Bertram Müller

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Bertram Müller, 2018

Bertram Müller (born June 29, 1946 in Göppingen ), founding director and director (1977–2013) of Tanzhaus NRW as well as founding director of the German Association for Gestalt Therapy (DVG) and first president of the European Dancehouse Network (EDN).


Bertram Müller grew up as the son of Eva Müller, b. Kruppa, and the Protestant theologian Eberhard Müller , the founder of the first Evangelical Academy in Bad Boll and co-initiator of the German Evangelical Church Congress , as eight of ten children.

Müller studied from 1967 initially theology in Berlin and in 1968 in Heidelberg . Inspired by a first encounter with Gestalt therapy during a stay in the USA ( New York and San Francisco ), after completing his theology studies in 1973 he began studying psychology in Bonn and subsequently became one of the first representatives of Gestalt therapy in Germany. Due to his trip to the USA he founded his first workshops for Gestalt therapy in Germany. In Bonn he was a co-founder of the Gestalt Institute Rhineland e. V. (GIR). In Düsseldorf , he and his wife founded the state-recognized Institute for Gestalt Therapy Düsseldorf (IfG) and, together with other pioneers of Gestalt therapy, the German Association for Gestalt Therapy (DVG), of which he was deputy chairman for many years.

In 1975, Müller became vicar in Düsseldorf-Grafenberg . After his second state examination in theology, he did not enter church service, but instead devoted himself increasingly to the artistic, educational and organizational conception and management of the supporting association “Die Werkstatt für Tanz, Theater, Musik und Gestaltung e. V. ", which later led to the" Tanzhaus NRW "founded in 1998 with a focus on the art form of dance. Bertram Müller ended his work as director of Tanzhaus NRW at the end of 2013 and is now in his own practice as a psychological psychotherapist , as a trainer for gestalt therapy in Germany and abroad and as a lecturer in the initiative “On the Psychology of Artistic Creation” at the Folkwang University active in the arts . Müller lives with his wife, the psychotherapist, lecturer and author Johanna Müller-Ebert in Düsseldorf.

Professional activities

After completing his theology studies in Heidelberg and the vicariate at the Evangelical Church of Rhineland in 1978, Bertram Müller studied clinical psychology in Bonn until 1981 . In addition, he received training as a gestalt therapist, u. a. with Ischa Bloomberg (1973–1976) and from 1977 to 1984 with Isadore From, New York, and in 1999 qualified as a psychological psychotherapist with state and statutory health insurance specialist license in depth psychology , a. a. at the Institute for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Düsseldorf (IPD).

Bertram Müller was co-founder of the state-recognized Institute for Gestalt Therapy (IfG) as well as co-founder and from 1984 to 1991 2nd chairman of the German Association for Gestalt Therapy (DVG), also a founding member of the Working Group of Psychotherapeutic Associations in the Federal Republic of Germany (AGPF)

After retiring as director of tanzhaus nrw, he is again increasingly active in private practice and as a lecturer across Europe at universities and further training institutes in the training and further education of psychotherapists and performing artists.

Working in the field of dance

The work of Bertram Müller as the founding director and general manager of the non-profit cultural center “Die Werkstatt für Tanz, Theater, Musik und Gestaltung e. V. “(from 1978) and as director of tanzhaus nrw eV Düsseldorf (from 1998 to 2013) covered a total of 35 years. At the end of 1977 he initiated the founding of the cultural association “Die Werkstatt für Tanz, Theater, Werken und Gestalten e. V. "on Grafenberger Allee in Düsseldorf, with the aim of" developing new forms of cultural work, an artistically and educationally high quality offer for children and adults from all social and cultural groups and promoting artists of different nationalities through exchange and cooperation ".

Together with the author Nicolaus Einhorn as project manager, Bertram Müller founded the “Forum for International Poetry” in 1978, in which regular author readings took place with, among others, Allen Ginsberg , Anne Waldmann, Ernst Jandl and Oskar Pastior . In 1979, Müller and his volunteer team organized the first workshop summer festival. At this point in time, 60 weekly courses and ten workshops per month had already been held. This year this cultural initiative was awarded the “First General Culture Prize of the City of Essen” “for effective communication between professional art and the artistic lay element”. After the short-term demolition of the workshop building in Grafenberger Allee in 1980 and the impending end of the newly created cultural facility, Bertram Müller was able to push through the reopening in 1982 on Börnestraße 10. Die Werk -statt e. V. referred to as the “Mecca of culture away from the opera house and museums”.

In 1984 Bertram Müller initiated the establishment of the Young Theater in the Old Town (JuTA) with the US director Ernest Martin as artistic director and Bernd Lohmann as operations manager. In order to anchor a contemporary training of professional contemporary artists in the workshop, he founded the Rheinische Tanz- und Theaterschule (RTT) in 1986 in cooperation with the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, which was continued in 1993 in the European Dance Development Center (EDDC), a cooperation with the dance department of the Institut of the Arts Arnhem under the direction of Aat Hougée (today ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem) and Mary Fulkerson. The “Düsseldorfer Werkstatt e. V. “received increasing attention across Europe; numerous international collaborations emerged - u. a. The first university conference “Dance Education in Europe” took place under his leadership in 1994 in cooperation with the dance section of the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA).

After thirteen years, “Die Werkstatt e. V. ”are looking for a new location because the accommodation has become too small. In 1996, Müller negotiated a 60-year long lease agreement with the city of Düsseldorf for the former tram depot on Erkrather Strasse in the center of Düsseldorf. To finance the conversion of the 4,000 square meter area, he acquired the required eight million euros from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (80%), the city of Düsseldorf (15%) and sponsors. As "overall responsible client" together with the architect Jochen Boskamp, ​​he built the dilapidated depot into the first house built exclusively for dance with eight studios as well as a small (100 seats) and a large stage (340 seats) and a bistro (80 seats ) in the theater foyer with gallery and music stage. In April 1998 the former Werkstatt e. Now renamed “tanzhaus nrw”. V. opened with a two-week festival and was awarded the title “exemplary buildings in North Rhine-Westphalia” in 2000. The offer comprised more than 200 courses and six workshops per week as well as an ongoing program of performances with around 180 performances and a total of 160,000 visitors per year.

In addition, Müller expanded collaborations, including with the Arnhem University of Applied Sciences, the EDDC-Düsseldorf with a state-recognized three-year training program for dancers and choreographers, further training offers for freelance professional dancers and international exchange programs. This ultimately resulted in the focus on dance, after the other original areas of Werkstatt e. V. in previous years in other organizations u. a. in AKKI ( Action and Culture for Children ), in JUTA (Young Theater) and part of the world music concerts in the socio-cultural center for action, culture and communication (ZAKK).

In order to promote freelance dancers and companies more intensively, Müller and fourteen inner-city cultural partners initiated the cooperation program "Take-off - for young dance" with educational projects, productions and annual festivals for young audiences as well as the "international dance art", which is funded by the federal government as part of the dance plan Service “(iDAS nrw) to promote young choreographers from NRW. Both through his participation and through his function as First President of the Network of European Dance Houses (EDN), he expanded the international activity and thus the funding opportunities (especially through EU funds) for freelance choreographers and companies in the following years. In 2013 tanzhaus nrw celebrated the 35th anniversary of Werkstatt und Tanzhaus e. V. With this anniversary he ended his management activity and handed it over to his successor Bettina Masuch.

In 2014 he was awarded the German Dance Prize for his life's work , in which the tanzhaus is described as an “international model of teaching dance as a stage art and a way of life”.

Further fields of activity in the field of dance

In addition to his work as director of tanzhaus nrw, Bertram Müller was an expert for dance at the European Commission from 1993 to 1996 , founding member of the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) / Dance Section, co-founder of the European Dance Development Center (EDDC ) Arnhem / Düsseldorf. As co-founder and managing president of the World Dance Alliance (WDA-Europe), Müller continued to expand international contacts, particularly to Japan, Korea and China, from 1998 onwards, and in 2002 he took part in the WDA-Europe's Millennium Festival in Düsseldorf by 36 dance companies and professionals from all over the world.

From 2004 he was co-initiator of several EU-funded, transnational cooperation projects to promote freelance dancers from Europe (including IDEE, Modul Dance, Tryangle and Temps d'Image), as well as the responsible project manager for international production and exchange projects (e.g. Chin -A-Moves, Kore-A-Moves and Fresh-Tracks Europe). Since 1994 Bertram Müller has worked as an expert and jury member in the field of dance - including in Berlin for the Ministry of Culture in North Rhine-Westphalia, for the German Theater Prize, Der Faust , as a member of the founding jury of the "Korea International Modern Dance Competition" and from 2013 to 2015 a member in the founding jury of the Swiss Dance and Choreography Prize. Müller is also a long-standing member of the board of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD) and the NRW Landesbüro Tanz e. V. / international dance fair and since 2014 member of the advisory board of the Düsseldorf Festival .



  • Müller, Bertram (1985): The bittersweet life of free cultural work , 1985, pp. 101–112.
  • Müller, Bertram (1988): On the theory of diagnosis of narcissistic experience and behavioral structures. In: Gestalt therapy 2/1988, pp. 27–58.
  • Müller, Bertram (1988): Three sisters from the same garden - Gestalt therapy, Gestalt counseling and Gestalt pedagogy . In Gestalt therapy 1988, 2/1, pp. 57-63.
  • Müller, Bertram (1989): Diagnosi di Struttura Narcistico Di Vissuto e Di Comportamento. In: Quaderni di Gestalt.
  • Müller, Bertram (1993): Isadora From's contribution to the theory and practice of Gestalt therapy . In: Gestalt therapy; Journal of the German Association for Gestalt Therapy, 2/1993 English: (1995): Isadore From's contribution to the theory and practice of Gestalt therapy. In: British Gestalt Journal 1995, Vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 121-128.
  • Müller, Bertram (1994): The importance of teaching therapy in gestalt therapy.
  • Müller, Bertram / Müller-Ebert, Johanna (1994). In: Years of Teaching the Soul. Training analysis, self-awareness, self-therapy in psychotherapeutic schools. Pp. 223-256.
  • Müller, Bertram (1996): The Crisis of Meaning - A Challenge to Dance the Dance arts in an Age of religious and ideological collapse. In: Interelia, 1996 / I, pp. 43-48.
  • Müller, Bertram (1997): Roots and Visions - What Makes Gestalt Therapy a Valid Therapy Method of the 21st Century? In: Gestalt therapy 2/1997.
  • Müller, Bertram (1997): The total therapeutic Context - The Craft of Gestalt therapy: Theory and Practice. In: Gestalt Review, New Jersey, 1997, pp. 94-110.
  • Müller, Bertram (1998): The concept of the will in Otto Rank. In: Psychosozial 73 (1998) III, pp. 115-133.
  • Müller, Bertram (1999). The overall therapeutic situation - therapeutic and methodical craft of Gestalt therapy. Göttingen, pp. 647-673.
  • Müller, Bertram (1999): A categorical model of gestalt therapeutic diagnostics . In: Handbuch der Gestalttherapie, Göttingen, pp. 647–673.
  • Kessel, Martina / Müller, Bertram / Kosubek, Tanja / Barz, Heiner (eds.) (2011): Growing up with dance. Experience from practice, school and research . Beltz Verlag, Weinheim and Basel.
  • Müller, Bertram (2003): The Influence of Otto Rank's Concept of Creative Will on Gestalt Therapy, pp. 129-141, Springer, Vienna.
  • Müller, Bertram (2004): The will in Gestalt therapy. The concept of the will at Otto Rank. Petzold, HG; Sieper, J., Göttingen.
  • Müller, Bertram (2006): Otto Rank's creative will and its influence on gestalt therapy. In: The Art of Gestalt Therapy, Amendt-Lyon, Nancy; Spagnuolo Lobb, Margherita. Pp. 129-145, Vienna.
  • Müller, Bertram (2007): Norma y Creatividad, dialectica entre estandare e innovaciones. In: Se Homogeneiza La Danca? Barcelona.
  • Schwarz, Daniela / Müller, Bertram and Kevan, Nadia (2016): On the Psychology of Artistic Creation and Teaching - The Contribution of Applied Psychology to the Development of Artistic Identity within the Framework of Artistic and Educational Training. In: Spelsberg-Papazoglou, Karoline (Ed.): Insights and prospects. Gender 360 ° series, vol. 2. Berlin: Lit Verlag, pp. 91–111.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Odenthal, Johannes: My Mission is Transition. Bertram Müller and the dance. In: Förderverein Tanzkunst Deutschland e. V .: Festschrift "German Dance Prize - Bertram Müller", 2014, p. 4.
  2. (see statutes, 1977)
  3. cf. Odenthal 2013: 237.
  4. Odenthal 2013, p. 237.
  5. cf. Odenthal 2013, p. 239.
  6. cf. Odenthal 2013: 239/240.
  7. cf. Odenthal 2013. p. 240.
  8. cf. Odenthal, Johannes: The dance house nrw. From utopia to a model for the future. Theater der Zeit, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-943881-54-7 , p. 238.
  9. ^ Förderverein Tanzkunst Deutschland e. V .: Festschrift German Dance Prize 2014 - Bertram Müller. Eat.