Birgit Lahann

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Birgit Lahann reads Am Todespunkt at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2014
Lahann at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2014

Birgit Lahann (* 1940 in Hamburg ) is a German journalist and publicist .


Birgit Lahann was born in Hamburg in 1940. She studied German and theater studies and was assistant director to Peter Zadek at the Bremen theater before starting her journalistic career.

In 1978 she received the Theodor Wolff Prize for a work in the world on Sunday . Lahann went to stern in 1979 , where she is still an author today. In 1989 she was awarded the Egon Erwin Kisch Prize for her work Spiel mir das Lied von Bonn im stern .

In the 1980s she published several books on cultural history on subjects such as " Abitur " and " Weddings ". Since the 1990s, her biographies by Hermann Hesse , Friedrich Schiller and Sigmund Freud, among others , have appeared on the book market. She took up the cultural studies line again with Am Todespunkt , which contains 18 portraits of prominent suicidal painters and writers from the last hundred years. The book was published by Dietz Verlag in 2014.

Lahann was married to the journalist and former HSV soccer player Gerd Krug . The journalists Christian and Matthias Krug are her step-sons.


  • Hochhuth Der Störenfried Verlag Dietz 2016
  • At the point of death . Verlag JHW Dietz Nachf. 2014, ISBN 978-3-8012-0460-0 .
  • When Psyche got on the couch - the enigmatic story of Sigmund Freud. Structure, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-351-02631-5 .
  • Schiller . German Verlag-Anst., Munich 2005, ISBN 3-421-05856-3 .
  • Hermann Hesse . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 2002, ISBN 3-518-39978-0 .
  • In Goethe's footsteps - a visual journey. Ellert and Richter, Hamburg 1999, ISBN 3-89234-759-X .
  • In Bertolt Brecht's footsteps - a journey through pictures. Ellert and Richter, Hamburg 1999, ISBN 3-89234-898-7 .
  • Beloved zone. Stories from the new Germany. German Verlag-Anst., Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-421-05097-X .
  • Comrade Judas, the two lives of Ibrahim Böhme. Rowohlt, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-87134-046-4 .
  • Wedding - a moral story from Marie Antoinette to Henry Miller. Gruner et al. Year, Hamburg 1987, ISBN 3-570-00724-3 .
  • Home visits - visiting artists, stars and writers. Engelhorn-Verlag, Stuttgart 1985, ISBN 3-87203-005-1 .
  • High School. 150 years of contemporary history in articles by prominent Germans. Gruner and Jahr, Hamburg 1982, ISBN 3-570-07025-5 .

Web links

Commons : Birgit Lahann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Theodor Wolff Prize: Prize winners from 1962 to 1997. online under Archived Copy ( Memento of the original from December 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Imprint of stern , as of September 13, 2007, online ( Memento from December 15, 2005 in the Internet Archive )
  3. 1977-2004: An overview of all award winners - books. (No longer available online.) In: . July 1, 2003, archived from the original on May 28, 2015 ; Retrieved December 4, 2015 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Literature: Klaus Mann, van Gogh and Hemingway: "At the point of death". In: Focus Online . November 18, 2014, accessed December 4, 2015 .