Parapox virus

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Parapox virus
Orf virus.jpg

Orf virus ( Parapoxvirus ovis ), TEM image

Classification : Viruses
Area : Varidnaviria
Empire : Bamfordvirae
Phylum : Nucleocytoviricota
Class : Pokkesviricetes
Order : Chitovirals
Family : Poxviridae
Subfamily : Chordopoxvirinae
Genre : Parapox virus
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : dsDNA linear
Baltimore : Group 1
Symmetry : complex
Cover : available
Scientific name
Parapox virus

The virus genus Parapoxvirus includes viruses that are found in various mammals. In contrast to the cuboid shape in members of the genus Orthopoxvirus , the Parapoxviruses have an ovoid shape and are about 220 to 300 nm long and 140 to 170 nm wide. The internal virus structure, which consists of complex folded membranes and a nucleoprotein complex, appears twisted and twisted in a cross shape. The genome of the parapox virus is a double-stranded, linear DNA with a size of 130 to 150  kb . The different species of the genus show a high genetic diversity and close host specificity .

Some virus species can cause disease in humans through transmission from animals, such as the Orf virus ( milker's knot ) and possibly the camel Ecthyma contagiosum virus (causing Camel contagious ecthyma , CCE).


  • Family Poxviridae
  • Subfamily Chordopoxvirinae
  • Genus Parapoxvirus
Provisionally classified species of the genus Parapoxvirus :


  • RM Buller et al .: Genus Parapoxvirus . In: CM Fauquet, MA Mayo et al. : Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses . London, San Diego 2005, pp. 123f, ISBN 0-12-249951-4
  • B. Liess, O.-R. Kaaden (Hrsg.): Virus infections in domestic and farm animals , 2nd edition Hannover 2003, ISBN 3-87706-745-X
  • IK Damon: Poxviruses . In: David M. Knipe, Peter M. Howley (eds.-in-chief): Fields' Virology . 5th edition, 2 volumes Philadelphia 2007, Volume 2, pp. 2961-2965, ISBN 0-7817-6060-7

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Variola virus , EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL # 35)
  2. NCBI: Camel contagious ecthyma virus (species)
  3. AI Khalafalla: Camel contagious ecthyma: Risks in young calves , in: Revue Elev. Méd. vét. Pays trop., 2000, 53 (2): Pathologie, pp. 173-176
  4. NCBI: Reindeer parapoxvirus (species)
  5. NCBI: Musk ox parapoxvirus (species)
  6. NCBI: Seal parapoxvirus (species)