Carl Friedrich Liebel

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Carl Friedrich Liebel (born January 3, 1745 in Neukirchen , † January 6, 1823 in Leisnig ) was a Protestant field preacher , pastor , superintendent in Leisnig and associate professor in Schulpforta .


His father was the Siede and later mayor Georg Carl Liebel, who made it possible for him to attend the Princely School in Pforta from 1759 to 1765 by attending the city school and by taking private classes in Latin from 1812 . Then began the four-year visit to Wittenberg University, where he received his master's degree .

As a private tutor he taught from 1769 to May 1778 the children of superintendent Friedrich Georg Stranz (1715–1785) and his wife Eleonore Charlotte Liebel, born on July 3, 1749, from Dresden.

After his return to Dresden he was briefly active as a field chaplain in the cavalry of the Prince Albert regiment , and from 1779 onwards he worked as vicar for five months at the Kreuzkirche in Dresden .

In 1780 he was called to Schulpforta where he a. a. he was entrusted to him and later pastor and writer in Globig Heinrich Wohlfarth Rehkopf († 1814), son of the Protestant theologian and superintendent Johann Friedrich Rehkopf (1733–1789). In the position of deacon he supported the superintendent FB Hofmann († 1790), who was active in Leisnig, from 1789. a. as Ephorus his successor.

His successor was the pastor Johann Carl Friedrich Teubner from Wolkenstein in 1823 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich August Schmidt (ed.): New Nekrolog der Deutschen . First year 1823. Second issue. Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, Ilmenau 1824, p. 769 f . ( Online in Google Book Search).