
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Italien Griechenland Nordmazedonien Serbien Kosovo Montenegro Bosnien und Herzegowina Kroatien Qark Shkodra Qark Kukës Qark Lezha Qark Durrës Qark Dibra Qark Tirana Qark Elbasan Qark Fier Qark Korça Qark Berat Qark Vlora Qark GjirokastraAlbania, administrative divisions - de - colored.svg
About this picture

A Qark ([ caɾk ] Albanian  Qark respectively. Qarku , plural qarqe [ caɾce ]; in official English translation as region called) is a the communities ( bashkia ) overriding administrative unit in Albania . The twelve Qarqe were divided into two to four circles each until 2015 , of which there were a total of 36.

The Qark councils are composed of the mayors of all municipalities in the respective Qark and other municipal councils. They constitute themselves and elect a chairman from among their number.

The decentralization in Albania is an ongoing and unfinished process. The twelve qarqe were created in 2000 through legal reforms based on the 1998 constitution . They replaced the previous twelve prefectures .

The regional authorities of the Qarqe are assigned certain tasks of the local administration by law in the areas of public supply (water supply, disposal, local traffic, cemeteries, town planning), culture (cultural events, cultural institutions), social institutions (orphanages, daycare centers, old people's homes), economic development , Spatial planning and local police. So-called shared tasks in the areas of education, health, social support and environmental protection can be carried out by the Qarqe in addition to or jointly with the central government. In some cases they also perform regional tasks that the municipalities delegate to them. The Qarqe authorities support the communities and coordinate between them. The qarqe, who are legal entities in their own right, are financed through local taxes, shares of national taxes and funds they receive from the government. The influence and financial independence of the Qarqe between the powerful central government and the municipalities, which also provide the Qarqe representatives, are still weak.

The central government appoints a prefect (Prefekti i Qarkut) for each qark, who oversees the qark councils and carries out the local government of the state, which has not been assigned to the local authorities. The prefects are thus the extended arm of the government in the regions. A Qark is therefore often referred to as a prefecture .

List of qarqe

coat of arms Qark Communities former circles Capital Area
(2011 census)
(2001 census)
(inhabitants / km²)
Stema e Qarkut Berat.svg
Qark Berat Berat , Kuçova , Poliçan , Skrapar , Ura Vajgurore Berat , Kuçova , Skrapar Advises 1,798 141,944 193.020 079
ALB Qarku i Dibrës COA.png
Qark Dibra Bulqiza , Dibra , Klos , Mat Bulqiza , Dibra , Mat Peshkopia 2,586 137.047 189,854 053
Stema e Qarkut Durrës.svg
Qark Durrës Durrës , Kruja , Shijak Durrës , Kruja Durrës 0 766 262,785 245.179 343
Stema e Qarkut Elbasan.svg
Elbasan Qark Belsh , Cërrik , Elbasan , Gramsh , Librazhd , Peqin , Përrenjas Elbasan , Gramsh , Librazhd , Peqin Elbasan 3,199 295,827 362.736 092
ALB Qarku i Fierit COA.png
Qark Fier Divjaka , Fier , Lushnja , Mallakastra , Patos , Roskovec Fier , Lushnja , Mallakastra Fier 1,890 310.331 382,544 164
Stema e Qarkut Gjirokastër.svg
Gjirokastra Qark Dropull , Gjirokastra , Këlcyra , Libohova , Memaliaj , Përmet , Tepelena Gjirokastra , Përmet , Tepelena Gjirokastra 2,884 072.176 112,831 025th
Stema e Qarkut Korçë.svg
Korça district Devoll , Kolonja , Korça , Maliq , Pogradec , Pustec Devoll , Kolonja , Korça , Pogradec Korça 3.711 220.357 265.182 059
Stema e Qarkut Kukës.svg
Qark Kukës Has , Kukës , Tropoja Has , Kukës , Tropoja Kukës 2,374 085.292 111,393 036
Stema e Qarkut Lezhë.svg
Lezha district Kurbin , Lezha , Mirdita Kurbin , Lezha , Mirdita Lezha 1,620 134.072 159.182 083
Stema e Qarkut Shkodër.svg
Qark Shkodra Fushë-Arrëz , Malësia e Madhe , Puka , Shkodra , Vau-Deja Malësia e Madhe , Puka , Shkodra Shkodra 3,562 215,347 256.473 060
Stema e Qarkut Tiranë.svg
Tirana County Kamza , Kavaja , Rrogozhina , Tirana , Vora Kavaja , Tirana Tirana 1,652 749.365 597,899 454
Stema e Qarkut Vlorë.svg
Vlora County Delvina , Finiq , Himara , Konispol , Saranda , Selenica , Vlora Delvina , Saranda , Vlora Vlora 2,706 175,640 192,982 065

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ornela Shapo: Overview of Albanian Local Government Borrowing for Purposes . Ed .: US Agency for International Development. Tirana May 2008 ( online version of the document (PDF; 264 kB) [accessed December 20, 2015]).
  2. Article 108 of the Constitution
  3. a b Erika Schläppi, Zdenek Vyborny, Silvana Simaku, Dritan Shutina: Supporting regional development in Northern Albania - Feasibility study . Ed .: Swiss Cooperation and Austrian Development Cooperation. February 23, 2009 ( online version of the document (Word; 980 kB) ). Online version of the document (Word; 980 kB) ( Memento of the original from January 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ A b Rudina Toto: Decentralization and Analysis of Government Functions: National, Regional and Local - Draft Report . October 20, 2009 ( online version of the document (PDF) ). Online version of the document (PDF) ( Memento of the original from April 18, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Instat (Ed.): Censusi i popullsisë dhe banesave / Population and Housing Census 2011 . Results Kryesore / Main Results. Pjesa / Part 1. Tirana December 2011 ( online version (PDF; 6.0 MB) [accessed on May 15, 2015]). Online version ( Memento of the original dated November 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Instat (Ed.): Population and Housing Census in Albania 2011: Preliminary Results . Tirana December 2011, p. 17 ( online version (PDF; 6.0 MB)). Online version ( Memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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