Daniel Ludwig of Crousaz

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Daniel Noah Louis von Crousaz (born September 29, 1746 in Corsier-sur-Vevey , † November 18, 1811 in Grünberg (Silesia) ) was a Prussian major general , chief of infantry regiment No. 39 , commander of Posen and heir to crawl and large Nadlitz .



He came from the old, originally Vaudois, noble family von Crousaz and was the son of Jean-Franois Gamalie, Kastlan von Corsier (1715–1765) and his wife Francoise Louise, née de Montet.

Military career

Crousaz went into royal Sardinian service in 1760 and came to the “de Montfort” regiment, where his uncle Daniel de Crousaz (1694–1761) was already serving. On April 7, 1766, he switched to Prussian services and in 1773 became captain and company commander in the "von Rossieres" infantry regiment . In 1778 he became a major .

He participated in the Bavarian War of Succession and received the Silesian Inkolat in 1786 . In 1787 Crousaz became lieutenant colonel and in 1793 chief of the infantry regiment "von Könitz". During the First Coalition War he found himself with the regiment at the siege of Mainz . In 1793 Crousaz received the order Pour le Mérite and was made major general the following year. In 1796 he became the commandant of Poznan and retired in 1800. Crousaz retired to his estates, where he died in 1811.


Crousaz was married to Luise von Aretin († 1790). The marriage resulted in three daughters:

  • Luise
0I preacher Müller
⚭ II Preacher Wegner
  • Friederike Marianne (* 1783) ⚭ 1811 Karl Samuel von Herford, regional judge in Frankfurt (Oder)
  • Henriette Karoline ⚭ Friedrich Philipp Ernst von Lagerstroem († 1806), captain in infantry regiment No. 39



  1. According to Priesdorff (lit.) he was born in 1744.