Grüssau Monastery

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Krzeszów Cistercian Abbey
Monastery church of the Assumption in Grüssau
Monastery church of the Assumption in Grüssau
location Poland
Lower Silesian Voivodeship
Lies in the diocese Legnica
Coordinates: 50 ° 44 '3 "  N , 16 ° 3' 51"  E Coordinates: 50 ° 44 '3 "  N , 16 ° 3' 51"  E
Serial number
according to Janauschek
Patronage St. Mary
founding year 1242 by Benedictines
Cistercian since 1292
Year of dissolution /
Year of repopulation 1919–1940 / 46 Benedictines; 1947 Benedictine nuns
Mother monastery Heinrichau Monastery
Primary Abbey Morimond Monastery

Daughter monasteries


The Grüssau Monastery (Polish: Opactwo Cysterskie w Krzeszowie ; Czech: Klašter Křesobor ) is a former Cistercian abbey in the Krzeszów district of the same name in the rural community of Kamienna Góra (Landeshut) in the powiat Kamiennogórski in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship .

The complex was declared a Polish Historical Monument in 2004 .

The monastery complex is one of the most important baroque complexes in Europe and has been nominated for a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

History of the monastery

Abbey coat of arms

Founded as a Benedictine provost in 1242

The foundation of the Benedictine Propstei took place on May 8, 1242 by Duchess Anna of Böhmen , widow of Duke Heinrich II the Pious . The provost was with Benedictine monks of the Bohemian monastery Opatovice populated the valley of Zieder should make arable. Heinrich had already decided this before he died on April 9, 1241 in the Battle of Liegnitz. It is not known why the monastery could not develop and why the Benedictines gave up the Grüssau Propstei in 1289. In 1288, Duke Bolko I had given the Benedictine provosty the villages of Blaseysdorff , Merkelingsdorff and Cazbach (Katzbach / Kratzbach) , which belonged to the Trautenau area and which Duke Bolko I had previously owned by the knight Witiko von Aupa / Alt Trautenau ( Vítek z Úpy ; † 1314) had acquired. However, just a year later, the Opatowitz abbot Tschaska sold the area belonging to the Grüssau provost with all the villages to Duke Bolko I, who intended to found a Cistercian monastery there. As a result, the area initially belonging to Bohemia came to the Duchy of Schweidnitz-Jauer .

Cistercian monastery 1292–1810

Monastery church

The foundation charter for the Cistercian abbey was signed in 1292 by the founder Bolko I, his brother Heinrich V and the Breslau bishop Johann III. Romka . The financial resources of the monastery initially included 14 villages and the city of Liebau with all taxes, rights and obligations and, by virtue of the ducal power of attorney, also the blood court , for which Liebau was designated the place of jurisdiction. The founder expected the Cistercians to colonize the country further and to found further localities. On August 7, 1292 Abbot Friedrich von Heinrichau had sent twelve monks and the founding Abbot Theoderich to Grüssau, where they arrived two days later. The monastery church was consecrated in 1292, the monastery buildings were erected a few years later. In the period that followed, the property was expanded several times: in 1343 by Schömberg with six villages, in 1403 by the Warmbrunn provost , which was founded by the knight Schaffgotsch , and by the rule of Würben near Schweidnitz . In the 14th century the Stiftsland included almost 40 villages and the two monastery towns of Liebau and Schömberg.

In the Hussite Wars , the monastery and the associated collegiate land were heavily devastated from 1426 to 1427; 70 clergy were killed. The church and monastery were not rebuilt until 1454.

During the Reformation the number of monks declined sharply. Grüssau was also badly hit during the Thirty Years' War . However, it soon regained its economic strength and religious importance and became a center of the Counter Reformation in Silesia . It was also a cultural center of the Giant Mountains and the neighboring Bohemian regions.

Abbot Bernhard Rosa made great contributions to the cultural and religious development of Grüssau . Many buildings and works of art for which he employed important artists go back to his time. The collegiate high school established in 1669, at which numerous free places were given for gifted students, increased the education of the area. The doctor and mystic Angelus Silesius was generously supported by the monastery in the printing of his works. Abbot Rosa's successor Dominicus Geyer acquired the indebted Bolkenhain castle loan with the villages of Einsiedel , Giesmannsdorf, Hohenhelmsdorf, Ruhbank, Klein-Waltersdorf and Wiesau from the Barons of Zedlitz in 1703 . With this acquisition, the Grüssauer Stiftsland reached a size of 297 square kilometers. During the reign of the abbot Innozenz Fritsch , the Stiftsland, of which the abbot was the landlord, consisted of 42 villages and the towns of Schömberg and Liebau. The area was divided into five administrative districts: Grüssau and its surroundings, Altreichenauer Dominialverwaltung , Priorat Würben , Propstei Warmbrunn and the Bolkenhainer Burglehen with the associated villages. The boundaries of the Stiftsland extended to the cities of Schweidnitz , Reichenbach , Striegau and Hirschberg . The population was about 30,000. 1723–1725, the Grüssau House was built in Schweidnitz under Abbot Dominicus . It was also called "Stiftshof" and was intended to serve as city accommodation for him and his successors during the sessions of the state parliament of the Principality of Schweidnitz-Jauer.

One of the main tasks of the monks was pastoral care in the twelve monastery parishes and looking after the pilgrims for the “Image of Our Lady”. Abbots and monks made a great contribution to the intellectual and cultural, but also to the economic development of the Abbey Land.

After the First Silesian War in 1742, Grüssau fell to Prussia, as did almost all of Silesia, which until then had been a subsidiary of the Bohemian Crown . Because of the subsequent war loads, with which the Grüssau monastery was also occupied, the planned new construction of the monastery could only be started under Abbot Placidus Mundfering (1768–1787). However, it remained partially unfinished as the abbey was dissolved by the Prussian state in 1810 in the course of secularization . The monastery, which was in high religious and cultural bloom, became meaningless. Large parts of the library and the artistic equipment came to Wroclaw . The monastery church was rededicated as a parish church, the monastery complex was partly state property, as was the Bolkenhain castle loan. The last abbot was Ildephons Reuschel , who lived in the monastery building until his death in 1823.

The life records of around 50 abbots and 400 monks from five centuries are recorded in the professorship books of the Grüssau monastery from the Cistercian era. After that, the majority of the monks came from Lower Silesia , especially from the twelve collegiate parishes, as well as from Bohemia. Only a few monks came from Upper Silesia , because the Cistercian abbeys Rauden and Himmelwitz were there.

Resettlement by German Benedictines from the Emaus monastery in Prague in 1919

In November 1919, the Cistercian monastery of Grüssau, which was secularized in 1810, was repopulated with the German Beuron Benedictines from the Emaus monastery , who had been expelled from Prague . The reason for the expulsion from Prague was the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the founding of Czechoslovakia, as well as the German national sentiment of the then abbot Albanus Schachleiter . Only after he resigned to the office of abbot of Emaus in 1924, the Grüssau convent was opened by Pope Pius XI. in the same year raised to the abbey. The first abbot was Albert Schmitt , under whom Grüssau once again became a liturgical and cultural center of the region. Father Nikolaus von Lutterotti , who had been given the position of monastery archivist and librarian, made special contributions to researching the abbey history and the historical legacy of the Grüssau Cistercians and the associated collegiate country .

From 1930 to 1931 the burned down north tower of the Grüssau Minster was renewed, then the remaining buildings were renovated until 1933. In 1934 the convent built a Catholic school on the way from the train station to the monastery. In 1934 the cathedral received new bells. After the renovation of the Grüssau image of grace in 1937, the pilgrimage to Grüssau was revived. From 1938 on, extensive renovation work was carried out on the cathedral facade and St. Joseph's Church, with many of the heavily weathered colossal figures of the facade decoration being renewed and the almost 50 frescoes in St. Joseph's Church being exposed. Completion of the work was delayed by the outbreak of World War II. Only in 1944 could the last scaffolding be removed.

When Abbot Albert tried to reach an understanding between the Catholic Church and the ruling National Socialism after 1933 , parts of the convent and the Silesian clergy rejected his position. Nikolaus von Lutterotti was also one of the critics. Even so, he was appointed prior in November 1943 .

Confiscation of the monastery buildings 1940–1945

View of the monastery complex from the foot of the Kalvarienberg

On September 3, 1940, the monastery buildings were confiscated by the Nazi regime . Despite numerous protests, all monks had to leave their monastery accommodation, although the press claimed that "only one wing was occupied". The monastery buildings, which were now called "Camp Grüssau", initially served as transit camps for ethnic Germans from Bukovina . In October 1940, 800 to 900 Carpathian Germans were assigned to the Grüssau camp, who were then resettled in parts of Poland occupied by German troops . From October 5, 1941, Silesian Jews were interned in the Grüssau camp . From the end of 1942 to February 6, 1943, they were brought in several transports, mostly to the Theresienstadt concentration camp . From March 1943 to November 1944, the camp was used for deportees from Lorraine and Alsace and, in the winter of 1944/45, for Hungarian Germans , who were specially protected as "Fuehrer's guests". All inmates were forced to flee to the nearby Sudetenland on May 7, 1945 . On the same day, Landeshut District Administrator Otto Fiebrantz lifted the confiscation of the monastery buildings. It was probably one of his last official acts before the official end of the war on May 8, 1945.

During the war, numerous cultural assets from the Prussian State Library in Berlin were relocated to Grüssau, which have been in the Berlinka Collection in Poland since the end of the war in 1945 .

1940–1945, all monks had to leave the monastery unless they had been drafted into military service. Fourteen monks lost their lives participating in the war, which was about a quarter of the community . The remaining monks returned to the monastery after the end of the war, but were expelled on May 12, 1946 together with the German residents . Abbot Albert Schmitt had left Grüssau together with the older and sick monks on February 27, 1945. In 1947 he founded the Grüssau Abbey in Bad Wimpfen in the Diocese of Mainz for his convent .

Resettlement by Polish Benedictine women in 1947

On 12 May 1946, the monastery Grüssau which had fallen in 1945 as a result of World War II, like almost all of Silesia to Poland and was renamed "Krzeszów" was populated by Polish Benedictine resulting from the Allerheiligenabtei in Lviv , which the Soviet Union fell had been evicted. The former prior Nikolaus von Lutterotti, who originally came from South Tyrol and was not expelled from Grüssau / Krzeszów due to his Italian nationality, and four other confreres of other nationalities, was allowed to continue pastoral care for the Germans who stayed behind until 1954. Since he did not speak the Polish language, he asked for help from the Benedictine priory of Tyniec because of the Polish population pouring in . In order to save the monastery Grüssau for the order, the Benedictines of Tyniec took over the legal succession for Grüssau. Titular Prior von Lutterotti and his four confreres were pro forma subordinate to Tyniec. In the event that the German convent would return, the Grüssau monastery should revert to it. Subsequently, there was an exemplary collaboration between Tyniec and Grüssau, which was shaped by the Benedictine attitude. Nikolaus von Lutterotti also had the trust of the abbess Janina Szymańska and the prioress Sr. Józefa Jettka, who was able to contribute significantly to understanding because of her good knowledge of German. Due to the political upheavals, however, Grüssau lost its importance as a place of pilgrimage for a few decades.

Difficulties and persecutions began in 1951 under the vicar of the capitular Kazimierz Lagosz , who was appointed by the communist regime . In accordance with the state, this u. a. the prohibition of religious education, the dissolution of diocesan and religious convents and women's convents, and the nationalization of monastic property. To intervention in the Exemtionsrechte it came in the spring of 1953, when unannounced a commission on the Breslauer diocesan curia should inspect the monastery. The sacristy, archive, library and other rooms were searched. Some time before that, the secret security police had searched the house. On Whit Monday, May 25, 1953, a commission appeared that afternoon consisting of six canons appointed by Lagosz and a secular officer of the Curia. They confiscated most of the valuable baroque paraments and liturgical implements from the Cistercian period. When Prior Nikolaus von Lutterotti was at the Curia in Wroclaw in October 1953, the monastery, churches and gardens were searched by the Secret Security Police. At the same time, the valuable monastery library, the monastery archive and most of the art and cultural-historical exhibits were transported to Wroclaw, as these had not been registered or delivered by the state.

After the political change in 1989, the religious importance as a place of pilgrimage increased again. On June 2, 1997, the Grüssau image was crowned by Pope John Paul II and enthroned again on August 11, 1997 in the presence of high spiritual dignitaries.


Monastery Church of the Assumption

Church interior

The monastery church was inaugurated in 1292 by the Wroclaw Bishop Johannes Romka . A baroque church was built in its place under Abbot Innozenz Fritsch in the years 1728–1735 , where the most famous artists from Bohemia, Moravia, Austria and Bavaria worked in the 17th and 18th centuries. The design was influenced by Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer's circle . The construction management was in the hands of the master builder Joseph Anton Jentsch from Hirschberg . Ferdinand Maximilian Brokoff created the designs for the sculptural facade, which - with an unusually strong emphasis on the vertical - is horizontally divided into three floors . After his untimely death, his student Anton Dorazil took over the management of the work with a sculpture workshop from Prague. He was followed by Dorazil's son-in-law Joseph Anton Lachel .


Main altar
  • The wall paintings inside the church were created by Georg Wilhelm Neunhertz , a grandson of Michael Willmann : in the vault the parable of the Good Shepherd , the Sermon on the Mount and the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector . Abbots Bernhard Rosa , Dominicus Geyer , Innozenz Fritsch and Benedikt II. Seidel are depicted on the double portraits of the vestibule .
  • The design for the architectural main altar , which depicts the adoration of the cross by angelic choirs , was created by FM Brokoff. The execution was carried out by A. Dorazil. The main altar painting of the Assumption was created by Peter Johann Brandl .
  • The pulpit was created in 1736 by the cabinet-maker Anton Stenzel from Schömberg. It was decorated in 1761 by JA Lachel with figures of the Holy Trinity and bas-reliefs depicting the church fathers .
  • The choir stalls were created by FM Brokoff and A. Dorazil in 1730–1735. It is richly decorated with depictions of saints and prophets .
  • The organ gallery is completely filled with the prospectus . The figures are designed by FM Brokoff, executed by A. Dorazil, who also created the two angels with holy water bowls under the organ gallery.
  • In the sacristy there are richly decorated baroque inlaid cabinets .

Side altars

"St. Joseph - Pfleger Jesu ”, painting by FA Scheffler
  • God the Father, Creator of the world
  • Holy Cross Altar: in the crown is a medieval crucifix made of Würben
  • Vierzehnheiligen altar with painting by Johann Franz Hoffmann
  • Joseph's Altar: painting by Felix Anton Scheffler ; Figures Saint Abbot Alberich von Citeaux and Saint Theresa von Avila from the workshop of JA Lachel.
  • Christ Emanuel Altar
  • Child Jesus altar: with a figure from Glatz in the style of the Infant Jesus of Prague
  • Altar of the Blessed Sacrament: Altar painting Wurzel Jesse and side painting Twelve Prophets and Twelve Sibyls by Michael Willmann
  • St. Anna Altar: Figures Saint Joachim and Saint Judas Thaddäus by JA Lachel

Chapels in the choir

  • St. Benedict: altar figures Saint Maurus and Saint Placidus of Subiaco , altar painting Death of Saint Benedict
  • St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Figures of Saint Robert of Molesme and Saint Stephan Harding by A. Dorazil; Altar painting The Miracle of Speyer by FA Scheffler

Chapels on the south aisle wall

Galleries in the south aisle
  • St. Peter and Paul: Altar and figures of Saint Ambrose and Saint Augustine by Ignatz König; Altar painting Farewell to the Apostles Peter and Paul by FA Scheffler
  • St. Nicholas: altar and figures of Saint Charles Borromeo and Saint Martin of Tours by JA Lachel; Altar painting fishermen thank St. Nikolaus for their miraculous salvation from FA Scheffler
  • St. Catherine of Alexandria: altar and figures Saint Barbara and Saint Apollonia by I. König, altar painting Mystical engagement of St. Katharina with the baby Jesus by FA Scheffler
  • St. Johannes Nepomuk: Altar and figures Saint Florian and Saint Laurentius by JA Lachel, altar painting Saint Nepomuk donates alms from PJ Brandl.

Chapels north aisle wall

  • St. Johannes Baptist and Evangelist: Altar and figures of Saint Innocent and Saint Vincent of Saragossa by I. König, altar painting by FA Scheffler
  • St. Matthew: Altar and figures Saint Matthew and Saint Luke by JA Lachel, altar painting by FA Scheffler
  • St. Franz Xavier: Altar and figures of Saint Ignaz von Loyola and Saint Philipp Neri by JA Lachel, altar painting Death of Saint Franz Xaver by PJ Brandl

Princely Chapel

The Princely Chapel, the dome of which is 9.4 m in diameter, was built between 1735 and 1747. It is one of the most beautiful baroque mausoleums . The frescoes by GW Neunhertz illustrate the history of the abbey. The sculptural decoration was created by A. Dorazil, the stucco work by Ignaz Albrecht Provisore . The paintings of the altars of All Saints , Saint Wenceslas and Saint Hedwig are by FA Scheffler.

On the west wall there are two Gothic sarcophagi for the dukes Bolko I († 1301) and Bolko II († 1368). The Renaissance - Tumba on the south wall of Ladislaus von Zedlitz-glutton († 1628) was spent here from the former monastery church. Ladislaus was, inter alia, Commander of the Striegauer Johanniter and chamberlain of the Breslau bishop Karl of Austria . The Grüssau monastery acquired the Bolkenhain rule from him at the end of the 16th century .

Loreto Chapel

The Loreto Chapel was built in 1728 by Martin Schuppert. The sculptures on the altar come from A. Dorazil's workshop. The statue of the Madonna of Loreto was created by Georg Schrötter in 1676 for the previous chapel.

Maria Magdalena Chapel

The Maria Magdalena Chapel was built on the east side of the Princely Chapel in 1738 and decorated with frescoes by GW Neunhertz. The altar with figures of Mary of Egypt and Saint Pelagia bears the altar painting Mary Magdalene in Religious Rapture by FA Scheffler. Georg Schrötter made the life-size figure of Christ in the burial chamber out of metal in 1678.

St. Joseph's Church

Facade of the Josephskirche

The Church of St. Joseph (Kościół bracki Św. Józefa) is located northwest of the monastery church. It was donated by Abbot Bernhard Rosa and built in 1692–1695 on the site of the medieval parish church for the Brotherhood of St. Joseph , created in 1669 . The two-storey facade is crowned by copper-clad wooden figures of the Holy Tribe .


  • The wall paintings are by Michael Willmann, his son Michael Willmann the Elder. J., his stepson Johann Christoph Lischka and the Cistercian monk Jacob Arlet .
  • In the east side chapels the Seven Sorrows and in the west the Seven Joys of Saint Joseph are depicted by Michael Willmann, who immortalized himself with a self-portrait in the scene Searching for a camp in Bethlehem .
  • The carved main altar comes from the sculptor JA Lachel. The paintings of the side altars: Engagement of Mary with Joseph and Mourning of Joseph over the pregnancy of Mary were created by I. King.
  • The pulpit is decorated with bas-reliefs from the life of Saint Joseph and God the Father in the crown and is attributed to Georg Schrötter.
  • Michael Willmann created the two paintings Flagellation and Ecce Homo on the south wall of the gallery.

Monastery building

New monastery building
Guest house

The monastery connects to the collegiate church in the south. In 1662 it was rebuilt and extended by master builder Martin Schuppert. The construction of the new monastery according to plans by Johann Gottlieb Feller could only be partially realized in 1774–1782. On the first floor of the older part there is a Gothic chapter house from the mid-15th century. The two-storey library with classical furnishings is located in the east risalit .

  • The monastery cemetery is divided into two terraces, which are connected by a staircase with a crucifixion group by the sculptor Johann Georg Gode († 1758). In the cemetery wall there are epitaphs from the Renaissance.
  • The abbots' baroque guest house was built in 1734 west of St. Joseph's Church. The plans presumably come from JA Jentsch. The monastery chancellery was located next to it . The monastery brewery and the monastery pharmacy were located south of the gate .
  • The stone damming column in front of the southern garden wall dates from the beginning of the 18th century.
  • On a hill east of the abbey are the ruins of the St. Anna Chapel, which was built in 1722 and rebuilt in 1884 after a fire.


Calvary near Grüssau Monastery

The chapels of the Kalvarienberg (Kalwaria) were built in wood in the years 1675–1678 by Abbot Bernhard Rosa and rebuilt in stone in 1703 under Abbot Dominicus Geyer . The Calvary includes 32 stations with which

  • the way of the capture of Jesus (Stations I-XVI) and
  • the Way of the Cross (Stations XVII-XXXII)

being represented. The Grüssau Passion Book was printed in 1682 for the devotions at the individual stations .



The Bethlehem complex is located two kilometers west of the monastery .



Organ loft

Organ of the abbey church

The organ of the monastery church was built from 1732 to 1736 by Michael Engler the Younger from Breslau. The Schlag & Söhne company carried out extensive repairs and modernizations from 1873 to 1874 in line with the taste of the time. A restoration and reconstruction took place in 2008 by Orgelbau Jehmlich, Dresden . It was decided to largely reverse the changes; the organ is now largely in its original condition. The Engler organ is considered to be the best in Silesia. Your disposition is as follows:

I Rückpositiv CD – c 3
Principal (P) 8th'
Slack amabile 8th'
Calm allemande 8th'
Quintadena 8th'
Octava 4 ′
Quinta 3 ′
Super Octava 2 ′
Sedecima 1'
Mixtura III 1'
Hautbois 8th'
II major work CD – c 3
Burdon Flaut 16 ′
Quintadena 16 ′
Viola di gambe 16 ′
Principal (P) 8th'
Lull major 8th'
Gemshorn 8th'
Salicet 8th'
Unda maris 8th'
Octava 4 ′
Night horn 4 ′
Gemshorn Quinta 3 ′
Super Octava 2 ′
Mixtura VI 2 ′
Cimbel II
III Brustwerk (OW) CD – c 3
Principal (P) 8th'
Pipe slack 8th'
Traver 8th'
Vox humana (from g) 8 ′ (labial)
Octava 4 ′
Lull minor 4 ′
Quinta 3 ′
Super Octava 2 ′
Quinta 1 12
Sedecima 1'
Mixtura IV 1 12
Trumpet 8th'
Pedal CD – c 1
Major bass 32 ′
Principal (P) 16 ′
Violon bass 16 ′
Sub bass 16 ′ K
Salicet Bass (P) 16 ′ K
Quintad bass 16 ′ K
Octav Bass (P) 8th' K
Slack bass 8th'
Gemshorn Quinta 6 ′
Great Octava 4 ′
Mixtura VI 3 ′
Trombones bass 32 ′
Trombones bass 16 ′
Trumpet bass 8th'
P = in whole or in part in the prospectus
K = concert bass ( pedal )
  • Subsidiary register
    • Transposition of the RP in concert pitch
    • Copula 2 Clavier (III / II)
    • Copula 3 clavier (III + II / I)
    • 10 shut-off valves
    • Wind vent
    • Calcanten bell
  • Mood :
    • Tuning pitch: Chorton a 1 = approx. 448 Hz (at 15 ° C) = concert pitch h 1
    • Temperature : Transitional form from a mean- tone modified temperature to a well-tempered tuning , which enables the whole tone transposition between the concert pitch and the chorus (data generally refer to the concert pitch): The fifths C – G – D – A are each around 1/6 of the Pythagorean commas (pK) decreased; A-E, H-Fis, C # -G # by -1/4 pK each; E – H, F # –C # and As – Es – B are pure; B-F-C by +1/8 pK each. - The CE third therefore forms the purest major third in the concert pitch (= chorton BD) with 390 cents, while CE in the chorton (= concert pitch DF #) still represents the second purest major third with 392 cents.
  • Wind pressure: 65 mmWs

Organ of the Josephskirche

The organ of the Josephskirche was built at the end of the 17th century. The organ builder is unknown. The organ has a manual with eight registers and an independent pedal with two registers. The organ of St. Joseph's Church was restored between 1993 and 1995.


I Manual C – c 3
Principal 8th'
Flauta 8th'
Salicet 8th'
Octava 4 ′
Flauta 4 ′
Quinta 3 ′
Super Octava 2 ′
Mixtura III
Pedal C – h
Sub-bass 16 ′
Octave bass 8th'


In 1935 the abbey church received seven new bells, which were cast by the company Petit & Gebr. Edelbrock , Gescher.

During the Second World War , the bells were dismantled for melting down. In the early 1950s, the monks of Grüssau Abbey in Bad Wimpfen managed to get the three largest bells back from a warehouse for confiscated bells in the port of Hamburg. However, the bells were too big for the bell towers in Wimpfen, so they were sold to the Catholic parish church of St. Cäcilia Mosbach in 1952 , where the original bell had also been confiscated for war purposes.

No.  Surname Ø
Nominal tone
I.  Emmanuel 2000 5400 g sharp °
II  Benedictus 1700 3050 h °
III  Johann Baptist 1500 2050 cis'
IV  Joseph 1250 1200 e '
V  Laurentius 1100 800 fis'
VI  Catherine 980 550 g sharp '
VII  Barbara 810 350 H'

Chime motif: Parsifal or Dresdner Amen

 \ relative c '{\ key c \ major \ time 4/4 g # 2 (b4. c # 8) c # 2 e8 (f # 8 g # 8 b8) b2} \ addlyrics {A - men A - men}

Cistercian abbots from Grüssau

  • 1292–1298 Theodoric, founding abbot († February 3, 1298)
  • 1298–1303 Heinrich I († in the 4th year of his reign, date unknown)
  • 1303-1310 Nicholas I (resigned in 1310 after six years in office, still lived as prior in 1315 )
  • 1310–1312 Wilhelm († 1312 in the 2nd year of his reign)
  • 1312–1332 (?) Heinrich II. Camerarius
  • 1332-1352 Nicholas II.
  • 1352-1357 Hellwig (resigned 1357; † around 1362)
  • 1357-1359 Heinrich III. von Probsthain († after three years of government)
  • 1360–1374 Nicholas III. Kestner
  • 1374–1383 Heinrich IV. Von Probsthain, from Schweidnitz
  • 1383–1387 Johannes I. Baumschabe (resigned 1387; † after 1399)
  • 1387–1394 Petrus I. Appenrode, from Jauer
  • 1395–1399 Nikolaus IV of Liegnitz (probably died in 1403)
  • 1399–1401 Heinrich V.
  • 1401–1429 Nikolaus V. Goldberg
  • (1425?) - 1431 Paulus Körnichen († 1432)
  • 1431–1436 Michael I.
  • 1436–1440 John II.
  • 1440–1460 Michael II († 1462)
  • 1460–1490 Nicholas VI. from Liebau
  • 1490-1506 John III. by Hayn
  • 1506–1516 Thomas Koch
  • 1517–1533 Franciscus Buethner
  • 1533-1542 Michael III. Lorenz
  • 1542–1544 Johannes IV. Ilgner-Walowitz
  • 1544–1554 Johannes V. Kellner
  • 1554–1556 Benedict I. Bartsch
  • 1556–1558 Antonius Neukirch
  • 1558–1567 John VI. Tharlan ( Cressavicus ); took part in the Synod in Glatz from June 27th to July 2nd, 1558, at which the confession of the clergymen present was to be recorded with a comprehensive catalog of questions on behalf of the Glatzer pledgee Ernst von Bayern . Together with Abbot Leonhard Paumann from the Fürstenfeld Monastery , he wrote the report on the state of faith of the clergy in the Glatzer deanery.
  • 1567–1571 Caspar I. Hauser
  • 1571–1574 Christophorus Scholtz
  • 1574–1576 Nikolaus VII Ruperti, from Kulmbach
  • 1576-1609 Caspar II. Ebert
  • 1609–1611 Georg I. Henning
  • 1611–1616 Thobias Haller
  • 1616-1620 Martinus Clavei
  • 1621–1622 Georg II Henning
  • 1622–1632 Adam Wolfgang
  • 1632–1653 Valentin Rüling
  • 1653–1660 Andreas Michaelis
  • 1660–1696 Bernardus Rosa
  • 1696-1726 Dominicus Geyer
  • 1727–1734 Innocent Fritsch
  • 1734–1763 Benedict II. Seidel
  • 1763–1767 Malachias Schönwiese
  • 1768–1787 Placidus Mundfering
  • 1787–1797 Petrus II. Keylich († 1798)
  • 1797–1800 John VII. Langer
  • 1800–1810 Ildephons Reuschel (1742–1823)


  • Inge Steinsträßer: Father Nikolaus von Lutterotti (1892–1955) Benedictines in Prague and Grüssau - wanderers between the political powers . In: Beuroner Forum 2011, pp. 79–94
  • Inge Steinsträßer: Wanderer between the political powers. Father Nikolaus von Lutterotti OSB (1892–1955) and the Grüssau Abbey in Lower Silesia Böhlau Verlag 2009, ISBN 978-3-412-20429-7
  • Piotr Grinholc and Diecezja Legnicka Diocese of Legnica (eds.): Organy Michaela Englera w bazylice pw Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Krzeszowie . [Michael Engler's organ in the basilica in Krzeszów (Grüssau) dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary]. Diecezja Legnicka, Krzeszów 2008 (commemorative publication on the occasion of the inauguration of the restored organ).
  • Dehio -Manual of Art Monuments in Poland Silesia . Munich / Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-422-03109-X , pp. 495–503
  • Henryk Dziurla, Ivo Kořán, Jan Wrabec: Kreszów - Europejska Perła Baroku . Grüssau - The European baroque pearl. Legnicka Kuria Biskupia, Legnica 2001, ISBN 83-916279-0-X and ISBN 83-88214-19-5
  • Dorota Kudera: Grüssau Monastery . Dülmen 1997, ISBN 3-87466-222-5
  • Hugo Weczerka (Hrsg.): Handbook of the historical places . Volume: Silesia (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 316). Kröner, Stuttgart 1977, ISBN 3-520-31601-3 , pp. 167-172.
  • P. Ambrosius Rose: Grüssau Monastery . Stuttgart 1974, ISBN 3-8062-0126-9
  • Nikolaus von Lutterotti OSB: From the unknown Grüssau . Wolfenbüttel 1962
  • P. Ambrosius Rose: Grüssauer memorial book . Stuttgart 1949.

Web links

Commons : Kloster Grüssau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Regulation text, accessed on 18 Mar 2019
  2. Wieland Führ: Zisterzienser Eine Great-granddaughter , article in the Naumburger Tageblatt from September 15, 2015, accessed on March 18, 2019
  3. Barbara Anna Woyno, Frank Hilbert: Cistercian Abbey Grüssau (Opactwo Cysterskie w Krzeszowie) in Lower Silesia, Poland , tourist information, accessed on 18. Mar 2019
  4. The demarcation between Bohemia and the Duchy of Schweidnitz-Jauer did not come about until 1249. At that time, the stone area came to the Břevnov Benedictine monastery in Politz , while the upper Bober area was settled by the Grüssau Benedictines. See Ludwig Petry et al. a .: History of Silesia . Vol. 1. Sigmaringen 1988. ISBN 3-7995-6341-5 , p. 3f. Schömberg, south of Grüssau, with its surrounding villages belonged to Bohemia until 1289 and was then donated to the Duchy of Schweidnitz-Jauer as a royal donation.
  5. Entry in the Schömberger Stadtbuch , quoted by polish-online , accessed on 18 Mar 2019
  6. ^ Nikolaus von Lutterotti: Abbot Innozenz Fritsch (1727–1734), the builder of the Grüssau abbey church . Bergland-Verlag Schweidnitz, 1935, p. 39f.
  7. P. Ambrosius Rose: Grüssau Monastery . Stuttgart 1974, ISBN 3-8062-0126-9 , p. 96
  8. P. Ambrosius Rose: "The Grüssau Abbey in the time of National Socialism". In: Grüssau Monastery . Stuttgart 1974, ISBN 3-8062-0126-9 , pp. 185-194.
  9. ^ Brigitte Lob: Albert Schmitt OSB - Abbot in Grüssau and Wimpfen. His ecclesiastical action and work in the Weimar Republic and in the Third Reich . Böhlau, Cologne 2000, ISBN 978-3-412-04200-4 , p. 276
  10. This was dissolved in 2005 and some of the library holdings of the Grüssau Monastery stored there were handed over to the Museum Haus Schlesien in Königswinter, and some to the Martin Opitz Library in Herne.
  11. ^ Father Bruno Studený (1893–1977), Czech citizen; Br. Gunther Veit (1901–1982), Czech citizen; Br. Florian Windisch (1884–1960) and Br. Florian Unterluggauer (1900–1980), Austrian citizens.
  12. ^ The corresponding agreement between Abbot Albert Schmitt and Theodor Néve, the Abbot of St. André-lez-Bruges, to whom the Tyniec priory was subordinate, was concluded in 1947 at the Benedictine Abbot's Congress in Rome.
  13. This fact was confirmed by contemporary witnesses, u. a. confirmed by the Benedictine Piotr Rostworowski, prior of Tyniec from 1951, and Nikolaus von Lutterotti.
  14. Nikolaus von Lutterotti: In constant distress . In: Hirtenliebe und Heimattreue , ed. by P. Ambrosius Rose, Brentanoverlag, Stuttgart 1957, p. 216ff.
  15. ^ Inge Steinsträßer: Restoration work in Grüssau completed . In: Schlesischer Kulturspiegel, issue 4, Würzburg 2011.
  16. The Princely Crypt of the Silesian Piasts ( Memento from September 30, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  17. Jan Harasimowicz (ed.): Enthusiasm and freedom thinking: Contributions to the art and cultural history of Silesia in the early modern period . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne / Weimar, 2010. ISBN 9783412206161 , p. 62 f.
  18. a b c Information on restoration on the company website of Orgelwerkstatt Jehmlich Orgelbau Dresden GmbH , as seen on December 8, 2016 .
  19. ^ Registration of the organ from Kloster Grüssau, Walcker Foundation , accessed on August 31, 2015.
  20. The temperature was designed by Ibo Ortgies (Grinholc 2008, p. 36, Polish, and 74, German). The basis was the pipe lengths measured by the Jehmlich organ workshop of straightened but not yet restored prospect pipes. The aim was to maintain the temperature tendencies found so that the original pipe lengths could remain untouched.
  21. ^ Website of the Association for Research and Conservation in Silesian Organs , accessed on August 2, 2015.
  22. To the technical data of the bells: Silesian Cistercian Monasteries PDF . Pp. 70-71.
  23. St. Cäcilia in Mosbach. 1935-1985. Church life in the past and present. Laub, Elztal-Dallau 1985, ISBN 3-88260-032-2 , pp. 87/88 and 95.
  24. Hans Kammermayer: Duke Ernst of Bavaria (1500-1560). Spiritual prince in the bishopric of Passau, archbishopric Salzburg and the county of Glatz (series of publications on Bavarian history 167), Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-406-10782-5 , p. 382f.