Joseph Dominikus von Lamberg

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Cardinal Joseph Dominikus von Lamberg; Portrait on his grave monument in Passau Cathedral

Joseph Dominikus Lamberg (* July 8, 1680 at Lamberg Castle in Steyr ; † August 30, 1761 in Passau ) was Prince-Bishop in the Diocese of Passau and cardinal from the Lamberg family .


Burial place of Cardinal Lamberg in Passau

Cardinal Johann Philipp von Lamberg's nephew studied in Rome, Bologna and Besançon and was ordained a priest on September 21, 1703 in Passau . 1706 cathedral provost in Passau, 1707 cathedral capitular in the archbishopric of Salzburg , he became bishop of the diocese Seckau in 1712 . He was ordained bishop on July 4, 1712 in Salzburg Cathedral by the Archbishop of Salzburg Franz Anton von Harrach ; Co- consecrators were Franz Anton Adolph von Wagensperg , Bishop of Chiemsee , and Philipp Karl von Fürstenberg (1669–1718), Bishop of Lavant .

In 1723 he became the 68th Bishop of Passau . In 1729, against the opposition of the cathedral chapter , he renounced the district under the Vienna Woods with 64 parishes between Vienna and Wiener Neustadt in favor of the new Archdiocese of Vienna . In return he obtained the exemption of his suffragan from the ecclesiastical province under the Archbishop of Salzburg . On December 20, 1738, Pope Clement XII. Lamberg at the suggestion of Emperor Charles VI. to the cardinalate and sent him the red biretta . It was not until September 16, 1740 that he received the cardinal's hat from the Pope and, as a cardinal priest , took possession of his titular church, San Pietro in Montorio .

During his long tenure as Bishop of Passau, many churches and monasteries were rebuilt or redesigned and consecrated by him in the late Baroque or Rococo style. The prince-bishop took care of the expansion of the German school system and went on around a hundred visits. The expansion of the library in Passau, which began in 1732, was also supported by Joseph Dominikus von Lamberg. He is buried in the bishop's crypt in St. Stephen's Cathedral.


Web links

Commons : Joseph Dominikus von Lamberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Irmgard Bezzel: The library of the Gurk bishop Johann Jakob von Lamberg (1561-1630). A library of Romanesque prints from the 16th century. In: Börsenblatt for the German book trade - Frankfurt edition. Volume 89, (November 5) 1968 (= Archive for the History of Books. Volume 62), pp. 2919–2928, here: p. 2928.