Celestine Nauwerck

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Coelestin Nauwerck (born July 7, 1853 in Zurich , † October 17, 1938 in Dresden ) was a German pathologist. For more than 28 years he headed the Municipal Pathological-Hygienic Institute in Chemnitz.


Nauwerck was the youngest of six children of Carl Nauwerck , who fled Prussia after the German Revolution in 1848/49 . After graduating from high school in Zurich - probably at the Rämibühl canton school  - he studied medicine at the University of Zurich . In 1877 he passed the state examination. He first went into internal medicine and was an assistant doctor in Winterthur and at the medical clinic of the University Hospital Zurich .

In Zurich he was awarded Dr. med. PhD. Since 1883 with Ernst Ziegler at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen , he qualified as a professor for pathology in 1884 . With Ziegler he founded the contributions to pathological anatomy and general pathology in 1884 . In 1886 he was appointed associate professor . In 1989 he moved to Ernst Neumann at the Albertus University in Königsberg . At times he also held a lectureship in bacteriology . Appointed as a prosector in Chemnitz in 1898, he developed "extremely fruitful support" from clinicians through autopsies and microscopic biopsy examinations . In addition, he devoted himself to bacteriology. He made an excellent contribution to the fight against diphtheria , scarlet fever , syphilis and typhus . Water and wastewater investigations led to a significant improvement in urban hygiene. He participated in the construction of two institute buildings and in advanced medical training. The City Council of Chemnitz had him portrayed in the 1920s.


  • Contributions to the knowledge of Brightii disease . Contributions to Pathological Anatomy 1 (1886), pp. 1-84.
  • Section technology for students and doctors , 6th edition. Fischer, Jena 1921.



  • Martin Staemmler : Celestine Nauwerck . Negotiations of the German Society for Pathology 31 (1938), pp. 523-557.
  • From Alberti to Zöppel. 125 biographies on Chemnitz's history: From the Chemnitz City Archives (W. Kü.), Issue 4. Chemnitz 2000, p. 73.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: Contributions to the pathology of the brain .