Converse (company)

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legal form subsidiary
founding 1908
Seat Boston , Massachusetts
sales $ 2 billion

Converse is a US sporting goods supplier founded in 1908 with headquarters in Massachusetts , which is now part of the US sporting goods manufacturer Nike .


Marquis M. Converse founded the Converse Rubber Shoe Company in Malden , Massachusetts in 1908 , which initially produced winter-proof footwear. He started working in the vulcanizing company and produced tires. Later on, canvas shoes were also added to the manufacturing range. In 1917, Converse launched the Converse All Star basketball shoe . This shoe brought the typical squeak into the game.

In 1923, the Converse All Star sports shoe received the signature of Chuck Taylor on its rubber badge, which was intended to honor the innovative spirit of basketball legend Taylor. This is why this shoe model is also called “Chucks” in many places. Also in 1923, Converse designed the shoes for the New York Renaissance basketball team . Jack Purcell , a famous badminton star, designed a new competition shoe for the game of badminton in 1935.

To support the war effort, Converse developed primarily the A6 Flying Boot pilot boots in 1942 . The Oxford , a lower version of the Converse All Star , was developed in 1966 and just eight years later, in 1974, the Converse One Star , a low-profile competition basketball shoe, was launched.

At the 1984 Summer Olympics , Converse was one of the official sponsors. As early as 1936, the players in all Olympic basketball medal games had been wearing Converse shoes. The Weapon was launched in 1986. With this new shoe and the campaign "Choose your Weapon" Converse faced the competition of the 1980s.

A descendant of the famous All Star, the All Star 2000 , whose patch is made of leather, was brought onto the market by Converse in 1996 and sold 1,000,000 times immediately after the start of sales. In 2003, the sports brand Nike bought Converse for around $ 305 million.

The Converse Chuck Taylor All Star , one of the most successful shoes of the time, has sold over 600 million pairs to date.

Picture gallery

Cultural reception

On The A-Team series , Murdock also wears Converse all-star shoes. The Ramones also often wore Converse all-stars. Avril Lavigne , who owns more than 100 pairs of Converse All Stars, is one of the most famous "chuck wearers" .

Nowadays, the All Stars from Converse in particular are no longer worn for basketball, but as a fashionable cult shoe on the street. Although Converse has now been surpassed as a manufacturer of basketball shoes by companies like Nike, the company still makes basketball shoes and fashionable sportswear.

Converse is mentioned by name and figuratively in some films e.g. B. in the movie I, Robot with Will Smith .


  • Classic Chuck
  • Chuck 70
  • One star
  • Jack Purcell
  • limited edition
  • Run Star


  • Converse
  • Essentials
  • limited edition
  • CONS

Working conditions in Indonesia

In July 2011, the media reported ill-treatment of workers who make Converse shoes in Indonesia. The predominantly female staff earned around € 0.36 per hour and stated that complaints about the violent abuse led to the dismissal. Converse was taken over by the sporting goods manufacturer Nike, which has faced similar allegations in the past.

Web links

Commons : Converse  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence