Charles-Frédéric Rousselet

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Charles-Frédéric Rousselet (born September 15, 1795 in Saint-Amand-Montrond , † December 1, 1881 in Sées ) was a French bishop .


Charles-Frédéric Rousselet attended the Lyceum in Avignon and entered the military school Prytanée national militaire in La Flèche in 1813 , where he befriended the future Marshal Aimable Pélissier ; however, the events of 1815 put an end to his military career. He briefly studied law, but then entered the Saint-Sulpice seminary in Paris. His teacher there was the future Archbishop of Paris , Denis Auguste Affre .

Rousselet entered the priestly community of the Sulpizians and taught as a teacher at the seminaries in Bayeux , Angers and Bourges . For health reasons he had to give up teaching and leave the priestly community; Bishop Héricourt von Autun accepted him into his diocese, gave him a position as canon and finally made him his vicar general . By decree from 26 November 1844 to the Bishop of Séez appointed Rousselet was in the consistory of 24 January 1845 präkonisiert and on 25 February the same year of Mgr. Affre in Saint-Sévérin in Paris dedicated.

In 1853 Rousselet took part in the Provincial Council in Rouen ; In 1856 he assisted in Paris at the baptism of the Prince Impérial , Napoléon Eugène Louis Bonaparte ; In 1864 he introduced the Roman liturgy in his diocese . In 1870 he was a council father at the First Vatican Council , where he voted with a majority. He encouraged the establishment of several charities, had the cathedral renovated and several churches restored. In 1858 the Bishop of Chartres received a relic of St. Latuin , the first bishop of Séez, and in 1875 had the remains of his predecessors, du Plessis d'Argentré († 1805) and de Boischollet († 1812) brought from exile to Séez. He traveled to Rome several times and promoted pilgrimages to Lourdes .

Because of his old age - he was 86 years old - François-Marie Trégaro was assigned to him in 1881 as coadjutor with the right of succession. A few days later, Bishop Rousselet died. His embalmed corpse was placed in a special vault opposite the reliquary of St. Latuin buried. The funeral sermon was given by Bishop Abel-Anastase Germain von Coutances .

Bishop Rousselet was papal assistant to the throne , Roman count and member of the Legion of Honor (1853 knight, 1863 officer). The Abbé Rombault wrote his biography (Le Mans: Monnoyer, 1882).


  • Honoré Fisquet : La France pontificale (" Gallia Christiana "). Repos, Paris 1864–1871.
  • L'Épiscopat français: Depuis le Concordat jusqu'à la Séparation (1802-1905). Librairie de Saints-Pères, Paris 1907.

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