Bajram Curr

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Bajram Curr
Bajram Curri
Bajram Curr (Albania)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg

Coordinates: 42 ° 21 '  N , 20 ° 5'  E

Basic data
Qark : Kukës
Municipality : Tropoja municipality
Height : 360  m above sea level A.
Residents : 5340 (2011)
Telephone code : (+355) 0213
Postal code : 8701-8702
Main square with statue of Bajram Curri

Bajram Curr [ ˈbai̯ɾam ˈt͡sur ] ( Albanian  also  Bajram Curri ) is a small town with around 5300 inhabitants in northeastern Albania, not far from the border with Kosovo and Montenegro .

Bajram Curr is the capital of the Tropoja municipality . As a regional center, the city has numerous shops, a market, several hotels and a hospital. By 2015, Bajram Curr formed its own municipality ( bashkia ), which in 2011 had 5340 inhabitants.

Geography and traffic

In the city center by the mosque (2007)

The city is remote on the slopes of the wide valley basin of the Valbona in the middle of the Northern Albanian Alps at around 360  m above sea level. A.

For a long time, the region could only be reached by bad roads - the most convenient way to get there was by car ferry on the Koman reservoir , which ends in Fierza , around 15 kilometers away. In the meantime, the ferry has been operating again since spring 2015. The journey from Shkodra takes just under five hours.

Since May 2006 the road to Gjakova has been renewed. It is expected that the economy in this region will grow. In addition to this fastest approach via Kosovo, the direct road from Kukës via Kruma has also been paved since winter 2014/15 .


Originally the place was called Kolgeçaj . In 1952, when the regional administration was relocated from Tropoja , it was given its current name in honor of the Albanian freedom fighter Bajram Curri .

sons and daughters of the town

  • Besnik Mustafaj (* 1958), writer and former foreign minister
  • Azem Hajdari (1963–1998), important leader of the anti-communist student protests in 1990/91


Web links

Commons : Bajram Curr  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ines Nurja: Censusi i popullsisë dhe banesave / Population and Housing Census - Kukës 2011 . Results Kryesore / Main Results. Ed .: INSTAT . Pjesa / Part 1. Adel Print, Tirana 2013 ( [PDF; accessed April 14, 2019]).
  2. ^ Journey to Valbona: How to get there. Retrieved December 3, 2015 .