August tom Dieck

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August Christian Hermann tom Dieck

August Christian Hermann tom Dieck (born March 23, 1831 in Oldenburg (Oldb) , † August 20, 1893 in Dresden ) was a German history painter and art teacher.

Saint Cecilia
(version from 1855)


August tom Dieck was the son of Oldenburg businessman Oltmann Diedrich Nikolaus tom Dieck and his wife Catharine Margarethe born. More. At the age of 16, he came to the Dresden Art Academy in 1847 , where he studied until 1851. In 1850 he exhibited his works for the first time. He stayed in Dresden, because studies followed from 1851 in the studio of the history painter Adolf Wichmann and later with Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld . These teachers were decisive for his further career, they led him to religious art and especially to its Italian origins. His first known work was written in 1854, Saint Cecilia .

Study trips took him to Italy in 1857, first to Florence and then to Rome, where he worked for around four years in the vicinity of Peter von Cornelius . Here he devoted himself to the study of the old masters and especially Raphael . So he drew two sheets after Raphael's frescoes in the Villa Farnesina (Loggia of Amor and Psyche) and - after great encouragement from Cornelius - also the ten spandrels of the ceiling in the same way. His most important work, The Two Marys at the Tomb of Christ , was created in Rome in 1859 , kept in the tradition of the painters of Nazarene art .

In 1861 tom Dieck was asked to return to Germany by his father. After a stopover in Oldenburg, he settled again in Dresden, where he married in 1865 and then worked as a painter and art teacher. To his circle of friends belonged u. a. the painter Friedrich Preller d. J. During his time in Dresden he stayed several times in Oldenburg, where he portrayed the Grand Duke Nikolaus Friedrich Peter and his wife, copied works for the grand ducal gallery in the Augusteum and made altarpieces for various churches. Around 1878 he was involved in the artistic decoration of the Meissen castle chapel . He provided the templates for two stained glass windows depicting four prophets in an ornamental frame.

August tom Dieck died in Dresden in 1893, he was buried in Dresden's old Annenfriedhof on Chemnitzer Strasse.

Works (selection)


Web links

Commons : August tom Dieck  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dieck, tom, Aug. Ch. Herm., Painter, Augustusallee 3. III. In: Dresden address book , 1855, p. 30 (digitized SLUB Dresden, PDF)
  2. From the Christmas market. In: Kunstchronik , XI, 1875, issue 10, column 150. (Digitized at Heidelberg University)
  3. Stadtmuseum Oldenburg, permanent exhibitions - Fürstenzimmer, room 16
  4. ^ Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Online Collection ( Memento from October 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  5. No. 159: August tom Dieck in Dresden, Ammonstrasse 81. III. - Consoling Pan's psyche. In: Directory of the works of living artists at the exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts in Berlin , 1878, (digitized version)