Your pleasure is my pleasure too

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German title Your pleasure is my pleasure too
Original title Il tuo piacere è il mio
Country of production Italy
original language Italian
Publishing year 1972
length 93 minutes
Director Claudio Racca
script Claudio Racca
production Paolo Prestano
Anselmo Parrinello
music Franco Bixio based on motifs from Carl Orff's Carmina burana
camera Claudio Racca
cut Marcello Malvestito

Framework story

1st episode

2nd episode

3rd episode

4th episode

  • Lorenzo Piani : Filippo, the "little monk"
  • Barbara Bouchet: Whore
  • Giacomo Furia : Bishop of Chur
  • Lionel Stander: Cardinal of Ragusa

5th episode

The Italian feature film Your pleasure is also my pleasure ( Il tuo piacere è il mio ) from 1972 is an erotic farce that is set in the Middle Ages. Within a framework plot, episodes are best given that deal with unfaithful wives or lascivious high-ranking clerics, based on the maddening stories of Balzac . Some performers play multiple roles.


After they have enjoyed themselves naked in the garden, the blonde Grand Duchess and her maid instruct the servants to prepare for a feast. One tells the other about a young woman who was married to an older husband of wilted manhood, who wanted a child and who therefore had to rely on the help of another man. The noble ladies mix laxatives in food and drink before their guests arrive - a cardinal, a merchant and other distinguished gentlemen. At the round table, it is up to each guest to tell a story.

The cardinal tells the second episode about a dyer, around whose beautiful wife several other men sneaked around at the wedding. She got into bed with one of them and outsmarted another, the godfather. Together with the husband, he devised a vengeance that went wrong.

The Grand Duchess, narrator of the 3rd episode, reports how Francis I of France was imprisoned by Charles, King of Spain. The love fool suffered from abstinence and promised the guardian lands if he could get him a woman. First he brought him the Spaniard Joselita, who insists on the issuance of a papal bull granting her absolution for the sins that she still intended to commit. Although Franz was impressed by her, he longed for a woman of even more noble mind. The guard sent him a nameless one who knocked him over. It was the guard's wife.

In the fourth episode, the treasurer tells of the young monk Filippo who wanted to save a prostitute. However, she took a liking to him. As he dined with her, the Bishop of Chur and the Cardinal of Ragusa came to visit one after the other . The cardinal chased away the bishop, and the prostitute the cardinal. She kept her “little monk”, whom she loved dearly.

In the 5th episode, the Grand Duke describes the sufferings of the usurer Ferron from Genoa, who had bought the vow from the beautiful Rosalia's father for a large sum. But the woman refused and became the king's mistress and whore. Ferron tried to get into her bed unrecognized as a suitor, but her maid saw through the game. The two women outwitted Ferron by laying his maid in bed instead of Rosalia in the dark.

The guests suffer from diarrhea, and the Grand Duchess and her friend pretend to the cardinal that the toilets are occupied, which makes the Grand Duke princely amused.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. . Scheda dell'Archivio del Cinema Italiano - Anica. In: Retrieved December 24, 2016 (Italian).
  2. Paolo Mereghetti: Il Mereghetti ( Italian ). BC Dalai Editore, 2010 ,, ISBN 8860736269 .
  3. ^ Marco Giusti: Dizionario dei film italiani stracult ( Italian ). Sperling & Kupfer , Milan, 1999, ISBN 8820029197 .