Peqin County

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Italien Griechenland Nordmazedonien Serbien Kosovo Montenegro Bosnien und Herzegowina Kroatien Kreis Malësia e Madhe Kreis Shkodra Kreis Tropoja Kreis Has Kreis Kukës Kreis Puka Kreis Lezha Kreis Mirdita Kreis Kurbin Kreis Kruja Kreis Durrës Kreis Mat Kreis Dibra Kreis Bulqiza Kreis Kavaja Kreis Tirana Kreis Peqin Kreis Elbasan Kreis Librazhd Kreis Gramsh Kreis Lushnja Kreis Fier Kreis Mallakastra Kreis Kuçova Kreis Berat Kreis Skrapar Kreis Vlora Kreis Delvina Kreis Saranda Kreis Tepelena Kreis Përmet Kreis Gjirokastra Kreis Pogradec Kreis Korça Kreis Devoll Kreis KolonjaLocation of Peqin County
About this picture
Circle : Peqin
Main place: Peqin
Qark : Elbasan Qark
Surface: 191 km²
Residents: 26,136   as of 2011
136.84 inhabitants / km²
ISO-3166-2 code: AL-PQ
License plate : PE

The district of Peqin ( Albanian : Rrethi i Peqinit ) was one of the 36 administrative districts of Albania that were abolished in the summer of 2015 after an administrative reform. The district in central Albania in the Elbasan Qark had an area of ​​only 191 square kilometers and around 26,136 inhabitants (2011). The district was named after the main town Peqin , which has around 6300 inhabitants (2011). The population of the region is almost without exception Muslim .

Today the district forms the Bashkia (municipality) Peqin . The area is around 15 kilometers long, fertile section in the broad Shkumbin Valley. The river runs from Elbasan in an east-west direction. To the north of this, the hills rise to around 750  m above sea level. A. South of the Shkumbins towards the hills of the Dumreja , the landscape is flatter. To the west the valley opens to the Myzeqe plain.

Peqin is on the most important Albanian east-west axis. Both the route of the Albanian HSH railway from Durrës to Pogradec and Corridor 8 of the Pan-European Transport Corridors from the Adriatic via North Macedonia to the Black Sea follow the Shkumbin Valley through Peqin. The Romans also traveled this route. A major stage on the ancient thoroughfare Via Egnatia was Clodiana which is believed due to excavations and ancient ruins east of Peqin.


Former parishes
Surname Population (2011) Community type
Peqin 000000000006353.00000000006,353 Bashkia
Gjoçaj 000000000005207.00000000005,207 Komuna
Karina 000000000001350.00000000001,350 Komuna
Pajova 000000000006626.00000000006,626 Komuna
Përparim 000000000003423.00000000003,423 Komuna
Sheza 000000000003177.00000000003,177 Komuna

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ines Nurja: Censusi i popullsisë dhe banesave / Population and Housing Census - Elbasan 2011 . Results Kryesore / Main Results. Ed .: INSTAT . Pjesa / Part 1. Adel Print, Tirana 2013 ( document as PDF [accessed on April 28, 2019]).