Chaos Queens: Lies that come from the heart

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Episode in the Chaos Queens series
Original title Lies that come from the heart
Country of production Germany
original language German
U5 film production
length 88 minutes
classification Episode 4
first broadcast
February 25, 2018 on ZDF
Director Imogen Kimmel
script Stefan Kuhlmann ,
Melanie Brügel
production Norbert Walter ,
Katrin Haase ,
Karl-Eberhard Schäfer
music Eike Hosenfeld ,
Moritz Denis
camera Markus Hausen
cut Guido Krajewski

←  Predecessor
adulterers and other innocent lambs

Lies That Come From the Heart is a German comedy film by Imogen Kimmel from 2018 based on the novel of the same name by Kerstin Gier . It is the fourth film of the Heart movie series Chaos Queens of the ZDF . Anna König and Tim Bergmann are cast in the leading roles, Katharina Schubert , Tom Gronau , Katharina Schlothauer , Mira Bartuschek , Leonie Rainer and Janina Fautz in leading roles.

The German premiere of the film took place on February 25, 2018.


The Frankfurt journalist Hanna Rübenstrunk is a self-confident and capable woman. Her new supervisor Adam Birnbaum wants to bring the trend magazine “Cosma”, which is mainly made for women and whose sales have fallen noticeably down, back into shape and expects Hanna to write the cover story with which he wants to open the next issue. The topic is online dating and the time Hanna has for a good story is short. To be better equipped for her research, she creates a dating profile herself. That she is doing this on a platform for avid marathon runners is actually quite absurd, since she is not at all athletic.

Hanna has little time anyway, as her family and friends also keep busy with her job. Her brother Philipp is in the middle of his Abitur exam and needs Hanna's support just like her sister Toni, for whom Hanna has to constantly act as a babysitter. Hanna's mother Keilash, on the other hand, trusts that Hanna will take care of her and Philipp's maintenance and that she will also take care of the other things that are necessary in a household. She herself is mostly busy looking for her inner center. And last but not least, Hanna's friends Carla and Vivi keep hogging Hanna, who cannot say no.

After Hanna first comes into contact with a “Speedy83” and agrees to run, which ends up being embarrassing for her, she is then approached in the portal by a “Boris68”, with whom an intensive chat friendship immediately develops. When after a while you want to meet for a drink, Hanna is amazed to find that her boss Adam Birnbaum is behind “Boris68”. She escapes at a favorable moment without Birnbaum having noticed the true facts. Since Hanna still does not have the courage to be honest, she writes "Boris68" that she sprained her ankle and could not come because of it.

It turns out that Carla gets wind of who the man is Hanna so diligently writes with. She says the guy is a fanatic of the truth and that he definitely doesn't understand her lies. Nevertheless, Hanna tries to enlighten Adam. He confides in her that he was the editor-in-chief of a political magazine, but that one of its editors spread an untrue story for which, as editor-in-chief, he was responsible. His transfer was the result. Hanna notices too late that Carla is looking over her shoulder and reading along. In the evening she receives a message, Adam tells her as Boris68 that he has fallen in love, in real life, not with her, and says goodbye to her. In the morning they both walked a bit together and in the past there were always special moments between them. Hanna rushes to her friend Vivi and tells her that she thinks Adam loves her, she, not "Fairy33A".

The next morning in the editorial office, Hanna bursts into an argument between Adam and Carla, who throws the secret he had entrusted to "Fairy33A" on his head, because she is of the opinion from the start that Adam wants to throw her out. Adam is shocked, Hanna confesses that she is that "Fairy33A". Hanna shows Adam her finished article. Before he can say anything else, she quits her job. From that day on, she actually trains for the next marathon and just keeps getting better. After many attempts, she also finds a new job. From Carla she learns that Adam has also withdrawn from "Cosma". After she made it clear to the publisher Cosma Haferkamp that the success that “Cosma” is now having is only thanks to Adam Birnbaum, she goes to Adam and says that he said that he wanted to arrive someday, if not one can do together. And so both of them cross the finish line hand in hand in the big marathon, enthusiastically acclaimed by friends and relatives.


Lies that come from the heart was filmed from September 6th to October 8th 2017 at locations in Frankfurt am Main and the surrounding area. The film was produced by U5 Filmproduktion GmbH & Co. KG.


Audience rating

The television film, which was first broadcast on ZDF on February 25, 2018, was viewed by 3.16 million people. The market share was 8.6 percent.


The critics of the TV magazine TV Spielfilm gave one of three possible points for humor, action and suspense, pointed their thumbs to the side and said: "Crude comedy moments, mild criticism of the world of work, in addition remote secondary characters - and zero chemistry between the main characters." Conclusion: "Office romance that never really gets going."

Rainer Tittelbach gave the film three out of six possible stars on his website and came to the summarized result: “Because the loneliness in the big city is talked about, Frankfurt can look a bit like New York, even the girls from ' Sex and the City ' find their way into the dialogue. In the plot based on the novel by Kerstin Gier, however, you largely miss Pepp & Pointen. As sympathetic as the chubby heroine & a few others are, the daily editorial work seems so fake, so conservative are the values ​​conveyed, so trite is the depiction of romanticism, so many a woman's image is worthy of discussion. In contrast, the staging thrives on the duality of the scenes, the two worlds, whereby the visual aesthetics appear neither too post-modern nor too playful natural. Conclusion: suitable for greed fans & lovers of a somewhat different 'heart cinema'. [...] The film is less recommended for (married) men and friends of intelligent comedies. "

Tilmann P. Gangloff dealt with the film on the website . "The ' Herzkino ' on ZDF [is] the last public television film broadcasting slot that stubbornly opposes all rejuvenation tendencies," he said by way of introduction. “Lately” there have been “more and more positive outliers that at least give hope”. This film is "a good example of this new approach, for better or for worse". The critic continued: "Director Imogen Kimmel made the story entertaining and entertaining, but her film suffers from the same shortcoming" as the first film in the series. “Leading actress Anna König not only has to comment on practically every scene from the off, she and Bergmann also constantly share their chat messages out loud. Since Hanna and Adam write to each other quite often, the ZDF apparently did not want its audience to read so much text. […] “Apart from that, the film is“ quite enjoyable thanks to many original script details, even if the conversations between Hanna and her two friends (Katharina Schlothauer, Leonie Rainer) are sometimes too much oriented towards 'Sex and the City' and the supporting characters are plentiful be clichéd ”. The fact that the film was “still not annoying” was “mainly thanks to the actors”. Anna König in particular is “with her naturalness, not only figuratively, a sympathetic alternative to the usual 'Herzkino' heroines”. Apart from Tim Bergmann, "the other roles also have little-known faces, but without exception well-cast".

Markus Schu judged the film for the Prisma site very benevolently and stated: “With the latest part of 'Chaos Queens', ZDF has presented an adaptation that is not accurate in all respects, but turns into a charming romantic comedy over time around the good-hearted Hanna (Anna König) is molting. Classic ingredients of the genre were packaged in an appealing and modern way. Despite some clichés, the film convinces with its fundamental question of how one can be true and truthful to the world and to oneself. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lies that come from the heart, TV-Film, 2017, ZDF, Komödie, Germany | Crew United
  2. Lies that come from the heart Short review at (including 17 film images). Retrieved July 4, 2020.
  3. Rainer Tittelbach : Series "Chaos Queens - Lies That Come From the Heart". Anna König, Tim Bergmann, Gier, Kuhlmann, Kimmel. Self-discovery in Mainhattan see page Retrieved July 4, 2020.
  4. tpg : Chaos-Queens: Lies that come from the heart, see page Retrieved July 4, 2020.
  5. Markus Schu: "Lies that come from the heart". “Chaos Queens”: Convincing despite some clichés, see page prisma de. Retrieved July 4, 2020.