Christian Beullac

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Christian Beullac (born November 29, 1923 in Marseillan (Hérault) , † June 16, 1986 ) was French Minister of Education from 1978 to 1981 .

After attending school in Nice and Grenoble , Beullac attended polytechnic school in 1943 and then graduated from the High School for Electricity and the Institute for Political Studies in Paris . Subsequently, he was deputy director for electricity in the Ministry of Industry (1949-1952), general advisor to the Energy Commission for the 2nd three-year plan (1952-1954) and finally attaché to the Minister of Industry for energy issues (1954-1955). In 1955 he went to the higher administration of the Renault concern, whose general manager he became in 1976. Under Raymond Barre he was first labor minister, but switched to the Ministry of Education on April 5, 1978, of which he remained until May 22, 1981. Based on his biography, it is not surprising that he endeavored to open the school system to influences from the economy, at the same time he strengthened the autonomy of the educational institutions through the so-called Projects d'Actions Culturelles, Techniques et Educatives (PACTE).