Comunità Montana Cinque Valli Bolognesi

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XI Comunità Montana Cinque Valli Bolognesi
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Metropolitan City: Bologna
President: Andrea Marchi
Establishment date:
Seat: Viale Risorgimento, 1
40065 Pianoro

The Comunità Montana Cinque Valli Bolognesi is an association of a total of 8 communities in the Italian metropolitan city of Bologna . It includes the valleys of the Savena , Sambro and Setta Rivers , along with the Reno and Idice Rivers .

It consists of the following municipalities:

The community borders in the north on the municipalities of Casalecchio di Reno and Bologna ; in the south to the metropolitan city of Florence and the province of Prato ; in the east to the Comunità Montana Valle del Santerno ; in the west to the Comunità Montana Alta e Media Valle del Reno and the Comunità Montana Valle del Samoggia .

The area is affected by the construction of the new railway line for high-speed trains and the expansion of the motorway. The latter is also known as the "Variant di Valico" ("transition bypass").

Currently, the formation of the is nature reserve of Contrafforte Pliocenico considered that an area of about 757 hectares have in the territory of the Mountain Community is.

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