Otto Fiebrantz

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Otto Fiebrantz

Otto Fiebrantz (born November 20, 1880 in Berlin , † December 18, 1965 in Oldenburg (Oldb) ) was a German administrative lawyer.


Fiebrantz was the son of a pharmacist from Treptow an der Rega . He grew up in Berlin-Friedenau and studied first philology and then law at the University of Leipzig . In 1902 he became active in the Corps Saxonia Leipzig . After the legal traineeship, he joined the government in Danzig in 1906 . In 1909 he was awarded a Dr. iur. PhD.

In 1910 he came to the district office of the Kleve district in the Rhine Province as a government assessor . After two years as 2nd Tax Commissioner at the Berlin Stock Exchange , he was transferred to the Liegnitz district government in the province of Silesia in 1914 . From 1914 to 1916 he took part in the First World War as a first lieutenant in the reserve. In 1917 he was appointed in Legnica Councilor appointed. From September 1919 to 1945 he was district administrator in the Landeshut i. Schles. His last official act was on May 7, 1945, the lifting of the confiscation of the Benedictine monastery of Grüssau ordered by the Nazi regime in 1940 . After being expelled from Silesia in 1946, Fiebrantz came with the first transport to Oldenburg / Oldb., Where in 1950 he co-founded the District Administrator Dr. Fiebrantz Aid Organization.

Fiebrantz married Ulrike Anna Margarethe Richter on November 25, 1915 in Berlin-Zehlendorf.


  • The legal status of the domain treasury in school matters when acquiring a domain in West Prussia . Diss. Univ. Leipzig 1909.
  • Brieger, Fiebrantz: Memorandum on the economic and health emergencies in the district of Landeshut at the end of the d. Year 1925 . State hat i.Schl. 1926.


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Individual evidence

  1. Birth certificate No. 5766/1880 of the Berlin registry office
  2. Death certificate No. 1764/1965 Oldenburg registry office
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 30/700
  4. ^ Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage , I. HA Rep. 125, No. 1354
  5. Doctoral book of the University of Leipzig - doctorates of all faculties from 1810–1991
  6. Access: The legal status of the domain treasury in school matters when acquiring a domain in West Prussia /. In: Retrieved November 12, 2016 .
  7. R. Zilch, B. Holtz: Protocols of the Prussian State Ministry , Vol. 12 / II, register of persons p. 559
  8. ^ Landkreis Landeshut i. Schles. (
  9. ^ Brigitte Lob: Albert Schmitt OSB - Abbot in Grüssau and Wimpfen. His ecclesiastical action and work in the Weimar Republic and in the Third Reich . Böhlau, Cologne 2000, ISBN 978-3412042004 , p. 321
  10. P. Ambrosius Rose: The Grüssau Abbey in the time of National Socialism . In: Grüssau Monastery . Stuttgart 1974, ISBN 3-8062-0126-9 , pp. 185-194.
  11. marriage certificate no. 71/1915 registry office Zehlendorf
  12. Brieger, Fiebrantz: Memorandum on the economic and health emergencies in the Landeshut district at the end of 1925 . [sn] @, [sl] @ January 1, 1926 ( [accessed November 12, 2016]).
  13. List of the Federal Cross of Merit in the Office of the Federal President