resignation of Léonce Albert Van Peteghem on December 27, 1991, Luystermann succeeded him as the 29th Bishop of Ghent. On December 19, 2003, John Paul II accepted his resignation. Luystermann nevertheless kept his seat in the Belgian Bishops' Conference .

On November 24, 1990, his hometown Ninove made him an honorary citizen .

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predecessor Office successor
Léonce Albert Van Peteghem Bishop of Ghent
Lucas from Looy