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Calai (Angola)
Red pog.svg
Coordinates 17 ° 53 ′  S , 19 ° 56 ′  E Coordinates: 17 ° 53 ′  S , 19 ° 56 ′  E
Basic data
Country Angola


Cuando Cubango
Município Calai
Comuna Calai
surface 7865 km²
Residents 31,000 (2013)
density 3.9  Ew. / km²
mayor Francisco Manjolo

Calai is a small town ( Vila ) in Angola . It is located near the border with Namibia .


Calai is the seat of a district of the same name ( Município ) in the province of Cuando Cubango . The district area covers 7865 km² with around 31,000 inhabitants (2013 estimates).

Two municipalities (Comunas) make up the Calai district:


In 2013, 4224 students in a total of 56 school classes attended the ten schools in the district, nine of which are primary schools and one secondary school. There is a shortage of teachers, and 87 classrooms are missing in the district. The most urgent need is to be met with the construction of two more primary schools with six and twelve classrooms. The district administration maintains 440 posts for the corresponding teaching staff in the schools in the district, including 288 primary school teachers.


The district is strongly characterized by agriculture. So far, the small farmers in the area have sold their products in improvised and unprotected markets, or in neighboring Rundu in Namibia. At the beginning of 2014, the district administration inaugurated the first market hall with 98 sales points to protect the goods sold from the sun and road dust, especially meat and vegetables. In addition, the residents should be spared the dangerous crossing over the Cubango border river to Rundu in the future. Another market hall in the village of Vanda in the district was also about to be opened in April 2014. This measure is also intended to strengthen local trade in the district.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Article of September 4, 2013 by the state news agency ANGOP , accessed on April 15, 2014
  2. a b Article from April 8, 2014 ( Memento of the original from April 16, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. of the Jornal de Angola newspaper , accessed April 15, 2014  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /