Augustin Augustinović

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Augustin Augustinović

Augustin Augustinović OFM (Hispanic: Agustín Augustinovich ; pseudonym: Tin Tinović ; * March 20, 1917 in Gornja Skakava , Farre Dubrave , near Brčko , then Austria-Hungary , now Bosnia and Herzegovina ; † July 24, 1998 in Carrizal , Miranda , Venezuela ) was a Yugoslav or Croatian religious priest , missionary and writer.


Augustin Augustinović came from a Croatian family in the village of Gornja Skakava in today's Bosnia-Herzegovina . After four years of primary school Augustinović attended the Franciscan high school in Visoko at the age of twelve . Augustinović spent the year-long novitiate in the Franciscan monastery near Livno . From 1937 he studied Catholic theology in Zagreb and continued his studies in the Franciscan Order in Sarajevo until 1942.

Ordained a priest on November 9, 1941, Augustin Augustinović continued his theological studies in the field of Biblical Hermeneutics and Biblical Exegesis from 1942 to 1947 in Rome and Jerusalem . Augustinović received his doctorate in the field of Catholic theology in 1945, the magistrate in the field of Biblical Hermeneutics and Exegesis in 1946. In the Holy Land Augustinović worked scientifically in the Franciscan Biblical Institute in Jerusalem until 1952, from then on Augustinović worked as a missionary in Venezuela . In Venezuela, Augustinović was active as a writer in addition to his pastoral service and published works in Italian , Spanish and Croatian .

Augustin Augustinović died on July 24, 1998 in Carrizal. Some of his works appeared under the pseudonym Tin Tinović.


Augustin Augustinović was very pious and godly. On July 24, 2003, the Bishop of Caracas, Ramón Ovidio Pérez Moralesk, requested an official beatification process . Under Bishop Freddy Jesús Fuenmayor Suárez a small museum was opened in honor and in memory of Augustin Augustinović.


  • (with Bellarmino Bagatti ): Escursioni nei dintorni di 'Aglun , in: Studii Biblici Franciscani liber annuus , vol. 2.1951 / 52, pp. 227-314
  • Lineas biblicas del Movimiento de Cursillos , Salamanca 1970
  • "El-Khader" e il profeta Elia , Jerusalem 1971
    • English translation: "El-Khadr" and the prophet Elijah , translated from Italian by Eugene Hoade, Jerusalem 1972
  • Vivencia de la Iglesia Comunidad , Madrid 1972
  • La mujer como problema , 2nd edition Caracas 1975
  • Los homosexuales en la Biblia , Caracas 1977
  • El ocultismo en la Biblia , Caracas 1977
  • El niño en la Biblia , Caracas 1979
  • Priče iz doline. Pripovijesti, zapisi (Stories from the Valley. Stories, Notes), Livno 1997
  • (as Tin Tinović ): Napasti aktivizma (attacks of activism), translated from Spanish by Jerko Grgec, in: Marulić. Hrvatska književna revija , vol. 44.2011, pp. 46–60

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. tin tinović