Bruno Sahliger

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Bruno Sahliger (born August 18, 1922 in Seitendorf , Freudenthal district , † November 10, 1993 in Köfering ) was a German politician of the GB / BHE and the CSU. From 1958 to 1962 he was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament and from 1978 to 1993 1st Mayor of Köfering.

education and profession

Sahliger attended elementary school in Seitendorf, the community school in Bennisch and the high school in Troppau . On October 8, 1941, he was drafted into the air intelligence force and thus took part in the Second World War. He was taken prisoner by the British, from which he was released on September 19, 1947. He then studied law and economics at the universities of Regensburg and Bamberg and the University of Erlangen . He received his doctorate from Hans Liermann in Erlangen . He then completed his legal preparatory service at the district court of Beilngries and the regional court of Regensburg and passed the major legal state examination. After completing his studies, he initially worked as a lawyer assistant, later as a lawyer and finally as a government assessor at the Regensburg pension office, from 1974 to 1985 he was its chief director.

Political activities

Sahliger was active in the work of expellees for many years, including in the Sudeten German Landsmannschaft as deputy regional chairman and district chairman for Lower Bavaria and a member of the Federal Assembly. In addition, he was deputy district chairman of the Union of Expellees in Upper Palatinate . He was also involved in the Bavarian Association of Officials .

On June 15, 1954, Sahliger married Erna Pielmeier and moved to Köfering.

In the state elections in 1958 , Sahliger ran for the GB / BHE in the constituency of Lower Bavaria and was able to win a seat in the state parliament. Before the first meeting, however, he joined the CSU. He was a member of the committees for issues relating to displaced persons and victims of war, as well as for issues relating to civil service law and pay.

From 1961 to 1963 he was chairman of the Junge Union in the Upper Palatinate district and from 1968 to 1984 chairman of the CSU local association Köfering, which appointed him on October 12, 1985 to its honorary board.

In 1972 Sahliger was elected to the council of the municipality of Köfering for the first time. In 1978 he was elected 1st mayor. A little later he also became the joint chairman of the Alteglofsheim administrative community .

Sahliger was mayor of Köfering until his death. In his office he contributed significantly to the population growth of his community. A Dr.-Bruno-Sahliger-Strasse was named after him in one of the new development areas he initiated.

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