Balzer Jacobsen

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Balzer Jacobsen or Baltsar , called "the bad one", was Løgmaður of the Faroe Islands from 1655 to 1661 .

Balzer Jacobsen was Dane and initially Landvoigt ( fúti ) of the Faroe Islands. He was in 1655 against the will of the Løgtings of King Friedrich III. used as Løgmaður. This marked the beginning of the Gabelzeit , in which Christoffer Gabel , an intimate of the absolutist king, received the fiefdom of the Faroe Islands and ruthlessly exploited them (and never entered). Balzer Jacobsen was one of Fabel's men on site. Jacobsen was succeeded in 1661 by the Faroese Jógvan Poulsen and left the country, but the real power lay with the Landvoigt anyway.


  • Løgtingið 150. Hátíðarrit. 150 ár liðin, síðani Løgtingið varð endurstovnað. Volume 2. Løgtingið, Tórshavn 2002, ISBN 99918-9665-1 , p. 365 (section Føroya løgmenn fram til 1816. ), ( PDF download ( Memento of 4 January 2014 in the Internet Archive )).