Diocese of Rio do Sul

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Diocese of Rio do Sul
Basic data
Country Brazil
Metropolitan bishopric Archdiocese of Florianópolis
Diocesan bishop Onécimo Alberton
Emeritus diocesan bishop José Jovêncio Balestieri SDB
Augustinho Petry
founding 1968
surface 8,909 km²
Parishes 31 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Residents 328.173 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Catholics 243,742 (2017 / AP 2018 )
proportion of 74.3%
Diocesan priest 26 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Religious priest 32 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Catholics per priest 4,202
Permanent deacons 1 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Friars 55 (2017 / AP 2018 )
Religious sisters 139 (2017 / AP 2018 )
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language Portuguese
cathedral São João Batista Cathedral
Website http://www.dioceseriodosul.com.br/

The diocese of Rio do Sul ( Latin Dioecesis Rivi Australis , Portuguese Diocese de Rio do Sul ) is one in Brazil located Roman Catholic diocese , based in Rio do Sul in the state of Santa Catarina .


The diocese of Rio do Sul was on November 23, 1968 by Pope Paul VI. Established with the Apostolic Constitution Quam maxime from assignments of territory by the Archdiocese of Florianópolis and the Diocese of Joinville and subordinated to the Archdiocese of Florianópolis as a suffragan . On April 19, 2000, the Diocese of Rio do Sul gave up parts of its territory to establish the Diocese of Blumenau .

Bishops of Rio do Sul

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paul VI: Const. Apost. Quam maxime , AAS 61 (1969), n.11, p. 654ff.