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Brewmaxx system family logo
Basic data

developer Proleit AG
operating system Windows
category Process control system

Brewmaxx is a process control system for use in the brewing industry. The different process stages of a brewery are automated, controlled and monitored with the software components of the Brewmaxx system family . Due to the strict focus on this specialized niche market, brewmaxx is highly relevant for the industry.

application areas

Because of its scalability, brewmaxx is suitable for applications ranging from single-user systems to multi-server systems. It is used for:

  • smaller breweries (up to 50 hectoliters output per brew)
  • medium-sized breweries (up to one million hectoliters per year)
  • large breweries (more than a million hectoliters per year).

The main areas of application are the automation of the brewhouses (see brewhouse ) and / or the fermentation and storage cellars. The complete automation of all production areas of a brewery (e.g. at the Warsteiner Brewery ), from raw material acceptance to filling, can be implemented with brewmaxx process control systems. For individual production areas, such as B. auxiliary companies, water treatment, filters or CO 2 systems and small to medium-sized brewhouses, a "small" control system has also been available under the name brewmaxx compact since mid-2010.

Basically, the Brewmaxx basic systems and modules are used both for the automation of new systems and in migration projects. Existing, outdated control systems with a structured software structure can be migrated to brewmaxx using conversion tools.


The Brewmaxx system family has a consistent client-server architecture and uses Microsoft standard software as the basis: Windows as the operating system for servers and clients, SQL Server as the system database, Excel as the analysis, reporting and engineering tool and Visual Studio as the development environment for the User interface.

The architecture has a modular structure, the Brewmaxx software components are divided into basic systems and modules with different expansion stages. These can each individually as required or in combination for the process control, the operating data are (BDE), the process management, production management, and the integration of the ERP level employed (see Enterprise Resource Planning ).

Operating systems

brewmaxx Direct iT

The core of the process control system family is the basic brewmaxx Direct iT system. It is used for the control of all procedural processes within breweries.

The Object Control Matrix (OCM) class is a unique selling point of brewmaxx Direct iT. This enables the parameterization of the controls and monitoring of a definable group of technical objects ( actuators and sensors ) for various activities that are to be carried out in the process flow. brewmaxx Direct iT includes the central engineering tool "Configuration Client", with which production plants can be completely mapped.

brewmaxx Liqu iT

brewmaxx Liqu iT was specially developed for the control and monitoring of processes in the field of liquid treatment. The brewmaxx Direct iT process control system can be seamlessly expanded with the brewmaxx Liqu iT recipe system for technology-oriented recipe control and the management and creation of basic recipes.

A special feature of brewmaxx Liqu iT are the optionally available, brewery-specific brewmaxx equipment modules. Equipment modules are automation classes that combine objects from basic classes with special additional functions. This allows technological facilities of a brewery - z. B. wort cooling, chopping control, pressure boiling - can be created and parameterized as objects of a class.

brewmaxx Acquis iT

brewmaxx Acquis iT captures, processes and archives process, production, operating and machine data for plant-wide information management. In addition to the pure production data acquisition, it also offers the option of ad-hoc evaluation of the acquired data and visualization.

The preferred interface is OPC (see OLE for Process Control ), whereby different OPC servers can be used depending on the controllers to be connected. A driver-based interface is also available for non-OPC-capable systems. This enables a simple and flexible coupling of various control systems, such as B. from Mitsubishi Electric , Allen-Bradley , Siemens , VIPA or others. brewmaxx Acquis iT can be used both for pure production data acquisition as a stand-alone solution and in combination with an existing Brewmaxx basic system.


The production data acquisition with brewmaxx Acquis iT is based on the Weihenstephan standards . The chair for food packaging at the Technical University of Munich in Weihenstephan developed a standard for the connection of BDE systems to beverage filling plants in cooperation with representatives from the industry and with the support of the German brewing industry's science funding.

The standard includes the uniform provision and structure of the data from controllers from different manufacturers. The Weihenstephaner Standards 2000 contain the specifications for the content of a standard BDE specification for filling systems, the Weihenstephaner Standards 2005 describe the interfaces and the provision of data for filling and packaging systems in the beverage industry.


Brewmaxx material

Brewmaxx material is a process-oriented material management system with a transaction-specific online view of all material movements, which are recorded based on a warehouse structure mapped to the process. In addition to inventory management, the collection of this information also enables research and statistical evaluations as well as batch tracking. For order and recipe-controlled production processes, the basic brewmaxx Liqu iT system can be seamlessly expanded with the brewmaxx material module.

Brewmaxx integrate

The brewmaxx integrate module collects process-relevant information from a wide variety of systems and process areas and enables their cross-area integration with regard to information management. The reporting component of brewmaxx integrate works with web-based clients, i. H. Access is installation-free and possible regardless of the presence of a brewmaxx client. This means that workplaces that are not process-related (e.g. plant managers) can be easily integrated into the overall system.

Brewmaxx connect

The brewmaxx connect module is a freely parameterizable interface for universal data exchange between brewmaxx systems and various third-party systems. These include client / server or host-based systems such as B. ERP, LIMS and maintenance systems, right up to intelligent measuring and analysis devices (such as inspectors and weighing systems). For each of the interfaces implemented by means of brewmaxx connect, the system offers a detailed online diagnosis that allows an extensive analysis of communication processes.

Product features

brewmaxx is consistently designed as a multilingual system. At the application level, it offers a computer-dependent language switch for the user interface and can be configured in multiple languages. Communication takes place via Ethernet connections TCP / IP and OPC.

The standard system is delivered in German and English. The languages ​​Russian and Spanish are optionally available as a preconfigured language package. Other languages ​​can be integrated as required.


The process values ​​are archived using MS SQL databases. Older files are moved from the production database to an archive database and deleted in order to ensure sufficient storage space for continuous data acquisition. At the same time, the amount of data in the production database remains limited and access to the database remains fast. The data from the archive and production databases are available together for the evaluation, and the research tools automatically access both areas.

user interface

Process images are created using Microsoft development environments. For the visualization of process data, a library of process picture controls is available in the standard system, which can be extended according to the user. A process picture wizard is integrated for creating new process pictures.

User administration

The user administration enables the creation of a hierarchical authorization system. This means that different users and user groups are assigned access rights. The user administration is integrated in the general parameterization tool, the Configuration Client.


The brewmaxx report functions support a cross-departmental, configurable reporting system. The report designer enables selective access to the collected process and material data. The recorded data are z. B. in the form of brewing reports or tank reports.


When configuring the system, the generation of program code is largely replaced by parameterization and downloading of data (object data records). All Brewmaxx system modules have a central engineering environment with a common database and a consistent, parameterizable surface, the "Configuration Client".

Reporting system

The reporting system is part of the monitoring function. All messages are recorded in a central database; the messages can be configured in several languages. Filters can be used to select certain messages, whereby several message lines can be displayed with different filters.


Different measured value views can be graphically displayed as curves or binary traces. The measurement points are compiled in the configuration client.

Visualization and fault diagnosis

Visualization data from certain automation classes can be recorded with the brewmaxx Visu-Recorder add-on. This application records processes similar to a video recorder and reproduces them directly in the process image. The playback speed can be selected. The Visu-Recorder is mainly used for fault diagnosis in complex processes.

Use and dissemination


Wheat beer brands

As a specialized industry software, brewmaxx enjoys high international relevance. Of the 25 largest wheat beer brands in Germany, 9 breweries already produce with brewmaxx. This means that brewmaxx's market share in terms of the total production volume in this group is approx. 47%. In addition, brewmaxx is used as a teaching system for process control technology for breweries at the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

rank Brand / Brewery Production quantity (hL)
1 Erdinger , Erding 1,587,000
4th Radeberger Gruppe KG, Frankfurt 900,000 *
5 Oettinger, Oettinger Brewery , Öttingen 650,000 *
7th Schneider, Kelheim 260,000 *
8th Maisel's Weisse , Bayreuth 255,000
14th Sanwald , Stuttgart 130.650
15th Gutmann, Titting 120,000 *
20th Edelweiss brewery Oskar Farny , Kißlegg 66,000
25th Distelhausen private brewery, Distelhausen 44,900

Source: Brauwelt.
* The quantities listed were given in the source as estimates.

Beer brands

Brewmaxx has a share of 30% among the top 56 beer brands in Germany.

rank Brand / Brewery Production quantity (hL)
5 Oettinger, Oettinger Brewery , Öttingen 2,656,000 *
7th Warsteiner 2,257,000
8th Radeberger Pilsener, Radeberger Gruppe KG, Frankfurt 1,793,000 *
12 Sternburg (see Sternburg (beer) ) 1,410,000 *
13 Erdinger 1,402,000
21st Jever 1,050,000 *
24 Köstritzer 780,000 *
26th Schöfferhofer 685,000 *
30th Heinrich Reissdorf private brewery 632,000

Source: Brauwelt.
* The quantities listed were given in the source as estimates.


The trade journal Brauwelt published a list of the 40 largest brewery groups in the world in issue no. 36/2010 (as of December 31, 2009). The source for this list was the Barth Report 2009/2010. Among the world's top 10 producers were 7 brewery groups. a. use the brewmaxx process control system in their production facilities.

rank group Market share (worldwide)
1 Anheuser-Busch InBev 19.8%
2 SABMiller 9.6%
3 Heineken 8.8%
4th Carlsberg (brewery) 6.4%
5 China Resource Brewery Ltd. 4.6%
6th Tsingtao Brewery Group (see Tsingtao (Brewery) ) 3.3%
9 Yanjing (see Yanjing beer ) 2.6%

Source: Brauwelt.


The predecessor systems of the Brewmaxx platform were already available with the technological functions (TF) for brewery-specific requirements. The big brother of brewmaxx is the Plant iT process control system, which is developed and sold by ProLeiT AG. Plant iT is the industry-neutral solution for the following sectors: Food & Beverage, Dairy Industry, Animal Feed, Pharma & Chemicals and Biodiesel & Bioethanol. In many areas it is identical to the Brewmaxx components, but also has an ISA 88 compliant batch system (see batch process ).

The software has been sold under the name brewmaxx since 1997 and is continuously being further developed.

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Development of the 25 largest wheat beer brands. In: Brauwelt. No. 30, 2010.
  2. Domestic sales of the largest beer brands in hL. In: Brauwelt. No. 21-22, 2010.
  3. The 40 largest brewery groups in the world as of December 31, 2009. In: Brauwelt. No. 36, 2010. (Basis: The Barth Report 2009/2010. )