Diocese of Mangochi

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Diocese of Mangochi
Basic data
Country Malawi
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Blantyre
Diocesan bishop Montfort Stima
Emeritus diocesan bishop Alessandro Pagani SMM
Vicar General Andrew Nkhata
founding 1969
surface 11,385 km²
Parishes 19 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Residents 1,300,000 (December 31, 2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics 247,509 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
proportion of 19%
Diocesan priest 50 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious priest 23 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Catholics per priest 3,391
Friars 96 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
Religious sisters 69 ( 12/31/2007 / AP2009 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language English

The Bistum Mangochi ( lat. : Dioecesis Mangociensis ) is in Malawi preferred Roman Catholic diocese based in Mangochi .


The diocese of Mangochi was on May 29, 1969 by Pope Paul VI. built with the Apostolic Constitution Quam studiose from cessions of territory of the Diocese of Zomba as Apostolic Prefecture Fort Johnston . On September 17, 1973, the Apostolic Prefecture Fort Johnston was by Paul VI. raised to a diocese with the Apostolic Constitution Cum Nostrum and renamed the Diocese of Mangochi . It was subordinated to the Archdiocese of Blantyre as a suffragan .


Apostolic Prefect of Fort Johnston

Bishops of Mangochi

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paul VI: Const. Apost. Quam studiose , AAS 61 (1969), n.12, pp. 705f.
  2. Paul VI: Const. Apost. Cum Nostrum , AAS 65 (1973), n.11, pp. 582f.