Christoph Friedrich von Schmidlin

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Christoph Friedrich Schmidlin , from 1819 by Schmidlin , (born August 25, 1780 in Stuttgart ; † December 28, 1830 there ) was an official and interior minister of the Kingdom of Württemberg .


Schmidlin came from an old Württemberg theologian and civil servant family. He was the son of the Stuttgart grammar school rector Johann Christoph Schmidlin (* 1745; † 1800) and Johanna Friederike geb. Hoffmann (* 1756; † 1832), who was the daughter of the Stuttgart mayor Friedrich David Hoffmann (* 1732; † 1784).

Friedrich Schmidlin had six siblings, including the government councilor Johann Gottlieb Schmidlin (* 1784; † 1862), the state parliament member Christian Gottfried von Schmidlin (* 1789; † 1862) and the state councilor Wilhelm Friedrich von Schmidlin (* 1793; † 1867).


Schmidlin first studied theology for three semesters at the University of Tübingen from 1796 and was at the Tübingen monastery during this time . Then he decided to study law, which he finished in autumn 1801 with the certificate of excellent knowledge. He was accepted into the circle of the Württemberg law firm advocates who were authorized to conduct litigation at the law firm , the highest state authority. As court commissioner for the parts of Neuwuerttemberg acquired during the Peace of Paris , he was commissioned by Duke Friedrich II from November 1802 to February 1803 in the former imperial city of Weil der Stadt . He was then appointed senior bailiff of the secularized monastery Schöntal an der Jagst. When a state treaty with Bavaria and Baden promised the dissolution of the Schöntal administrative district, Schmidlin was transferred to Freudenstadt in 1810. In 1814 he exchanged the position of Oberamtmann von Freudenstadt for that of Oberamtmann von Urach . After the death of King Friedrich, State Councilor von Maucler regularly asked him to participate in the drafting of the new Württemberg constitution. In June 1818 he joined the organizational enforcement commission, which dealt with a new organization of offices, in particular with the separation of justice and administration. In November 1818 Schmidlin officially took over the position of a senior government councilor in Stuttgart. In the summer of 1819, King Wilhelm appointed him government commissioner at the constituent assembly of estates that met in Ludwigsburg , which then passed the new constitution of the kingdom in 1819. In the first state parliament of 1820, Schmidlin was a member of the joint commission of the government and the estates to examine the organizational edicts. He knew how to represent the administrative edicts of the Privy Council in an excellent manner in the plenary. In April 1821 he was appointed to the Council of State. On June 29, 1821, he succeeded Christian Friedrich von Otto as head of the Department of the Interior and the Church and School System. On September 27, 1824, he received the title of Real Privy Councilor in this position and on July 1, 1827 the title of Minister . During his time as head of the Württemberg Ministry of the Interior and Culture, he implemented a whole series of targeted reforms, such as the new civil rights law, the trade regulations that abolished the guild, two laws affecting teachers and the university's budget, the law that was particularly difficult to enforce for the Jewish fellow citizens as well as the uniform regulation of the Catholic church system. When in 1830 the news of the French July Revolution spread from Paris to southern Germany, Schmidlin was seriously ill. In the autumn of 1830 he did not recover from a stomach ailment which forced the minister to repeatedly interrupt his administration. After seven weeks in sick bed, the man who was highly respected by the king, his colleagues and the population died.


Schmidlin married on July 14, 1803 in Stuttgart Karoline Auguste Enßlin (* November 2, 1780 in Stuttgart; † 1832), the daughter of the businessman Karl Ludwig Enßlin (* April 12, 1753; † 1784) and Auguste Friederike Metzler ( * 1759 in Stuttgart), who was the daughter of a publisher and bookseller.

The marriage of Friedrich and Karoline Schmidlin resulted in numerous children, the majority of whom became civil servants and pastors themselves:

  • Eduard von Schmidlin (* 1803; † 1869) as successor to Pfizer Württ. Minister of Culture 1848/49, most recently consistorial president, staff nobility
  • Karl Schmidlin (* 1805; † 1847) pastor in Wangen near Göppingen, active as a poet, father of Friedrich von Schmidlin
  • Franz Schmidlin (* 1806; † 1875) pastor in Uhlbach near Cannstatt
  • Adolph Schmidlin (* 1806; † 1875) civil servant, senior bailiff, senior government councilor
  • Marie Schmidlin (* 1810; † 1857) Stuttgart, married Seeger
  • Julius Schmidlin (* 1811; † 1881) civil servant, government director in Ellwangen, his father's biographer
  • Julie Schmidlin († 1840) has been married to Pastor Karl Wolff (* 1803; † 1869) in Beinstein since 1834
  • Otto Schmidlin (* 1815; † 1844) pastor, married since 1842 to Karoline Luise Faber, father of Albert von Schmidlin
  • Albert Schmidlin (* 1816; † 1870) Chief Customs Inspector in Mannheim


References and comments

  1. According to today's understanding, the role of the head of a department corresponds to the function of a minister, in this case that of the interior and culture minister. At that time, however, the title of minister was not automatically associated with the management of a department (ministry). As head of the two departments, Schmidlin initially retained the title of State Councilor.
