States of South Sudan

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The 10 states and the 3 historic provinces
  • Bahr el Ghazal
  • Equatoria
  • Greater Upper Nile
  • After South Sudan's independence in 2011, the country initially consisted of 10 states that had emerged from the historic three provinces of Bahr el-Ghazal , Equatoria and Greater Upper Nile . In 2015, the 10 states were reorganized and then divided into 28 states. In 2017 these were even expanded to 32. In February 2020, the government and opposition agreed to return to ten constituent states.

    States since 2017

    32 states, 2017

    As of 2017, South Sudan has been divided into the following 32 states:

    Bahr el Ghazal
    1. Awhile
    2. Aweil East
    3. Eastern Lakes
    4. Gogrial
    5. Gok
    6. Lol
    7. Tonj
    8. Twic
    9. Woof
    10. Western Lakes
    1. Amadi
    2. Gbudwe
    3. Imatong
    4. Jubek
    5. Kapoeta
    6. Maridi
    7. Tambura
    8. Terekeka
    9. Yei River
    Greater Upper Nile
    1. Akobo
    2. Beeh
    3. Boma
    4. Central Upper Nile
    5. Fangak
    6. Fashoda
    7. Jonglei
    8. Latjoor
    9. Maiwut
    10. Northern Liech
    11. Northern Upper Nile
    12. Ruweng
    13. Southern Liech

    States 2015-2017

    28 states, 2015 to 2017

    Between 2015 and 2017, South Sudan was divided into the following 28 states:

    Bahr el Ghazal

    1. Awhile
    2. Aweil East
    3. Eastern Lakes
    4. Gogrial
    5. Gok
    6. Lol
    7. Tonj
    8. Twic
    9. Woof
    10. Western Lakes


    1. Amadi
    2. Gbudwe
    3. Imatong
    4. Jubek
    5. Maridi
    6. Namorunyang
    7. Terekeka
    8. Yei River

    Greater Upper Nile

    1. Beeh
    2. Boma
    3. Eastern Nile
    4. Fangak
    5. Fashoda
    6. Jonglei
    7. Latjoor
    8. Northern Liech
    9. Ruweng
    10. Southern Liech

    States 2011-2015

    They are each ruled by governors who were last elected in 2010 - before the independence of South Sudan. Nine of the ten governors belong to the former rebel organization and today's ruling party, the SPLM . Only in Western Equatoria, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro won an independent candidate.

    The states are divided into 86 counties.

    State Old Arabic name transcription Capital Area
    Population density
    (inh / km²)
    Number of counties
    Northern Bahr el Ghazal شمال بحر الغزال Shamāl Bahr al-Ghazāl Awhile 33,558 720,898 21.48 5
    Western Bahr el Ghazal غرب بحر الغزال Gharb Bahr al-Ghazāl Woof 93,900 333.431 3.55 9
    Central Equatoria الاستوائية الوسطى al-Istiwāʾiyya al-wustā Juba 22,956 1,103,592 48.07 6th
    Western Equatoria غرب الاستوائية Gharb al-Istiwāʾiyya Yambio 79,319 619.029 7.8 10
    Eastern Equatoria شرق الاستوائية Sharq al-Istiwāʾiyya Torite 82,542 906.126 10.98 8th
    Jonglei جونقلي Jūnqalī boron 122,479 1,358,602 11.09 13
    Lakes البحيرات al-Buhairāt Rumbek 40,235 695.730 17.29 8th
    Upper Nile أعالي النيل Aāli an-Nīl Malacal 77,773 964.353 12.4 12
    Unity الوحدة al-Wahda Bentiu 35,956 585,801 16.29 9
    Warrap واراب Wārāb Kuajok 31,027 972.928 31.36 6th
    Total 619.745 8,260,490 13.33 86

    See also

    Web link


    1. a b, accessed January 4, 2011
    2. ^ South Sudanese President creates four more states. Sudan Tribune, January 16, 2017, accessed October 14, 2017 .
    3. ^ South Sudan's president agrees to have 10 states. of February 15, 2020, accessed February 15, 2020
    4. ^ Col Bakosoro wins the W. Equatoria Gubernatorial Election , in: Sudan Tribune, April 26, 2010