Carsten Feist

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Carsten Feist (born September 20, 1969 in Wilhelmshaven ) was elected mayor of the city of Wilhelmshaven on May 26, 2019 as a non-party member . He took up the post on November 1, 2019 as the successor to Andreas Wagner .


Carsten Feist graduated from the Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium in Wilhelmshaven in 1989 . He then studied at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and completed his studies with a degree in administrative management . He has been employed by the city of Wilhelmshaven since 1995, most recently as head of department for youth, family, education, sport, prevention and migration.

As one of a total of 15 candidates, Carsten Feist ran as a single candidate for the election of the Mayor of Wilhelmshaven in 2019 . On May 12, 2019, he took second place after the SPD candidate Niels Weller with almost 26 percent of the vote . He then clearly won the subsequent runoff election on May 26, 2019 with 53.6 percent.

Carsten Feist has been married since 1993 and has two grown sons.

Web links

  • Carsten Feist: Personal.


  1. Preliminary final result: Carsten Feist is the new Lord Mayor. Wilhelmshavener Zeitung , accessed on May 26, 2019 .
  2. Result of mayor election. Retrieved May 28, 2019 .
  3. Result of the runoff election. Retrieved May 28, 2019 .