Cestrum alternifolium

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Cestrum alternifolium
Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Hammer bushes ( cestrum )
Type : Cestrum alternifolium
Scientific name
Cestrum alternifolium
( Jacq. ) OESchulz

Cestrum alternifolium is a plant type from the genus of cestrum ( Cestrum ). It occurs in Mexico and Central America as well as on the West Indies .


Cestrum alternifolium is a shrub or small tree that can grow up to 6 m tall. The branches are hairless to finely hairy, sometimes tomentose. The leaves are about 5 cm long, elliptical in shape and usually tapering or blunted at the tip and base. The upper side of the leaf is hairless or finely haired, the underside is hairy on the leaf veins , only a few hairs can be found on the leaf surface. The leaf stalks are up to 5 mm long. Smaller leaves are missing or are as big as the normal leaves.

The inflorescences are in the axils or terminal, they are composed of several flowers that stand on a short, strong inflorescence stalk. The flower stalks are short and hairless, and become stronger during fruiting. The flowers are rather inconspicuous, the calyx is up to 3 mm long, hairless on the inside and tomentose on the outside, the veins are tangled. The yellow-green crown consists of an approximately 20 mm long, slender corolla tube, at the tip of which there is a bulbous thickening, through which the species can be easily distinguished from other species of the genus. The inside is slightly hairy, at the base it can also be felty, the outside is hairless. The calyx lobes are lanceolate, about 4 to 6 mm long. The stamens are of equal length, the straight, toothless, smooth and hairless stamens are fixed at the tip of the crown tube and are free for 0.5 mm. The anthers are elongated, 0.75 mm long. The ovary is stalked, includes about ten ovules , the scar but is located within the crown, the dust bag projects beyond about 1 mm.

The fruits are about 15 mm long, inversely egg-shaped berries that are pink at first, but purple-black when ripe. The seeds contained in them are about 5.5 mm long. The fruits are similar to those of Cestrum latifolium , with which the species can easily be confused in the fruiting stage.


The species Cestrum alternifolium is distributed between Venezuela and Mexico , the species is also found on the West Indies . In Panama it seems to be found only in the lowlands near the Pacific coast .


  • WG D'Arcy: Family 170: Solanaceae . In: Robert E. Woodson, Jr., Robert W. Schery (Eds.): Flora of Panama , Part IX, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Volume 60, Number 3, 1973. Pages 573-780