Boschidar Dimitrov

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Boschidar Dimitrov (2009)

Boschidar Dimitrow Stojanow (also transliterated Bozhidar Dimitrov Stoyanov , Bulgarian Божидар Димитров Стоянов ; born  December 3, 1945 in Sozopol ; † July 1, 2018 ) was a Bulgarian historian and politician. He was director of the National History Museum in Sofia . He was a member of the Bulgarian Parliament before becoming Minister without Portfolio from 2009 to 2011 .


Boschidar Dimitrov was born in the Black Sea city of Sozopol into a refugee family. His family comes from what is now Eastern Thrace in Turkey and belongs to the Thracian Bulgarians who had to evacuate this area after the treaties of Sèvres , Neuilly-sur-Seine and Lausanne as well as after the Balkan and World Wars.

Boschidar Dimitrov married the actress Marta Kancheva, who was 8 years his junior, at the age of 33, divorced her and later remarried her. The couple have a daughter.


Boschidar Dimitrov studied history and archeology at the University of Sofia from 1970 to 1974 . 1974 to 1975 he studied at the Institute for Paleography in Paris , 1977 to 1978 at the Vatican School for Paleography and Diplomatics. From 1978 to 1999 and again from December 2001 he was director of the National History Museum. From 1999 to 2001 he worked as a journalist in Burgas and Sofia.

Boschidar Dimitrov attended the 15th Congress of the Association Internationale des Études Byzantines in 1976 in Athens .

Since 2002 he has directed the historical program Pamet Bǎlgarska (Памет българска) on Bulgarian National Television .

Until June 11, 2009 Dimitrov was a member of the Bulgarian Socialist Party , which he left in protest against the coalition with the DPS . He then joined the GERB party and became its candidate for the 2009 parliamentary elections in the coastal province of Burgas . He was elected to parliament and was able to leave the party leader of the nationalist Attaka party , Wolen Siderow , behind.

After the election, which was won by the GERB party, Boschidar Dimitrov was sworn in on July 27, 2009 in the government of Boyko Borisov as minister without portfolio and responsible for Bulgarians living abroad.

In 2010 it became known that the majority of the Bulgarian ambassadors and consuls were employees of the former communist state security (see Bulgaria # Foreign Policy ). In this context and because of the willingness of Prime Minister Borisov and Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov to part with such employees, Dimitrov resigned as minister. His successor as Minister for Bulgarians Living Abroad was Rosen Ivanov . Boschidar Dimitrov returned to his work at the National Historical Museum.

His resignation as minister was confirmed in the Bulgarian parliament on February 4, 2011.

Boschidar Dimitrov said in an interview for the newspaper Retro that he had sensed that his work as a minister was being opposed by some neighboring countries as well as by large EU countries , citing articles in Le Figaro , Die Welt and Daily Mail that concern Bulgarian citizenship. His release was due to pressure from others. According to Dimitrov, the aforementioned newspapers have twisted the figures: while 15,000 people actually obtained Bulgarian citizenship in 2010, the newspapers reported over 80,000 people. After his resignation, Boschidar Dimitrov is no longer a member of the Bulgarian Parliament.

Boschidar Dimitrov is a former employee of the Bulgarian Communist State Security . There he worked for reconnaissance and espionage.

According to him, is Dimitrov Cove named a bay in Antarctica.

Political opinions

According to Boschidar Dimitrov, Serbs and Croats are practically one people who speak the same language - Serbo-Croatian .

According to him, only Bulgarians live in Macedonia today (according to the assertion of a bystander that only Bulgarians lived in Macedonia during the Bulgarian rebirth ), even if today's Bulgarians call themselves differently and partly ("unfortunately for the most part") are "brainwashed" had been subjected.

Publications (selection)

Boschidar Dimitrov is the author of more than 20 monographs .

  • with Aksinija D. Džurova: Slavjanski răkopisi, documenti i karti za bălgarskata istorija ot Vatikanskata Apostoličeska Biblioteka i Secretnija Archive na Vatikana [IX - XVII vek]. Izdatelstvo Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofia 1978 (translation of the title: Slavic manuscripts, documents and maps on Bulgarian history from the Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana and the secret archives of the Vatican (9th-17th centuries) ).
  • Bulgaria Illustrated History . Sofia 1994, ISBN 954-500-091-0 (2nd edition 2002).
  • The Bulgarians. Spreading civilization in the world of the Slavs. , Borina, Sofia 1994. ISBN 954-500-038-4
  • Християнството в българските земи. Български манастири (from the Bulgarian. Christianity in the Bulgarian territories. Bulgarian monasteries, 2001)
  • Българите и Александър Македонски (from the Bulgarian: The Bulgarians and Alexander the Great, 2001)
  • Българите - първите европейци (from the Bulgarian: The Bulgarians - the first Europeans, 2002)
  • България и Папството (from the bulg .: Bulgaria and the Popes, 2002)
  • Аполония Понтика. Един гръцки полис на брега на Черно море. 611 - 72 г. пр. Хр. / (From the Bulgarian: Apollonia Pontika. A Greek polis on the coast of the Black Sea. 611-72. BC), Verlag Sw. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia 2004. ISBN 954-07-1955-0
  • Седемте древни цивилизации в България (from the Bulgarian: The seven ancient civilizations of Bulgaria, 2005)
  • Войните на България за национално обединение (from the Bulgarian: The struggles of Bulgaria for national unification, 2006)
  • Светослав Тертер. Цар на българите (1300-1321) (from the Bulgarian: Swetoslaw Terter. Tsar of the Bulgarians (1300-1321), 2006)
  • 10-те лъжи на македонизма (from the Bulgarian: The Ten Lies of Macedonism, 2006)
  • Десетте лаги на македонизмот , Blaze Konevski Verlag, Strumica (2006).
  • 12 мита в българската история (from the Bulgarian: The twelve myths in Bulgarian history, 2007)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Почина Божидар Димитров . In: July 1, 2018, accessed July 3, 2018 (Bulgarian).
  2. See: Проф.Божидар Димитров Стоянов е роден е на 3 декември 1945 г. в Созопол в семейството на бежанци от Източна Тракия. in; Роден в Созопол в семейство на бежанци от Източна Тракия on
  3. I will marry my wife  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. in Sega@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  4. ^ Boschidar Dimitrov was included in the GERB electoral list. (bulg.) on
  5. GERB wins in Burgas (bulg.), July 6th, 2009
  6. ^ Rosen Ivanov takes over the post from Boschidar Dimitrov (Bulgarian) ,, December 20, 2010
  7. Депутатите освободиха Божидар Димитров и заличиха поста министър без портфейл . The MPs dismissed Boschidar Dimitrov and abolished the position of Minister without Portfolio
  8. в-к Ретро, ​​21-28.IV.2011, p. 14
  9. ^ The new Bulgarian government , interview with Alexander Andreev on, from July 28, 2009
  10. Pamet Balgarska ( Memento of the original dated December 7, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , December 5, 2009, 27: 57-28: 03: … сърби и хървати, които практически са един народ - говорят на един език; сърбохърватски се нарича  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Pamet Balgarska  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , January 30, 2010, 54: 21-54: 30: - потвърждава това, че в Македония по време на Възраждането са живели само българи. - Ама те и сега живеят само българи, само че се наричат ​​другояче. И една голяма част от тях, за съжаление по-голямата част, са малко с промити мозъци.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /