Christoph Platzer

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Christoph (Johann or Jacob) Platzer (* 1659 in Eppan ; † 1733 in Passau ) was a history and portrait painter.


Crucifixion of Christ , Capuchin Church Kitzbühel, around 1707

Christoph Platzer probably came from a South Tyrolean family of painters and was born in 1659 in the municipality of Appiano near Bozen . His brother Johann Viktor Platzer (1665–1708) was also a painter. In the period from 1723 to 1728 Platzer taught his later better-known nephew Johann Georg Platzer .

At first he worked as a "house officer", probably a valet , for Canon Paris Dominikus Freiherr von Wolkenstein in Salzburg . In 1696, the “gestic caretaker and painter” was entrusted with the production of a high altar painting for the Kajetan Church in Salzburg.

By 1699 at the latest he advanced to the “Hochfürstl. Court painter ”in Passau and subsequently worked for the Passau prince-bishops , namely until 1717 for Cardinal Johann Philipp von Lamberg (66th), until 1722 for Raymund Ferdinand von Discounta (67th) and until 1733 for Joseph Dominikus von Lamberg (68th). ). He received episcopal commissions for altar and holy pictures in various sacred buildings (churches and monasteries) a. a. in Neuhofen and in Niedernburg . Around 1710 he painted the altarpieces in the church of the Capuchin monastery in Kitzbühel. In the parish church of St. John the Baptist in Vilshofen on the Danube, the altarpieces Nativity and Crucifixion are ascribed to him. The ordeal by fire of St. Kunigunde is attested in the monastery church at Niederalteich . He was also responsible for the four altar leaves for the monastery church of the Augustinian canons of St. Nikola in Passau. In 1733 Platzer died as a "valet and Mahler" in Passau.

Little researched as a portrait painter to this day, he painted the young baroque composer Georg Friedrich Handel around 1710 . The work was last in the Handel House in Halle an der Saale and was stolen from the Music Museum in 1948.


Web links

Commons : Christoph Platzer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Joachim Marx : On the authenticity of the Handel portrait by Christoph Platzer (around 1710) . In: Göttinger Handel Contributions 17 (2017), pp. 97–110, here: pp. 101f.