Chinese Academy of Tibetan Language for Advanced Buddhist Studies

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
krung go'i bod brgyud mtho rim nang bstan slob gling
Chinese name
Simplified :
中国 藏语 系 高级 佛 学院
Pinyin :
Zhongguo Zangyuxi Gaoji Foxueyuan

The Chinese Academy of Tibetan language for Higher Buddhist Studies ( Tib. Krung go'i bod brgyud mtho rim nang bstan slob gling ;. Zhongguo chin Zangyuxi Gaoji Foxueyuan中国藏语系高级佛学院) or Chinese Academy Lamaist in 1987 of 10. Penchen Lama , Chökyi Gyeltshen (1938–1989), who was also its first director. It is a kind of college, "the highest state-supported educational institution for Tibetan reincarnations and monks" based in the Western Yellow Temple in Beijing District Dongcheng .

The monk students of the Buddhist Institute are above all Trülkus of Tibetan Buddhism from the Tibet Autonomous Region , Qinghai , Sichuan , Gansu , Yunnan and other Tibetan areas and the Inner Mongolia , Liaoning , Xinjiang and other Mongolian regions.

In addition to Buddhist studies, loyalty to the state and party also plays a role in training: "The ideological criteria that are named in Article 2 of the" Administrative Measures [for the reincarnation of living Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism] "reflect the" politically correct " Profile of a successful candidate. "

The director has been Jamyang Lobsang Jigme Thubten Chökyi Nyima ('jam dbyangs blo bzang' jigs med thub bstan chos kyi nyi ma; born 1948) from Gangca (Kangtsha) in Qinghai , the 6th Jamyang Shepa , since 2003 .

The Tibet Institute for Buddhism in Lhasa , which opened in 2011, follows Vice-President of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Hao Peng, according to his educational model, which combines “modern institute education with traditional monastery education”.


See also


  • Martin Slobodník: " Old Wine in New Hoses (PDF; 147 kB)", in: China heute XXVI (2007), N.6 (154), pp. 226–229 (
  • Anne-Marie Blondeau & Katia Buffetrille: Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China's "100 Questions" . University of California 2008 ( online excerpt )
  • Zangzu da cidian . Lanzhou 2003

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. cf.
  2. (About the "Measures for the Management of the Reincarnation of Living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism")
  3. Martin Slobodník, p. 229. - In the administrative measures for the reincarnation of living Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism (Zangchuan fojiao huofo zhuanshi guanli banfa 藏 传 佛教 活佛 转世 管理 办法) it says:

    “Article 2. In the reincarnation of living Buddhas, the principle of maintaining the unity of the state, the unity of nationalities, the harmony of religions, the harmony of society and the normal order of Tibetan Buddhism should be followed. In the reincarnation of living Buddhas, the religious rituals and the historical system of Tibetan Buddhism are respected, but feudal privileges that have already been abolished must not be revived. The reincarnation of Living Buddhas [must] not be subject to the interference and control of foreign organizations or individuals. (from: " Administrative measures for the reincarnation of living Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism (PDF; 107 kB)", in: China heute XXVI (2007), No. 6 (154), p. 220 f. (Katharina Wenzel-Teuber, trans. ) ( ( Zangchuan fojiao huofo zhuanshi guanli banfa , German), p. 220) "

  4. Tibet Institute for Buddhism opened in Lhasa ; see.

Coordinates: 39 ° 57 '47 "  N , 116 ° 23' 3"  E