Cumulopuntia boliviana

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Cumulopuntia boliviana
Cumulopuntia boliviana 01.jpg

Cumulopuntia boliviana

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Opuntioideae
Tribe : Austrocylindropuntieae
Genre : Cumulopuntia
Type : Cumulopuntia boliviana
Scientific name
Cumulopuntia boliviana
( Salm-Dyck ) F. Knight

Cumulopuntia boliviana is a species of plant in the genus Cumulopuntia fromthe cactus family (Cactaceae). The specific epithet boliviana refers to the distribution area in Bolivia .


Cumulopuntia boliviana forms dense and often large pads. The green, elongated to egg-shaped shoot sections are 3.5 to 7 inches long and slightly humped in the area of ​​their tip. The humps are clearly defined at the beginning, but later only indistinctly noticeable. The approximately 15 areoles are located near the tip of the shoot section. The top of them are thorny. The one to four yellow to reddish brown, upright or somewhat spreading thorns are straight, rounded and bendable. Some of them are bristle-like at times. The thorns are 3 to 10 inches long.

The yellow flowers reach lengths of up to 4 centimeters. The mostly almost spherical, green to yellow fruits are fleshy and occasionally have a few bristles.

Distribution, systematics and endangerment

Cumulopuntia boliviana is distributed in the Bolivian departments of La Paz , Oruro , Potosí and Tarija as well as the Argentine provinces of Jujuy , Salta , Tucumán , Catamarca , La Rioja , San Juan and Mendoza at altitudes of 2000 to 4400 meters. Possibly the distribution area extends to the north of Chile .

It was first described as Opuntia boliviana in 1845 by Joseph zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck . Friedrich Ritter placed the species in the genus Cumulopuntia in 1980 . Nomenclatory synonyms are Tephrocactus bolivianus (Salm-Dyck) Backeb. (1951), Parviopuntia boliviana (Salm-Dyck) Marn.-Lap. & Soulaire (1956, nom. Inval. ICBN -Article 43.1) and Maihueniopsis boliviana (Salm-Dyck) R. Kiesling (1984).

In the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN , the species is listed as " Least Concern (LC) ". H. listed as not endangered. The development of the populations is considered stable.



Individual evidence

  1. Description of some new cacti which are cultivated in the Fürstlich Salm-Dyck'schen garden . In: General garden newspaper . Volume 13: p. 388, December 6, 1845 (online)
  2. Cacti in South America. Results of my 20 years of field research . Volume 2: Argentina / Bolivia. Friedrich Ritter Selbstverlag, Spangenberg 1980, pp. 492–493.
  3. Cumulopuntia boliviana in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014.1. Posted by: Trevisson, M., Lowry, M., Kiesling, R., Cáceres, F., Faundez, L. & Ostalaza, C., 2013. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

Web links

Commons : Cumulopuntia boliviana  - album with pictures, videos and audio files