Ibo Ortgies
Ibo Ortgies (born November 26, 1960 in Hage , East Friesland ) is a German - Swedish musicologist , specialist translator and banker .
Ibo Ortgies grew up in the north (East Frisia) . He studied historical and systematic musicology at the University of Hamburg from 1985 to 1990 . After a lengthy, job-related break, he accepted a scholarship-financed doctoral position at the University of Gothenburg in 1999 . After the defense (disputation, December 2004) his dissertation on the practice of organ mood in northern Germany in the 17th and 18th centuries and their relationship to contemporary music practice , he was in January 2005 to Dr. phil. (Swedish fil dr ) is doing his doctorate . 1999-2016 Ortgies worked as a researcher at the former organ research institute GOArt (University of Gothenburg, 1995-2016). From 2014–2017 he also worked in his own company as a researcher, research service provider and specialist translator.

Ortgies' focus is on
- Theory, history and practice of the tuning and temperature of the keyboard instruments as well as the ensemble intonation
- Life and work of composers, instrument and organ builders before 1800: Matthias Weckman , Arp Schnitger , Friedrich Stellwagen and others
- Organ building history of Northern Germany and the Netherlands
- Piano construction before the middle of the 19th century, with a focus on northern Germany (especially Lübeck).
At the beginning of the 1990s, the focus was on research on Matthias Weckman (biography and manuscripts). Through the project of a mid-tone organ with subsemitonies, which Ortgies operated as a co-initiator and expert in Bremen, he began to look deeply into the question of historical moods and temperatures. Today Ortgies is considered to be one of the "leading experts" in this field and, among other things, with regard to temperature control practice around Johann Sebastian Bach . His research into the tuning of the organs, on which Dieterich Buxtehude worked in the Marienkirche in Lübeck, had an impact on the chronology of Buxtehude's organ compositions. In addition, intensive archive studies enabled him to largely reconstruct the state of the great organ in the Marienkirche in Lübeck in Buxtehude's time. In 2016, Ortgies was able to identify several unknown organs of Arp Schnitger by examining historical literature.
As an organ expert, Ortgies has advised on organ restoration and reconstruction of new organs, including:
- Engler organ (1732–1736), monastery church of the Assumption of Mary , Krzeszów [Ger. Grüssau], Poland: Draft of the temperature on the basis of the pipe lengths measured by the restoring organ workshop Jehmlich Orgelbau Dresden GmbH - a transition form from a mean- tone modified temperature to a well-tempered tuning , which enables the whole tone transposition between the concert pitch and the chorus.
- North German baroque organ , Örgryte nya kyrka ( New Church in the Örgryte district), Gothenburg. Reconstruction after Arp Schnitger, Gottfried Fritzsche and Hans Scherer . - Participation as an expert in the scientific reference group .
- Mid-tone organ with subsemitonies (two manuals and pedal), Waller Church , Bremen- Walle . Designed as an organ from the middle of the 17th century. Completed in 2002 by the Winold van der Putten organ workshop , Finsterwolde, Netherlands. - Participation as a co-initiator and expert.
- Utopa baroque organ , Orgelpark , Amsterdam. Reconstruction (2012–2018) based on Zacharias Hildebrandt . - Draft of the well-tempered tuning of this organ .
- Gottfried Frietzsch and the Subsemitones in the Large Organ of Hamburg, St. Catherine’s . In: Johann Norrback, Joel Speerstra and Ralph Locke (eds.): Festschrift for Prof. Kerala J. Snyder (= GOArt Publications. Vol. 4). Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg 2019, 13 pp. Online (PDF: 1.8 MB).
- The Stellwagen organ (1653–1659) in Stralsund , St. Marien . In: Franz Josef Stoiber (ed.): Beautiful organs. Building history - sound - prospect design (= 283rd publication by the Society of Organ Friends ). Figaro, Laaber 2019, ISBN 978-3-946798-17-0 , pp. 282-287 .
- The organ of the Evangelical Reformed Church in Rysum (East Frisia) . In: Franz Josef Stoiber (ed.): Beautiful organs. Building history - sound - prospect design (= 283rd publication by the Society of Organ Friends ). Figaro, Laaber 2019, ISBN 978-3-946798-17-0 , pp. 264-269 .
- [Three separate articles] The Temperament of the Utopa Baroque Organ , A Star is Born: The Tonal Design of the Cymbelstern and Towards a Digital Hildebrandt Archive. In: Hans Fidom (Ed.): The New Baroque Organ at the Orgelpark . Orgelpark and VU University Press, Amsterdam 2018, pp. 73–90, 91–98 and 99–152. (= Hans Fidom [ed.]: Orgelpark Research Reports. Vol. 5/2). online (ePub: 16.2 MB).
- A portrait of Arp Schnitger? In: Het Orgel . 113, No. 2, 2017, pp. 41–47.
- Recent Research on Schnitger Organs. New Findings and Attributions . In: Keyboard Perspectives. The Yearbook of the Westfield Center for Historical Keyboard Studies . tape 9 , 2016, ISSN 1943-0809 , p. 119-150 . (Translated by Ibo Ortgies and James F. Wallmann. German: Unknown facts about Schnitger organs. Notes, finds, hypotheses, attributions . In: Ars Organi 64, 2016, issue 1, pp. 24–33, and issue 2, Pp. 83–89 - Dutch: Nieuws over Schnitger. Aanwijzigingen, vondsten, observaties, hypothesen en toeschrijvingen . In: Het Orgel 112, 2016, issue 1, pp. 3–11, and issue 2, pp. 3–9 . translated by Jan Smelik). - The German version forms the basis of both translations, whereby the English article has been changed, supplemented by further finds and revised.
- Most valuable from the 17th century. Matthias Weckman was born 400 years ago . In: Music & Church . 86, No. 6 2016, pp. 392–394.
- Ibo Ortgies, Léon Berben : To: Harald Vogel , Bruhns and his Opus Magnum, the Prelude in E minor (ex e). In: Ars Organi 63, 2015, no. 1, pp. 20–24, here the section 'On organ tuning at Bruhns' (p. 24) . In: Ars Organi . 63, 2015, No. 3, pp. 184-186.
- Ulenkampf . [Johann / Hans Hinrich / Heinrich Ulenkampf, before 1680–1725 or later] In: Uwe Pape , Wolfram Hackel (ed.): Saxony-Anhalt and the surrounding area (= Lexicon of North German Organ Builders 3). Pape Verlag, Berlin 2015, p. 585.
- Schnitger . [In addition to Arp Schnitger, his sons Arp Schnitger II, Franz / Frans Caspar Schnitger the Elder. Ä. , Hans Schnitger and Johann Jürgen / Georg Schnitger, as well as his grandson Frans Caspar Schnitger the Elder. J. ] In: Uwe Pape, Wolfram Hackel (Ed.): Saxony-Anhalt and the surrounding area (= Lexicon of North German Organ Builders 3). Pape Verlag, Berlin 2015, pp. 505–509.
- Johann Sebastian Bach and Temperament. In: Hans Fidom (Ed.): The New Baroque Organ at the Orgelpark . Orgelpark, Amsterdam 2014, §§ 224–270. (= Hans Fidom [ed.]: Orgelpark Research Reports. Vol. 5/1, § 224-270). online (PDF: 15.7 MB; ePub: 6 MB).
- Matthias Weckmann . In: Michael Zywietz (Ed.): Lexicon of Church Music. Laaber-Verlag , Laaber 2013, pp. 1374-1375.
- On the problem of connection and disparity between organ repertoire, improvisation and ensemble intonation . In: Muzikološki zbornik / Musicological Annual. 47 (Dept. of Musicology, Univ. Of Ljubljana ). ISSN 2350-4242 . No. 2, 2011, pp. 139–152.
- Subsemitonies and Performance Practice . In: Wolfgang Kreuzhuber (Ed.): The oldest organ in Vienna. The " Wöckherl organ " (1642) in the Vienna Franciscan Church . Institute for Organ, Organ Research and Church Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts , Vienna 2011, pp. 184–189.
- The organ builder Friedrich Stellwagen (1603–1660) - a contribution to life, work and meaning. In: Berit Drechsel (ed.): The Stellwagen organ in the Marienkirche in Stralsund. Festschrift for the rededication of the restored organ . Evangelical Church Community St. Marien, Stralsund 2008, pp. 8-19.
- [Eleven individual articles]: Tuning and tempering - an introduction; New German organ tablature : From Albrecht Dürer to Johann Sebastian Bach [Further organs in:] Leufsta Bruk ; Övertorneå and Hedenäset (Finnish: Hietaniemi) . Origin in Stockholm, Tyska kyrkan ; Dresden, palace chapel ; Leiden, Pieterskerk ; Roskilde, Dom ; Noordbroek, Hervormde Kerk ; Zutphen, Sint Walburgiskerk ; Haringe, Sint-Martinuskerk ; Houdan, Église Saint-Jacques et Saint-Christophe . In: Mechanics of Poetry II. The organ in the 17th and 18th centuries. Greifenberger Institut für Musikinstrumentenkunde, Greifenberg (Bay.) 2008. (CD-ROM).
- Temperature. In: Siegbert Rampe : Bach's piano and organ works. The manual. Part 2 = Volume 4, 2nd Laaber-Verlag , Laaber 2008, ISBN 978-3-89007-459-7 , pp. 623-640
- Bachstämning . In: Tidig Music (Sweden). ISSN 1400-5123 . No. 4, 2008, pp. 14-17.
- The temperature control as a problem of the use of organs in the basso continuo group . In: Christian Ahrens, Gregor Klinke: "... con cembalo e l'organo ...". The harpsichord as a thoroughbass instrument. Symposium as part of the 29th Days of Early Music in Herne 2004. Katzbichler, Munich-Salzburg, 2008, pp. 169–184.
- Arp Schnitger. Organ builder. In: Dagmar Freist , Wolfgang Erich Müller (Hrsg.): Geistesblitze. Researchers, inventors and scholars in the Oldenburger Land. (= Corinna Roeder (Hrsg.): Writings of the State Library Oldenburg 48). Isensee , Oldenburg 2008, pp. 8-13.
- Ibo Ortgies: Schnitger, Arp. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 23, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-428-11204-3 , pp. 326-328 ( digitized version ).
- Temperature. In: Siegbert Rampe : Bach's piano and organ works . The manual. Part 2 = Volume 4, 2nd Laaber-Verlag , Laaber 2008, ISBN 978-3-89007-459-7 , pp. 623-640.
- Buxtehude's organs in Lübeck. In: Dorothea Schröder (Ed.): “A superb organist and composer in Lübeck”. Dieterich Buxtehude (1637–1707). (Catalog for the exhibition An excellent organist and composer from Lübeck - Dieterich Buxtehude. Lübeck, Museum for Art and Cultural History (St. Anne's Museum) and Utrecht). Verlag Dräger, Lübeck 2007, pp. 57–68 (associated photos: pp. 56, 69–83).
- Stellwagen, Friedrich . In: Matthias Geuting, Hermann J. Busch (Hrsg.): Lexicon of the organ. Organ building - organ playing - composers and their interpreters . Laaber-Verlag , Laaber 2007, p. 739.
- Subsemitonium. In: Matthias Geuting, Hermann J. Busch (Hrsg.): Lexicon of the organ. Organ building - organ playing - composers and their interpreters . Laaber-Verlag , Laaber 2007, pp. 752-754.
- A Meeting of Two Temperaments. Andreas Werckmeister and Arp Schnitger . In: Thomas Donahue (Ed.): Music and Its Questions. Essays in Honor of Peter Williams . OHS Press, Richmond / VA 2007, pp. 75-99.
- 2037/2038 - Four hundred years of Dieterich Buxtehude (thoughts on a problem in Buxtehude research). Web release, 2007 . Origin published in Dutch under the title Volgend Buxtehude-jaar in 2037 or 2038. Gedachten bij een problem uit het Buxtehude-onderzoek. In: Het Orgel . 104, no. 1, 2008, pp. 13-17. Summary in German , Dutch and English .
- The Temperament of the Marquand Chapel Organ . In: Fanfare! A new organ for Yale University . Yale Institute of Sacred Music, New Haven / NJ 2007, pp. 20-24 (Part I) and pp. 37-44 (Part II). (For the inauguration of the new Taylor & Boody organ [op. 55] at Marquand Chapel, Yale University.)
- De orgels van Buxtehude in de Marienkirche te Lübeck . In: Organ Art (Belgium). ISSN 0776-9350 . 30, No. 2, 2007, pp. 52-61.
- Buxtehude med nya ögon. Forskning, uppförandepraxis och bibliografi . In: Kyrkomusikernas Tidning (Sweden). ISSN 0281-286X . No. 8, 2007, pp. 16-19.
- More than just question marks . Review of the edition by Pieter Dirksen (Ed.): Dieterich Buxtehude (?) (1637–1707): Now rejoice, dear Christians gmein. Choral Fantasy for Organ [in A major]. First print with an additional version in G major. (= Breitkopf Edition 8643). Breitkopf & Härtel , Wiesbaden 2007. Online = [1] . A shortened version appeared at the same time in: Musik & Kirche . 77, No. 6 (November / December), 2007, p. 437.
- Not quite just . (Review: Ross W. Duffin. How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony and Why You Should Care .) In: Early Music (UK). ISSN 0306-1078 . 35, No. 3 (August) 2007, pp. 452-454.
- Friederich Stellwagen . In: Ludwig Finscher (Hrsg.): The music in past and present . Second edition, personal section, volume 15 (Schoof - Stranz). Bärenreiter / Metzler, Kassel et al. 2006, ISBN 3-7618-1135-7 , Sp. 1411-1412 ( online edition , subscription required for full access)
- About the reconstruction of the large organ of the Marienkirche in Lübeck by Friederich Stellwagen 1637–1641. In: Cleveland Johnson (Ed.): Orphei organi antiqui, Essays in Honor of Harald Vogel . Westfield Center, Seattle 2006, pp. 313-335.
- Mark Lindley , Ibo Ortgies: Bach-Style Keyboard Tuning . In: Early Music (UK). ISSN 0306-1078 . 34, No. 4 (November) 2006, pp. 613-623.
- The "Bauwregister 1652-1712" in the Stralsund St. Marien church archive . In: Martin Rost and Evangelical Church Community Sankt Marien Stralsund (Ed.): The Stellwagen-Organ in Sankt Marien zu Stralsund. An inventory, chronicle and documentation. Organum Buch publishing house, Öhringen 2006, pp. 13–55.
- Speculation and Hypothesis. For the discussion of the Zellerfeld organ tablatures in Concerto No. 207/208. A replica. In: Concerto . ISSN 0177-5944 . No. 209, 2006, pp. 22-24.
- Schnitger (family). In: Ludwig Finscher (Hrsg.): The music in past and present . Second edition, personal section, volume 14 (Riccati - Schönstein). Bärenreiter / Metzler, Kassel et al. 2005, ISBN 3-7618-1134-9 , Sp. 1529–1532 ( online edition , subscription required for full access) (The date Arp Schnitger's baptism is incorrectly given as February 9, 1648 by mistake The correct date of baptism is July 9, 1648.)
- Bartold Hering, organist and organ builder in Lübeck? In: Ars Organi . 52, No. 2, 2004, pp. 70-74.
- The practice of organ tuning in northern Germany in the 17th and 18th centuries and its relationship to contemporary music practice , Diss. Göteborgs universitet , Göteborg 2004 (revised version, 2007). online (PDF: 5.4 MB).
- Pipe Organs with Subsemitones, 1468-1721. and Historical Organs with Subsemitones, 1468–1721. Appendix B. In: Ján Haluska: The Mathematical Theory of Tone Systems (= Pure and Applied Mathematics. 262). Marcel Dekker et al., New York NY et al. 2004, ISBN 0-8247-4714-3 , pp. 141-146 and pp. 369-374.
- Ibo Ortgies, Frank van Wijk: “Reyne Harmonie” in Alkmaar . Stemming en temperatuur in Nederland in de 17de en 18de eeuw. In: Het Orgel . 99, No. 3, 2003, pp. 12-36.
- Subsemitones in organs built between 1468 and 1721. Introduction and commentary with an annotated catalog . In: Sverker Jullander (Ed.): GOArt Research Reports 3. Göteborg Organ Art Center, Göteborg 2003, pp. 11–74.
- Vallotti in het Groningerland. Over de restauratie van temperatures . In: Het Orgel . 98, No. 5, 2002, pp. 27-39.
- Subsemitoetsen bij historical orgels tussen 1468 en 1721 . In: Het Orgel. 96, No. 6, 2000, pp. 20-26.
- The organ in the Reformed Church in Uttum. In: Thomas Tomkins : Keyboard Music. Vol. 4. 1997, Musikproduktion Dabringhaus & Grimm , 607 0706-2, CD booklet, pp. 36–38 ( Bernhard Klapprott in Uttum).
- Ze 1: An autograph by Matthias Weckmann ? In: Sverker Jullander, Hans Davidsson : Proceedings of the Göteborg International Organ Academy 1994. Göteborg University, Göteborg 1995, pp. 155–172. (About the Zellerfeld tablature Ze 1).
- New insights into Matthias Weckman's biography: Biographical sketch and timetable. In: Sverker Jullander (ed.): Proceedings of the Weckmann Symposium Göteborg 1991. University of Göteborg, Göteborg 1993, pp. 1-24.
- Matthias Weckman (1616–1674) and his autographs. In: Concerto. No. 88 (November), 1993, pp. 30-31.
- From the old organs. The organ landscape of East Frisia . An introduction. In: Concerto. 5, No. VI / 7-8, 1988, pp. 12-18.
Web links
- Works by and about Ibo Ortgies in the catalog of the German National Library
- Company website
- List of publications on the website of the University of Gothenburg (English)
- Short CV on the website Göteborg International Organ Academy / Faculty
Individual evidence
- ↑ The maternity ward responsible for the city of Norden was then in the former Hage hospital. If the parents ' place of residence was different (here: north), the responsible residents' registration office was informed and the newborns with their first place of residence were registered there. These children, who were born in Hage, identify with each other and are therefore generally considered to be northerners, including Ortgies.
- ↑ Disputation on December 4, 2004. See resolution J 6 3699/04 of the Humanist Faculty Council ( Humanistiska fakultätsnämnden ) of the University of Gothenburg from September 28, 2004. Online, PDF file, approx. 199 KB, not paged (p. 2) .
- ↑ See publications Die Praxis […] 2004.
- ↑ Markus Rathey, Yale University , in his review of Siegbert Rampe (Ed.): Bach Handbook 4: Piano and Organ Music. Laaber-Verlag, Laaber 2007, p. 203, in: Music & Church . 78, No. 3 (May / June) 2008, pp. 202-203.
- ↑ Cf. Michael Belotti: The free organ works of Dieterich Buxtehude. Studies in the history of tradition and style-critical studies . Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, Bern 2004, and Kerala J. Snyder : Dieterich Buxtehude: Organist in Lübeck. 2nd revised and expanded edition, University of Rochester Press, Rochester NY 2007, pp. 84, 86, 229, 232.
- ↑ Ortgies: About the conversion [...] , 2006; Ortgies: Buxtehude's organs in Lübeck , 2007.
- ↑ Ortgies: Unknown facts about Schnitger organs […] . 2016.
- ^ Andreas Hahn: Fascination Michael Engler. The Michael Engler organ in Grüssau / Krzeszow. Restoration and reconstruction . In: Piotr Grinholc and Diecezja Legnicka Diocese of Legnica (eds.): Organy Michaela Englera w bazylice pw Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Krzeszowie [Michael Engler's organ in the basilica dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krzesau] . Diecezja Legnicka, Krzeszów 2008, p. 58–74 (here p. 74 [footnote 114]. Article in the commemorative publication on the occasion of the inauguration of the restored organ. Polish version: Fascynacja Michaelem Englerem. Organy Michaela Englera w kreszowie. Konserwacja i reconstructkcja. Kilka słów obudowniczym , pp. 21–36 [here pp. 35–36, footnote 56]).
- ↑ Article in the English Wikipedia: en: North German baroque organ in Örgryte Nya Kyrka .
- ↑ Joel Speerstra (ed.): The North German Research Project at Gothenburg University . Gothenburg Organ Art Center, Gothenburg, 2003.
- ↑ "Daniela Staiger-Ortgies [...] since 1992 as organist in the evangelical parish of Bremen-Walle and is together with Ibo Ortgies initiator of the organ building project." Cf. Daniela Staiger-Ortgies: The concept of the Waller organ. In: Festschrift for the inauguration of the organ on May 11th and 12th, 2002 in the Evangelical Church in Bremen Walle . Kirchengemeinde Walle, Bremen 2002. Online, p. 1 , accessed on November 20, 2016 (PDF file; 228 kB).
- ^ Website of the organ workshop van der Putten about the organ in Bremen-Walle.
- ^ Bremen-Walle, Evangelical Church (category: Orgelbouwnieuws ). In: ORGELkrant (supplement to Het Orgel). No. 10 (October), 2002.
- ↑ Fabian Brackhane: Baroque Organ 2.0 or: Squaring the Circle? A new hybrid organ for the Amsterdam Organ Park. In: Organ - journal for the organ . No. 4, 2016, pp. 48–51.
personal data | |
SURNAME | Ortgies, Ibo |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German-Swedish musicologist |
DATE OF BIRTH | November 26, 1960 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Hage , East Frisia |