Julius Nakszynski

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Julius Ferdinand Nakszynski (born February 5, 1829 in Tilsit , † 1891) was a German lawyer. From 1874 to 1879 he was first mayor of Wilhelmshaven.


As the son of a master tailor, Nakszynski studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg from 1851 . In the same year he was reciprocated in the Corps Littuania . After training as an auscultator at the Court of Appeal , he passed the second legal exam in 1858. He did not pass the third state examination (abolished in 1869) in 1863. After a subordinate position at the Berlin City Court, he went to the Berlin municipal administration . In 1865 he became mayor of Angermünde . In 1868 he moved to Spremberg in Brandenburg . After introduction of the municipal constitution for Wilhelmshaven it was in December 1873 by the Civil Head College elected Mayor of the city of Wilhelmshaven. As in Spremberg, he founded a savings bank . He was unable to balance divergent community interests. His difficult character and irregularities in his administration led to legal disputes between him and the mayor. It was not until July 1879 that they managed to see him off in exchange for a severance payment . Nakszynski became a public prosecutor in Bydgoszcz , Poznan Province .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 86/288.
  2. Archive Wilhelmshaven (with picture)