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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Köfering
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Köfering highlighted

Coordinates: 48 ° 56 '  N , 12 ° 12'  E

Basic data
State : Bavaria
Administrative region : Upper Palatinate
County : regensburg
Height : 343 m above sea level NHN
Area : 5.28 km 2
Residents: 2727 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 517 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 93096
Area code : 09406
License plate : R.
Community key : 09 3 75 161
Community structure: 2 districts
Address of the
municipal administration:
Schulstrasse 11
93096 Köfering
Website : www.koefering.de
Mayor : Armin Dirschl (Citizen List Köfering / Egglfing)
Location of the community Köfering in the district of Regensburg
Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach Landkreis Cham Landkreis Dingolfing-Landau Landkreis Eichstätt Landkreis Kelheim Landkreis Landshut Landkreis Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz Landkreis Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm Landkreis Schwandorf Straubing Landkreis Straubing-Bogen Regensburg Forstmühler Forst Kreuther Forst Brunn (Oberpfalz) Alteglofsheim Altenthann Aufhausen Bach an der Donau Barbing Beratzhausen Bernhardswald Bernhardswald Brennberg Brunn (Oberpfalz) Deuerling Donaustauf Duggendorf Hagelstadt Hemau Holzheim am Forst Kallmünz Köfering Laaber Lappersdorf Mintraching Mötzing Neutraubling Nittendorf Obertraubling Pentling Pettendorf Pfakofen Pfatter Pielenhofen Riekofen Regenstauf Schierling (Oberpfalz) Sinzing Sünching Tegernheim Thalmassing Wenzenbach Wiesent (Gemeinde) Wörth an der Donau Wolfsegg (Oberpfalz) Zeitlarnmap
About this picture

Köfering is a municipality in the Upper Palatinate district of Regensburg in Bavaria .

Church of St. Michael Köfering


Geographical location

The place is traversed by the stream Pfatter .

Neighboring communities

Alteglofsheim , Thalmassing , Obertraubling , Mintraching , Hagelstadt

Community structure

There are two parts of the community:


Köfering is first mentioned in a document in 1143 as Cheferingen . The fortress Köfering was destroyed on December 26th 1491 during the uprising of the Löwlerbund . The Counts of Lerchenfeld have been resident in the village since 1569.

Most of the written documents on local history were destroyed during or after the Second World War. The remainder disappeared during the territorial reform in 1972.

Population development

From 1988 to 2004 the population of the municipality grew by 110% - more than in any other municipality in Bavaria.

Between 1988 and 2018 the municipality grew from 1,068 to 2,690 by 1,622 inhabitants or 151.9% - the highest percentage increase in population in Bavaria in the period mentioned.

The population figures from 1840 onwards relate to the current area of ​​the municipality (as of May 25, 1987).

Population development
year 1840 1900 1939 1950 1961 1970 1987 1991 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Residents 321 562 654 1082 995 1026 1030 1340 1781 1949 2273 2319 2452


The municipality of Köfering ceded an area with more than 300 inhabitants to the neighboring municipality of Mintraching on May 1, 1978 .

Administrative community

From May 1, 1978 to December 31, 2001, Köfering was part of the Alteglofsheim administrative community , and since 2002 it has had its own administration again.


City council election 2020
(in %)
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
a CSU including non-party voters Köfering
Current distribution of seats in the Köfering municipal council (March 15, 2020)
A total of 14 seats

CSU including non-party voters Köfering

Municipal council

The municipal council has 15 members (including the mayor). Of the 2,079 residents who are entitled to vote in the municipality of Köfering, 1,174 have exercised their right to vote, bringing the turnout to 56.47 percent.


Since May 2014 Armin Dirschl (Citizen List Köfering-Egglfing) has been the mayor. In the local election on March 15, 2020, he was re-elected with 87.91% of the vote.

coat of arms

Coat of arms of the municipality of Köfering
Blazon : “Split; in front in silver an upright red curry comb with four points, behind in red a silver rafter with a black lark in it. "

The coat of arms has been used since 1982.

Culture and sights


Köfering volunteer fire brigade , warrior, reservist and soldier association, fruit and horticultural association , nature conservation association, male choir, parish youth, Köfering cycling pilgrimage, Köfering music support association, VdK Alteglofsheim / Köfering

Sports clubs:

  • Sports club Köfering (SSV) 1926 e. V.
  • Alpenrose shooting club
  • Boxing club Köfering


Moated castle Köfering with moat
  • Moated Castle Köfering : The first moated castle on the Pfatter was built in the 12th century. The Köferinger family was first mentioned in the middle of the 12th century. The fortress Köfering was destroyed on December 26th 1491 during the uprising of the Löwlerbund. The Counts von und zu Lerchenfeld have owned the moated castle Köfering since 1569. The castle wasdamagedin the Thirty Years' War and rebuilt in its present form in 1680-1720. The palace complex consists of a central projectile, to which, however, only a north wing adjoins; in the west there is another wing with protruding corner projections and the single-storey former stables building is attached to the south. The only access to the castle is via a stone bridge. The moat around the castle is still preserved. The white hall with inlaid parquet and the chapel are worth seeing.

Economy and Infrastructure


Bundesstraße 15 runs through Köfering . In addition, the place has the Köfering stop on the railway line from Regensburg to Munich .


  • Elementary school Köfering
  • kindergarten
  • Day nursery



  • Henriette Brink-Kloke: Three settlements for linear ceramics in Lower Bavaria. Studies on the findings and the ceramics from Alteglofsheim-Köfering, Landshut-Sallmansberg and Straubing-Lerchenhaid . VML, book 1992.

Individual evidence

  1. "Data 2" sheet, Statistical Report A1200C 202041 Population of the municipalities, districts and administrative districts 1st quarter 2020 (population based on the 2011 census) ( help ).
  2. ^ Community Köfering in the local database of the Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online . Bavarian State Library, accessed on November 28, 2017.
  3. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 659 .
  4. Sixth law amending the structure of municipalities and administrative communities of November 23, 2001 ( GVBl p. 738)
  5. https://wahlen.landkreis-regensburg.de/kommunal2020/20200315/09375161/html5/Gemeinderatswahl_Bayern_66_Gemeinde_Gemeinde_Koefering.html
  6. https://wahlen.landkreis-regensburg.de/kommunal2020/20200315/09375161/html5/Gemeinderatswahl_Bayern_66_Gemeinde_Gemeinde_Koefering.html
  7. https://wahlen.landkreis-regensburg.de/kommunal2020/20200315/09375161/html5/Buergermeisterwahl_Bayern_67_Gemeinde_Gemeinde_Koefering.html
  8. Entry on Köfering's coat of arms  in the database of the House of Bavarian History , accessed on August 5, 2020 .
  9. The Martyrs of Tokwon, Brother Paschalis (Johann Baptist) Fangauer ( Memento of the original from December 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. - ( Missionary Benedictines ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.seligsprechung.ottilien.de

Web links

Commons : Köfering  - collection of images, videos and audio files