Baldassare Lanci

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Baldassare Lanci (* 1510 in Urbino , † December 1571 in Florence ) was an Italian artist and architect.

Drawing of the Baldassare Lanci A capriccio of Florence


He did an apprenticeship with Girolamo Genga . His son was Marino Lanci . He first appeared in 1546 when he was working on the city walls and the fortress of Lucca . He carried out the work with various interruptions for ten years. In 1550 worked on the fortress of Viareggio . He stayed in Montalcino for the first time in 1557, where he worked on the city fortifications on behalf of the French King Henry II . He spent the following year in Nettuno and Paliano . After the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis he switched to the side of Cosimo I de 'Medici . For him he built the fortress Santa Barbara , also called Fortezza Medicea , in Siena from 1560 . In 1562 he went to Malta to fortify the island and create plans for the new city of Valletta . Two years later worked again in Tuscany . In Grosseto he redesigned the fortress for the Medici and restored the walls around the main tower in Radicofani . He also stayed for repair work in Ponte d'Arbia . In 1566 he carried out hydraulic work in Bagni San Filippo , and in the same and the following year he also worked on the plans for the expansion of the port of Livorno . For Cosimo I de 'Medici he planned and designed the Fortezza Medicea di San Martino in San Piero a Sieve in 1569 , which was completed by Bernardo Buontalenti . In 1570 he returned to Montalcino, this time to improve the city walls for the Medici. In Terra del Sole he built the Palazzo del Capitano di Piazza and worked on the fortress. He then devoted himself to the Chiesa della Madonna della Rosa church in Chianciano Terme , which was not completed until 1585 after his death. In the Le vite dei più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architetti by Giorgio Vasari he is mentioned as Baldassarri Lancia da Urbino under Vita di Girolamo e di Bartolomeo Genga e di Giovanbattista San Marino .


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Individual evidence

  1.  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (no longer available)@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  2. ^ Gregor Scherf : Giovanni Battista Aleotti (1546–1636): "Architetto mathematico" of the Estonians and the Popes in Ferrara (google books)
  3. ^ Giorgio Vasari: Le vite dei più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architetti. Newton Compton Editori, Rome 2010, ISBN 978-88-541-1425-8 , pp. 1034 ff.