Corumbá Reservoir IV

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Corumbá Reservoir IV
Represa Corumbá IV
Corumbá reservoir IV near Abadiânia
Corumbá reservoir IV near Abadiânia
Location: Goiás , Brazil
Tributaries: Rio Corumbá , Rio das Antas, Rib. Congonhas, rib. das Galinhas, Rio Areias, Rio Descoberto , Rio Alagado
Drain: Rio Corumbá
Larger places nearby: Luziânia
Corumbá Reservoir IV (Goiás)
Corumbá Reservoir IV
Coordinates 16 ° 20 '47 "  S , 48 ° 10' 44"  W Coordinates: 16 ° 20 '47 "  S , 48 ° 10' 44"  W.
Data on the structure
Lock type: Earthfill dam
Construction time: 2001-2006
Height of the barrier structure : 76 m
Height above the river bed : 842 m
Height of the structure crown: 844 m
Building volume: approx. 8.8 million m³
Crown length: 1290 m
Crown width: 10 m
Base width: 400 m
Power plant output: 127 MW
Operator: UHE Corumbá IV
Data on the reservoir
Altitude (at congestion destination ) 842 m
Water surface 173 km²dep1
Total storage space : 3,800 million m³

The Corumbá Reservoir IV ( Portuguese : Represa Corumbá IV ) is the northernmost reservoir of the Rio Corumbá in the Brazilian state of Goiás .


The reservoir is located southwest of Brasília with the dam in the municipality of Luziânia . The heavily branched reservoir extends over the six municipalities of Luziânia, Abadiânia , Silvânia , Alexânia , Santo Antônio do Descoberto and Corumbá de Goiás .
Its area covers 173 km 2 at an altitude of 842  m .

An environmental protection area (port: Área de Preservação Permanente - APP ) with an area of ​​89 km 2 and a circumference of 783.7 km has been designated around the reservoir .

Power generation

The hydropower plant has two Francis turbines with a total output of 127 MW. The energy is transmitted via a 138  kV high- voltage line with 123 masts over 40 km to Santa Maria in the Federal District and enables the supply of 250,000 households.

See also

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