Brexia madagascariensis

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Brexia madagascariensis
Brexia madagascariensis - Freiburg Botanical Garden

Brexia madagascariensis - Freiburg Botanical Garden

Eurosiden I
Order : Spindle tree (Celastrales)
Family : Spindle trees (Celastraceae)
Subfamily : Celastroideae
Genre : Brexia
Type : Brexia madagascariensis
Scientific name
Brexia madagascariensis
( Lam. ) Ker Gawl.
Blossom of Brexia madagascariensis
Young leaves
Older leaves

Brexia madagascariensis is a small tree or shrub in the spindle tree familyfrom central East Africa and Madagascar .


Brexia madagascariensis grows as an evergreen , richly branched shrub or small tree up to about 10 meters high, but is usually quite a bit smaller. The smooth bark is grayish-brown.

The alternate, simple, short-stalked and leathery, bare leaves are dimorphic . The young leaves are oblong to linear or ovoid to linear lanceolate and obscure-eilanzettlich as well as pointed-toothed and very long, the older, somewhat shorter leaves are elliptical to oblong or obovate to lanceolate and slightly notched to mostly entire margins. The leaves are always rounded or edged to pointed. The young, narrow leaves can be up to 35 centimeters long, older leaves are up to 7 centimeters wide. The nerve is pinnate forward with usually a lighter center loader. There are stipules present.

The often long-stalked and axillary inflorescences are multi-flowered to many-flowered and pseudo-gold . The inflorescence stalks are flattened. There may be more or less large and partly sloping cover sheets . The hermaphrodite, yellow-greenish to whitish and stalked flowers are five-fold with a double flower envelope . The small green calyx is fused in the lower half, with five free and triangular tips. The free, laid back petals are arranged in roof tiles. There are 5 stamens each with thick stamens that sit on a lobed disc and small, fleshy and fringed "pseudostaminodes". The egg-shaped and usually five-edged, -rippig and -kammerig ovary is upper constant with a short, conical, green to orange and rippigen pen with capitate and multipart scar .

Egg-shaped to ellipsoidal, short-ribbed and pointed, hard-shelled and usually five-chambered, orange-brownish, smooth and finely textured berries (armored berries ) are formed when ripe . They are up to 8 inches long and 3 inches wide. The many, flattened and elliptical seeds are dark brownish, smooth and up to about 5–7 millimeters in size.


The first description of Basionyms Venana madagascariensis was made in 1793 by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in Tableau encyclopedique et Methodique ... Botanique 2: 99, t. 131 and a more detailed description in 1808 in Encyclopédie Méthodique Botanique T. 8: 450. The reallocation to Brexia madagascariensis in a new genus took place in 1823 by John Bellenden Ker Gawler in Botanical Register; consisting of colored… 9, t. 730. Many synonyms are known.


The berries are edible. The wood can be used for various applications. The roots are used medicinally.

Web links

Commons : Brexia madagascariensis  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Louis P. Ronse De Craene: Floral Diagrams. Cambridge University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-521-49346-8 , p. 43.
  2. George Schatz, Porter P. Lowry II: A synoptic revision of Brexia (Celastraceae) in Madagascar. In: Adansonia. 26, 2004, 382–392, online (PDF), at, accessed on April 20, 2019.
  3. a b Brexia madagascariensis at KEW Science.
  4. ^ J. Lindley : The Vegetable Kingdom. Third Edition, 1853, p. 572 f, online at
  5. online at