David Mill

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David Mill

David Mill (also: Mil, Milln, Millius ; born April 13, 1692 in Königsberg (Prussia) ; † May 22, 1756 in Utrecht ) was a German oriental philologist and Reformed theologian.


The son of the businessman David Mill and his wife Elisabeth Grimme (widowed Walkers) came from an immigrant English family. He studied theology at the Albertus University in Königsberg , then traveled to the Netherlands and devoted himself to further studies at the University of Utrecht under Adrianus Reland and Hieronymus Simons van Alphen . After he was assistant preacher at the High German Church in Leiden in 1717 , he was appointed professor of oriental languages at the theological faculty of the University of Utrecht on February 21, 1718 . He took up this office on March 21 of the same year with the speech De mohammedanismo e veterum Hebraeorum scriptis magna ex parte composito and was elected Master of Philosophy the following day by Josephus Serrurier .

On September 15, 1727 he was appointed professor of Hebrew antiquities, which office he took up on November 3 of the same year with the speech De variis virorum doctorum in antiquitatibus sacris et Oriëntalibus erroribus . He also received his doctorate in theology on September 15, 1729, so he was appointed professor of theological exegesis on the same day, which office he assumed on October 10, 1729 with the speech De fatis theologiae exegeticae . He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Utrecht University and was rector of the alma mater in 1725/26 and 1742/43 .

Mill continued in the same style as his teacher Reland. Above all, he dealt with the biblical-Jewish antiquities, the oriental languages ​​and theological questions of his time. Among other things, he had tried to recreate the temple of Solomon.


  • Dissertation. Selectae variae sacr. literarum et antiquitatis orientalis capita illustrantes. Utrecht 1726. Leiden 1746
  • Vetus Testamentum ex versione LXX interpretum, secundum exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum, denuo recognitum. Praefatione una cum variis Lectionibus e praestantissimus Mss. Codicibus Bibliothecae Leidensis descriptis, praemisit Dav. Millius. Amsterdam 1722, 2 parts
  • Catalecta rabbinica in usum scholarum privatarum edita. Utrecht 1721
  • Th.Bostoni, ecclesiae Atticensis apud Scotos pastoris, tractatus stigmoiogicus hebraeo-, biblicus, quo accentuum hebraeorum doctrina traditur, variusque eorum in explananda Sacra Scriptura usus ortenditur, cum praef. DM Amsterdam 1738
  • PhD thesis. selectae variae litterarum et antiquitatum orient. Capita exponentes et illustrantes cum secundis novisque disertationibus, orationibus et miscellaeneis orientalibus auctae. Leiden 1734.
  • Miscellanea sacra; Jesaiae cap. IV, Ps. CXXI ​​et CXXII, aliaque argumenta, tam theologica quam exegetica, enucleatia et exponentia. Inter illa eminent duae dissertationes, quarum altera demonstratur obligatio hominis Christiani ad sacram coenam, allera complectitur errores viror am doctorum in delineando tabernacalo Mosis fig. aen. illustrata et ornata. Amsterdam 1753, 1754
  • Disp. exeg. dissertationem de Nilo et Euphrate, terminis terrae sanctae vindicans et illustrans. Utrecht 1746
  • Praef. voor S. Rau, Diatr. de Epulo funebri gentibus dando ad Isa. XXV: 6-8. Utrecht 1747
  • Disp. Philol. I et II de sacerdote castrensi veterum Hebraecorum. Auct. Here. van Alphen. 1719.
  • In Talmud Babylonicum. Praef. Utrecht 1726
  • Redevoering over de leererde Godvrugt. Leiden 1743
  • Declaration over the XXVII Psalm. Utrecht 1739
  • De ware wysheit op haaren tydt sprekende, of empty speeches dead opbouwing en bevestiging in het holiest Geloof, eenmaal the saint overgeleverd. Utrecht 1747
  • The great works en aanbiddelijken because of the army, according to the CIV en CV Psalm, ontleend en Verklaard, verrijkt met practical, natural and other aanmerkingen. Amsterdam 1752
  • Holy menacing materials of verklaringen over het LIV Hoofdstuk van Jesaia, the CXXI ​​en CXXII Psalm, benevens other Godgeleerde en scriptural materials. Amsterdam 1755
  • The CVI Psalm ontleed en Verklaard, with doorwrogte aanteekeningen en aanmerkingen verrijkt, with eene voorrede van Alb. Voget over Psalm LXII: 2-3. Amsterdam 1758


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