Christian David Sturtz

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Christian David Sturtz (* 1753 in Zweibrücken , † August 14, 1834 ibid) was a German lawyer and member of the first Bavarian state parliament .

Live and act

He was the son of the Palatinate-Zweibrücken privy councilor Karl Sturtz and married Maria Jakobine Weyland, daughter of the government councilor and chamber director Georg Karl Weyland.

In 1790 he became a councilor at the Higher Appeal Court of the Duchy of Pfalz-Zweibrücken . When the French revolutionary troops marched in in 1793, he and his wife were arrested as suspects; however, he soon entered the service of the new French government.

From then on, Zweibrücken belonged to France as part of the Département du Mont-Tonnerre . 1800–1806 Sturtz acted as a member of the French Corps législatif , 1806–1807 and 1811–1814 also as sub-prefect of the department residing in Zweibrücken .

In 1816 the Palatinate fell to Bavaria. Christian David Sturtz went into Bavarian service as quickly as he had previously entered French. He became first judge of the Zweibrücken Court of Appeal , under President Georg Friedrich Rebmann .

In the new Bavarian State Association, Sturtz campaigned for the interests of his homeland. He was a member of the Zweibrücker delegation, which after the end of Napoleonic rule paid its respects to King Maximilian I Joseph to recommend the old ducal city as the future capital of the planned new Bavarian Rhine district .

Together with its first district president Franz Xaver von Zwack , he endeavored to continue the previous French Conseil général of the home département, under the new political conditions, which the king granted as a special status. This is how the District Administrator of the Rhine District came into being , an advisory parliamentary body independent of the district president and the district government. It was made up of representatives from the region and accordingly submitted expert and knowledgeable decisions to the government. The regional representation was later called the District Day , it was introduced in all Bavarian provinces in 1828, following the example from the Palatinate, and it still exists today. This body still exists in the Palatinate, although it no longer belongs to Bavaria but to Rhineland-Palatinate . Christian David Sturtz was elected 1st President of the Palatinate District Assembly in Speyer in 1816 (called District Administrator at the time).

Due to the Bavarian constitution of 1818 , an elected representative body was established in the Kingdom of Bavaria , the Bavarian Estates Assembly in Munich. It consisted of two chambers, the Chamber of Reich Councilors and the Chamber of Deputies (Landtag) . After the first election to the Bavarian Estates Assembly (December 1818), Sturtz moved into the Chamber of Deputies (Landtag) for the Rhine District and was a member of it from 1819 to 1822. In 1825 he received the Knight's Cross of the Civil Merit Order of the Bavarian Crown , combined with the personal title of nobility.

Christian David Sturtz died in Zweibrücken in 1834. A contemporary characterized his work in Parliament as follows: “Good-natured, legally, but denying everything there is, completely satisfied with nothing, not even with his own works; never comes to a result; he talks a lot, multa non multum; has a lot of wealth, needs little of it ” .

In what is now the Bubenhausen district of Zweibrücken , he owned an estate that was auctioned in 1844. It still bears the name "Sturzenhof" and the street belonging to it is called "Sturzenhofstraße" . His son was the lawyer Wilhelm Sturtz from Zweibrücken.


  • Doris Grieben: An unbroken legal career: Christian David Sturtz (1753–1834) , in: Law, Law, Freedom: 200 Years of the Palatinate Higher Regional Court, Zweibrücken , Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate State Archives Administration, 2015, pp. 133–135
  • Cordula Waldow: Three OLG pioneers , in: Pfälzischer Merkur , Zweibrücken, from June 20, 2015; (Digital view)
  • Charlotte Glück: The Palatinate Higher Regional Court Zweibrücken, a cradle of German democracy , lecture, 2015, (PDF view)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Ammerich : Landesherr und Landesverwaltung: Contributions to the government of Pfalz-Zweibrücken at the end of the Old Empire , Saarbrücker Verlag und Druckerei, 1981, p. 219; (Detail scan)
  2. ^ Hermann Finger: Old and new from the three hundred year history of the Zweibrücker Gymnasium: a contribution to the history of culture and suffering in Germany on the left bank of the Rhine , Landau, 1859, p. 102; (Digital scan)
  3. Yves Hivert-Messeca: L'Europe sous l'acacia: Histoire des Francs-maçonneries européennes du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours , publishing Dervy, 2016, ISBN 2844547974 , page 46; (Digital scan)
  4. Karl Heinz: 150 Years of the Palatinate District Association, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse , 1966, pp. 17-21
  5. ^ Josef Leeb: Suffrage and elections to the Second Chamber of the Bavarian Assembly of Estates in the Vormärz: (1818-1845) , Volume 2, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1993, p. 403, ISBN 3-525-36048-7
  6. ^ Weekly paper for the Land Commissariats Districts Zweibrücken, Homburg and Cusel , No. 126, from October 20, 1844; (Digital scan)
  7. ^ Yearbook for West German State History , Volume 3, 1977, self-published by the Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz, p. 368; (Detail scan)