Darja Alexejewna Derschavina

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Darja Alexejewna Derschavina in front of the Swanka manor ( WL Borowikowski , 1813, Tretyakov Gallery )

Darya Alexeyevna Derschawina born Darya Alexeyevna Djakowa , ( Russian Дарья Алексеевна Державина , maiden name Russian Дарья Алексеевна Дьякова ; born March 8 . Jul / 19th March  1767 greg. , † June 16 jul. / 28. June  1842 greg. In mansion Swanka bei Tschudowo ) was a Russian landowner and patroness .


Darya Alexeyevna was one of five daughters of Oberprokurors the Senate Alexei Dyakov Afanasievich and his wife, Princess Avdotya Petrovna Myschezka. Her sister Alexandra Alexewna married the poet Vasily Wassiljewitsch Kapnist , Marija Alexejewna married the architect Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Lwow , and one sister married Count Jakow Fyodorowitsch Stenbock . Darja Alexejewna received a good home education. She especially loved music and played the harp . Thanks to the family ties of the parents, she became well known in St. Petersburg higher society. Together with her sisters, she shone in the St. Petersburg house of Lev Alexandrovich Naryschkins in the evenings and danced the quadrille with Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich .

After the death of her father in 1791, Darja Alexejewna moved to Reval to live with her sister Countess Stenbock, with whom she returned to St. Petersburg at the end of 1794. The well-known wife Ekaterina Jakowlewna Derschavina of the friend Gavriil Romanowitsch Derschawin of her two brothers-in-law Lwow and Kapnist had just passed away. In January 1795, Darja Alexejewna and Derschawin married.

Darja Derschavina remained childless. She looked after her husband on Derschavin's estate Swanka near Tschudowo, who was interested in the arts and less in practical life. She led the estate economy and administered and increased the property by buying and selling land, protecting her farmers. When her widowed sister Marija Alexejewna died in 1807, Derschavina took in their children.

After the death of her husband in 1816 Derschavina lived alone on the inherited Swanka estate. She made friends with Count Alexei Andrejewitsch Araktschejew on the neighboring estate Grusino and with Countess Anna Alexejewna Orlova-Tschesmenskaja and the Archimandrite Photios , who ascribed a great influence on Derschavina. After his trip to Orenburg in 1834, Alexander Sergejewitsch Pushkin turned to Derschavina with a request for materials from her husband about the Pugachev uprising .

Derschavina was buried next to her husband in the Chutyn monastery on the Volkhov near Novgorod . In her will , apart from a large part of her fortune for relatives and servants, she had earmarked 30,000 rubles in Russian assignats for scholarships for students at Kazan University , as well as a capital for building a home for those released from prison. In order to secure the existence of Swanka in memory of Derschawin, she designated 50,000 assignat rubles for the establishment of a women's convent in Swanka and set up a foundation of 100,000 assignat rubles for the maintenance of the monastery. The Swanka monastery with the Derschawin women's school was only opened in 1869.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Державина, Дарья Алексеевна . In: Большая биографическая энциклопедия . ( [1] [accessed November 19, 2019]).
  2. a b c d КАЛИТВА.РУ: Дарья Алексеевна Державина (accessed November 19, 2019).
  3. a b Chronos: Державина Дарья Алексеевна (accessed November 19, 2019).
  4. Воспоминания С. В. Капнист-Скалон . In: Записки русских женщин XVIII - первой половины XIX века . Современник, Moscow 1990, p. 312 .