Christian Vater (doctor)

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Christian father

Christian father (born November 16, 1651 in Jüterbog , † October 6, 1732 in Wittenberg ) was a German medic .


Father was born the son of the baker Albrecht Vater and his wife Maria († March 30, 1688 in Wittenberg). Since he was found to have a special mindset in early childhood, he was sent to school in Torgau in 1670 . In 1672 he attended the Augusteum grammar school in Weißenfels , where he was inspired by D. Christian Lujan for medicine, botany and chemistry and acquired the tools to be able to complete a degree. On May 9, 1674, he went to the University of Wittenberg , where he first acquired the basics of doing further research by studying philosophical sciences.

After he had acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy with the disputations de Principio salino , de Principio sulphureo and de vita hominis in utero on October 14, 1675 , he dealt more closely with medicine. For this purpose he had written the Disputation Convulsionibus, de Facultate naturali and acquired the degree of a licentiate in medicine with the Disputation de Melancholia in 1697 and received his doctorate in medicine on November 8, 1681 . After he had settled in Wittenberg as a doctor, he was allowed to debate publicly at the Wittenberg University in 1682. He became a country physician in 1686, was given an extraordinary professorship in 1690 and on March 13, 1692 the third full professorship in medicine . In 1695 he was promoted to the second full professorship, which he held until his death.

Father was also the personal physician of the Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst and, under the name "Nicomachus", a member of the Leopoldine Carolinian Academy of Natural Scientists . Most of his work consists of 87 small, occasional academic papers, programs, and dissertations.


Father married Regina Dorothea, the daughter of Johann Deutschmann , on November 8, 1681 . From this marriage the children are Abraham father , Johanna Regina father (* July 22, 1688), Christina Sophia (* December 2, 1690), Johann Christian father I (* August 27, 1692), Johann Christian father II (* 17 November 1698), Christiana Sophia Vater (* September 27, 1697) and Christina Elisabeth Vater (* April 4, 1699) known.

Selection of works

  • Physiologia exexperimentalis et demonstrativa iconibus illustrata . Wittenberg, 1701, 1712
  • Institunes medicae . Wittenberg, 1722
  • Physica experimentalis systemica . Wittenberg, 1734


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