Carl Gustav Schoultz of Ascheraden

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Family coat of arms of the Barons Schoultz von Ascheraden

Carl Gustav Schoultz von Ascheraden (born July 29, 1743 in Zarnekow , Swedish-Pomerania , † March 22, 1798 in Berlin ) was a Swedish diplomat and author on European and Baltic history.


His military career began in 1752 as a volunteer in the Cronhiotska regiment, in 1760 as a sergeant in the royal body regiment and promotion to ensign . He joined the Blixenska regiment in 1762 and was promoted to lieutenant in 1770 . In 1775 he became major and in 1776 chamberlain to the Swedish Queen Luise Ulrike of Prussia (1720–1782). This was followed in 1777 as a regimental quartermaster in the Jämtland dragoon regiment. On February 7, 1781, he took his leave from the Swedish army . From 1782 to 1787 he was sent to the Swedish Embassy in The Hague as a “minister with special tasks” . On April 28, 1785 he was awarded the North Star Order . He was accepted into the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on April 30, 1787. In 1792 he was delegated to Regensburg as a special envoy to the Perpetual Diet and from 1792 served as a minister at the Prussian court .


Carl Gustav came from the Swedish-Baltic noble family Schoultz von Ascheraden , his grandfather was the governor of Wismar Martin Simon Schoultz von Ascheraden (1660-1730). His father was Baron Carl Gustav Schoultz von Ascheraden (born July 19, 1711 in Wismar; † May 21, 1788 in Stralsund), who was married to Christina Ulrika von Marschalk (1717–1778). Due to the inheritance of his wife he was Mr. auf Schmantewitz on Rügen and Mr. von Zarnekow and Nehringen in Pomerania , he was the founder of the Pomeranian lineage. Carl Gustav was the second of ten children; he died unmarried.


  • Opera. Edited by CG Schoultz von Ascheraden. Leiden 1784 [1]
  • Schoultz von Ascheraden, Carl Gustav: Res suo aevo gestas / memoriae tradidit Carol. Gust. Schulz from Ascherade .... - Londini, 1789 [2]
  • Schoultz von Ascheraden, Carl Gustav: History of our times / from the Lat. of Baron Schulz von Ascherade. Translated by Theodor Schmalz. - Königsberg: Nicolovius Th. 1. - 1790 [3] , [4]
  • Schoultz von Ascheraden, Carl Gustav: Res Suo Aevo Gestas Memoriae Tradidit Carol. Gust. Schulz Ab Ascherade, Liber Baro, SRM Sueciae Cubicularius, Eques Auratus .... - Lipsiae: Crusius, 1793 [5]

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