Cesare Trombini

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Cesare Trombini (born February 18, 1835 in Padua , † August 14, 1898 in Venice ) was an Italian violinist and conductor .


Trombini played the violin with virtuosity as a child , so that he gave concerts as a ten-year-old child prodigy . 1848–1850 he studied violin in Vienna with Joseph Mayseder and composition with Simon Sechter . Then he became conductor of the opera orchestra in Vicenza . In 1857 he went on a tour of Germany as a violinist with Giovanni Bottesini . After his return, he finally gave up a solo career and concentrated on conducting. In 1873 he accompanied the tour of the opera company of the singer Francesco Ciaffei to Warsaw and stayed there after they had finished. 1874–1881 and 1891–1898 he was chief conductor of the Warsaw Opera, while in the meantime he worked in St. Petersburg from 1881–1890 . He taught opera singing at the Warsaw Conservatory . He performed Richard Wagner's Lohengrin (first in Poland in 1879 ) and Giuseppe Verdi's Requiem . He composed for violin and voice, for example the Fantasia sull'opera Aroldo for violin and piano .

The pianist Margerita Trombini-Kazuro was Trombini's daughter.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b violin mark: Trombini (accessed June 7, 2017).
  2. ^ Musical telegraph . In: Illustrierte Theaterzeitung (general theater newspaper and original newspaper for art, literature, and social life) . tape 38 , no. 134 , 1845, pp. 540 .
  3. IMSLP: Fantasia sull'opera 'Aroldo' (Trombini, Cesare) (accessed on 7 June 2017).