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Smallpox virus virions TEM PHIL 1849.JPG

Human smallpox virus ( TEM image)

Classification : Viruses
Area : Varidnaviria
Empire : Bamfordvirae
Phylum : Nucleocytoviricota
Class : Pokkesviricetes
Order : Chitovirals
Family : Poxviridae
Subfamily : Chordopoxvirinae
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : dsDNA linear
Baltimore : Group 1
Symmetry : complex
Cover : available
Scientific name
Short name

The subfamily Chordopoxvirinae comprises eight genera of the Poxviridae family that can cause infections in vertebrates , such as mammals , birds and rodents . The subfamily was created to separate these genera from the members of the subfamily Entomopoxvirinae , which include only insect poxviruses . Due to this separation, the name of the genus was not named after the vertebrates " Vertebropoxvirinae ", but after the tribe of the chordates , although no smallpox viruses have yet been isolated from non-vertebrate chordates. This classification according to the host spectrum is also reflected in the phylogenetic distance between Chordo- and Entomopoxvirinae .

Serological cross-reactivity is observed between the genera of the Chordopoxvirinae , the members of the avipoxviruses exhibiting this property less than the viruses in mammals. Some members of the Chordopoxvirinae cause typical lesions on the chorioallantoic membrane when grown in embryonated chicken eggs for laboratory use.

Structure and genome

The members of the Chordopoxvirinae present themselves as ovoid or brick-shaped virions .

The linear, double-stranded DNA genome usually has a low GC content of 30 to 40% but can vary from 25 to 67%. The genera Parapoxvirus and Crocodylidpoxvirus as well as the Molluscum contagiosum virus have a high GC content .

The genim of Molluscum contagiosum virus subtype 1 has a GC content of 63.4%, that of the parapox viruses Bovine papular stomatitis virus ( Strain BV-AR02) and Orf virus ( Strain OV-SA00) has 64.5% and 64.3 respectively %. The genome of the Nile crocodilepox virus is 190,054 base pairs (bp) in length . It codes for 173 proteins with a GC content of 61.9% ( Strain Zimbabwe).

The Chordopoxvirinae is characterized by a uniformly arranged group of central genes despite the variable sequences between the genera.


The internal systematics of the Chordopoxvirinae is according to ICTV , as of November 2018, as follows:

  • Subfamily Chordopoxvirinae

For a detailed description see Poxviridae .


  • Buller, R. M. et al. : Subfamily Chordavirinae . In: C. M. Fauquet, M. A. Mayo et al. : Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses . London, San Diego, 2005, p. 122 ISBN 0-12-249951-4
  • B. Moss: Poxviridae: The Viruses and Their Replication. In: David M. Knipe, Peter M. Howley (eds.-in-chief): Fields' Virology . 5th edition, Volume 2, Philadelphia 2007, pp. 2906ff ISBN 0-7817-6060-7

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Variola virus , EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL # 35)
  2. Eneida L. Hatcher, Chunlin Wang, Elliot J. Lefkowitz: Genome Variability and Gene Content in Chordopoxviruses: Dependence on Microsatellites , in: Viruses 7 (4), 2015, pp. 2126-2146, doi: 10.3390 / v7042126
  3. ^ S. Roychoudhury, A. Pan, D. Mukherjee: Genus specific evolution of codon usage and nucleotide compositional traits of poxviruses . In: Virus Genes . 42, No. 2, 2011, pp. 189-199. doi : 10.1007 / s11262-010-0568-2 . PMID 21369827 .
  4. a b c Yu Li, Hermann Meyer, Hui Zhao, Inger K. Damon: GC Content-Based Pan-Pox Universal PCR Assays for Poxvirus Detection , in: J Clin Microbiol. 48 (January 1, 2010, pp. 268-276, online November 11, 2009, doi: 10.1128 / JCM.01697-09 . PMC 2812294 (free full text).
  5. David M. Needham, Alexandra Z. Worden et al .: A distinct lineage of giant viruses brings a rhodopsin photosystem to unicellular marine predators , in: PNAS, 23 September 2019, doi: 10.1073 / pnas.1907517116 , ISSN 0027-8424 , here: Supplement 1 (xlsx)
  6. ICTV : Master Species List 2018a v1 , MSL including all taxa updates since the 2017 release. Fall 2018 (MSL # 33)

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