Carl Ahles

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Carl Ahles (also: Karl Ahles ; full name Carl Ludwig Wilhelm Ahles and Karl Ludwig Wilhelm Ahles ; * February 12, 1789 in Hanover ; † November 13, 1847 in ibid.) Was a German wine merchant , senator and local politician .


Letterhead of the later “wine wholesaler of Joh. Wilh. Ahles Sohn ”in Mittelstrasse 8 in Calenberger Neustadt

Ahles was born at the time of the Electorate of Hanover in 1789 as the son of the wine merchant Johann Wilhelm Ahles . After the so-called " French era ", the elevation of the former electorate to the Kingdom of Hanover and the death of his father, Ahles took over the bar and wine trade from his father in 1818: " Ahles Weinstube " was a meeting place for numerous Hanoverian dignitaries ; but also personalities like Wilhelm Busch and Wilhelm Raabe and celebrities like Georg or August Kestner came to the establishment, also known as Ahles Weinhandlung and Weinstube .

In 1822 Karl Ahles was a member of the "Directions Committee" of the court theater, which was privately run in the castle theater at the time, in which the actor August Pichler appeared accompanied by several court musicians. Members of the committee, headed by Oberhofmarschall Graf Carl Philipp von Hardenberg, were Ahles, the Obersteuerrat Baron August Otto Ludwig Freiherr von Grote , Hofrat Falck as well as the "thigh" and "chief" of the orchestra Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Graf von Platen-Hallermund .

In the years 1825-1843 Ahles was repeated a senator and in the civil head of the College of Hanover elected to the Ahles was responsible not only as accounting officer of the municipal hospital and the hospital register, but where the Masonic and member of the lodge Friedrich to the white Horses at times also acted as vice spokesman .

During this period he was in 1828, together with the factory owners and finance minister August Ludwig Bruns and Franz Krohne and Friedrich Krømcke co-founder of an association "establishing a general, founded on reciprocity of prospective Life Insurance Institute for the Kingdom of Hanover ", the purpose of preparing the set up life insurance was . "Mr. Senator Ahles" was one of the first board members in the trade association for the Kingdom of Hanover .

Ahles was one of those leaders who opposed King Ernst August during the constitutional conflict in July 1839 in order to protect the rights of the city .

Shortly before his death in 1847, the restaurateur sold his wine trade and bar to his cellar master Karl Schultz , the cousin of the amateur astronomer and poet Georg Friedrich Schultz .

Archival material

Archival material from and about the senator, mayor and wine merchant can be found, for example

Web links

Commons : Carl Ahles  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hannoversches Adressbuch for the year 1828, Department II: Alphabetical index of the inhabitants of the old and new town Hanover, as well as part of the inhabitants of Herrenhausen, Linden and besides the other gates with remark of their business, the streets in which they live and the house number , P. 10; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library (GWLB) via the German Research Foundation
  2. Friedrich August Schmidt (Ed.): Register on the third Decennium (the years XXI-XXX.) 1843-1852 of the New Nekrologs der Deutschen , B. Fr. Voigt, Weimar: 1856, p. 4; Digitized via Google books
  3. a b Friedrich Voigts : Freemasonry in the Oriente of Hanover: memorial sheets to the festivals of January 14th and 15th, 1857 , Hanover: Carl Rümpler, 1859, p. 77; Digitized via Google books
  4. n.v . : Ahles, Karl Ludwig Wilhelm in the database of Lower Saxony Persons (new entry required) of the GWLB [undated], last accessed on August 7, 2019
  5. a b c d Waldemar R. Röhrbein : Ahles, (2) Karl Ludwig Wilhelm , in: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon , p. 25; Preview over google books
  6. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Ahles, A. Weinhandlung and Weinstube , in: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 16; Preview over google books
  7. ^ Michael Walter : Deutsche Hofoper , in ders .: Opera. History of an Institution , Stuttgart: J.-B.-Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung and Carl-Ernst-Poeschel-Verlag, [2016], ISBN 978-3-476-02563-0 and ISBN 978-3-7618-2068-1 and ISBN 3-476-02563-2 , p. 210; Preview over google books
  8. a b Ludwig Denecke (ed.): Brothers Grimm Memorial (= writings of the Brothers Grimm Society ) (= annual gift ... of the working group for the humanities of the 19th century eV ), Stuttgart: Hirzel, 1981, ISSN 0177-834X, p. 185
  9. ^ Bernhard Hausmann : Memories from the eighty-year life of a Hanoverian citizen , Hahn, Hanover 1873, passim ; Digitized via Google books
  10. ^ Kurt Pohl: The beginnings of the German life insurance system , philosophical dissertation at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig 1913, p. 21; Preview over google books
  11. ^ Karl Karmarsch , Friedrich von Reden ( Reden .): Mittheilungen des Gewerbeverein für das Kingdom Hannover , 4th delivery (born 1834–1835), Hannover: in commission of the Hahnschen Hofbuchhandlung, 1835, p. 196; Digitized via Google books
  12. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Schultz, Georg Friedrich , in: Hannoversches Biographisches Lexikon , p. 326; Preview over google books