Carl Haeckel

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Carl Gottlob Haeckel (born November 22, 1781 in Hirschberg ; † October 4, 1871 ) was a Prussian lawyer and civil servant.


Carl Gottlob Haeckel's father Christian Benjamin Haeckel (1757–1813) founded and operated a linen bleaching factory called "Haeckelbleiche" in Kunersdorf . Carl Gottlob Haeckel was the only son from Christian Benjamin Haeckel's marriage to Johanna Regina Haeckel, née Rilke (1758–1839).

Carl Gottlob Haeckel studied law from 1799 to 1802 in Halle / Saale and in Breslau . In the advanced years he wrote a report about his youth and studies, with which he wanted to support Gustav Freytag in his preparatory work on his pictures from the German past .

After completing his legal traineeship in Breslau, Haeckel became the town councilor in Landeshut . After Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign against Prussia , he secretly engaged in resistance against the French. In 1808 he became a member of the Tugendbund . In 1809 he became director of the city court in Landeshut. From 1811 to 1815 he was commissioned as commissioner for the secularization of the Grüssau monastery . With the beginning of the Wars of Liberation , he joined the Lützow Freikorps in 1813 . Shortly afterwards, he was assigned to the staff of the Silesian Army led by Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher as an orderly officer .

In 1816 Haeckel became a member of the government of Potsdam , Brandenburg province , and from 1819 headed the municipal communal department there. In 1835 he was transferred to Merseburg in the Merseburg administrative district of the Prussian province of Saxony , where he was responsible for school and church affairs as a senior councilor .

It is known that Carl Haeckel has been concerned with philosophy, history and geography since his student days and that after his retirement he still attended lectures by Carl Ritter and Johann Gustav Droysen .

Carl Haeckel was married twice. His first wife Henriette Emilie Lampert died early. From the second marriage with Charlotte Auguste Henriette Sethe (1799–1889), daughter of Christoph von Sethe , Ernst Haeckel emerged as the second and youngest son .

